Dear all...some times when i say 'finally land up on the lap of spiritual leaders' or such other similar things, some get hurt...the point is...
right from the day of birth we are supposed to be happy, healthy, peaceful, contented and in the path of self actualisation (i.e acquiring multiple skills, knowledge, world wide experience and reach the authoritative position in them). Our parents and all others around us during the process of our growth should know all these and about 'how to live with all these five words'...'what is life?' etc...they should also know all the environmental and social variables that act on us constantly all the time and make us not to get these five words, and the ways we can escape from these variables and put the life and living on track of these five words!!
If this is the case then there will be no special word called spirituality...spiritual people...spiritual it is always there every where and with every one...and we are always engulfed, immersed, dissolved and surrounded with spirituality or enlightenment or nirvana...from the people, aura and environment around...
so, it automatically becomes a culture, way of living for need to learn from anyone specially...we are in it and don't see it differently...
presently what is happening is no one knows what is life and living, they follow a materialistic life, teach children also the same, they don't know how to live in peace, harmony, happy, contented etc, so the children taught by them, the same, also run and live mad, and at the end of life the parents know the truth or the definition of life and living, on their own or through some one that there is a mutt or spiritual guru who teaches what life is, they go and learn, they tell their children who are in their forties or fifties when they feel they have almost finished their lives and they are not able to tell their children this, as they don't listen, because their children are already in their twenties when everything is decided for and by no use!...the cycle will continue!!
i think during the process of evolution, when human beings became different from other animals, there must have been a period when they all lived peacefully, contented, happily etc either alone or with the others in socialisation...the length of this period may be small or big...i don't know...but there must have been a period when the life was on track and on rails....only during the process of further evolution of civilisation, possessiveness, jealousy etc these five words must have got forgotten from the culture, and people like Buddha or Jesus etc must have come to put the definition on track...but sad, still many parents live off the track, and so are their children!!
so, i have no hate feelings against any person or fact i also share their i don't look at the person, i only look at what is i believe in ''who' is not important, 'what' is said is important'
there has to be a start some time...let that moment be now and all the present parents or future parents know 'what is life? How to live with these five words?' etc, on their own or from some one, and bring that as a culture in their family and circles...
Dear answer...
"why do you say landing up on the lap of gurus or mutts is wrong?...It is good only naa?"
"if some one can get that wisdom of 'what is life?..How we should live?' from childhood from parents (as demo models, role models etc) and lives with it all along is actually really blessed than some one who lives without all that wisdom and finally lands up with a 'need' and 'thirst' for that wisdom on their lap at the middle or near end of life"...this is what i meant...
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