Dear had rained here in the Nature is shining everywhere...
Look at these shining diamond water drop lets!!...They are sooo beautiful and soothing!!...Created by Nature. They have no needs and expectations. Will give peace to all and vanish after some time. Very short life. But no harm to any one. They are on the gutter side. They are insignificant to those who are full of worries and anxiety in the mind. But they are significant to those who are with calm, cool, free, happy and peaceful mind!...Only such people can appreciate their beauty. So, beauties do exist on the gutter side also provided we have the eyes to see them.
We are also like these water droplets only in the ocean of population in the world. We too are insignificant to those who are full of worries and anxiety. Our beauty is seen only by those who are with free and cool mind to appreciate our beauty. If we don't have expectations and needs from others, we will always remain to be beautiful for all. We will only radiate love and peace.

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