Thursday, 21 January 2016

worrying and being anxiety struck is our habit, culture...and let us not make our children to learn this from us without their knowledge (automatically), at least for their sake, let us change!!

Dear all...WORRYING and always soaked in ANXIETY is in our genes as it is our culture!! If you just look up and think what you do from morning to night you will notice that you are always worrying or anxiety struck about something or the other consciously or subconsciously.
When children see us in this state, they also pick up this habit or worrying or remaining soaked in anxiety!!
All of us we know that worrying is useless, listing what is to be done to solve the problem that is giving the worries and doing them with fun and happiness is the way we can come out of this habit and culture.
If not for us, at least for the sake of our children not getting this habit and disease (through learning without their knowledge) and killing themselves, let us cultivate and develop this new habit of NOT WORRYING!!
Whatever has to happen will happen!
Everything that happens is always for our good!
Nature knows what can keep us peaceful, happy, healthy and successful!
Worrying is not going to change the destiny!
Worrying keeps us busy, sad, anxiety struck but not worrying liberates, makes us to enjoy each moment, keeps us happy!
Child birth, growing, attaining age, good school, good college, good marks, good job, marriage, good match, grand children, their life...allllllllllllllll will happen correctly and good only!...all these are Natural and you worrying is not going to help in anyyyyyyyyway!! will only deteriorate your health and take you away from this world leaving your wife and children orphans!!...Do you want this to happen?
Then don't worry, be happy and enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
Let us teach the habit of being happy to our children!! But idiots we are, we get more worried when the children are tooo happy, thinking they are irresponsible!!....if they are worried then we are happy, but only when they are worried too much and are unable to do what we expect them to do, then we get worried!!
Fantastic people we are!!
peacefully yours...rams

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