Friday, 22 January 2016

Let us create our identity though WHAT WE ARE and not WHAT WE HAVE!

Dear all...most of us try to get our social status, status in family, status in the organisations, status amongst our relatives and friends, the ego status, that 'i am best' 'i am great' 'i am unique' 'i am better than you' 'i am better than all' 'i am powerful than you all!' through WHAT WE HAVE or WHAT WE POSSESS!!...So, some spend money to become an MLA or MP or Minister or a Lion or a Rotarian or buy the costliest wrist watch, build a big mansion and such other things. So, some earn big money to get this IDENTITY. This ego isolates us from others, brings a barrier between us and others, and we become alone and feel lonely. This is a differentiating or jealousy creating identity which is negative.
We need to get the identity through WHAT WE ARE!!...this is what we have to teach to our children, not orally, but by being WHAT WE ARE!!, as, children do not listen using ears, they believe what they see and perceive using eyes.
Even on olden days, in villages, the zamindar had his identity using WHAT HE HAD or WHAT HE POSSESSED. The poor, simple and noble village school teacher also had his IDENTITY through WHAT HE WAS!!...The difference in the identity both had is known to all of us. The former commanded people through order and control. The later conquered the hearts of all through his personality traits, love and affection, being noble, friendly, without any ego, being close to people, being kind and every one loved him affectionately.
From age 13 to 20 is the identity forming stage in life, where the children who do not have any power, authority, education or money or wealth try to create their own identity among the peers. If he or she has learnt IDENTITY CREATION THROUGH WHAT THEY HAVE OR POSSESS, then they take or demand big money from parents to buy the costly things around and wear or possess, so that they creat their uniqueness and identity and they start believing that their friends accept them in their circles with this identity. This does not create good and real friends for them. And we cry saying 'my son is spoiled!'
So, if not for us, at least for the sake our children, let us create our identities through WHAT WE ARE and not WHAT WE HAVE or WHAT WE POSSESS!!
peacefully yours....rams

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