Saturday, 2 January 2016

How we learn and teach relationships, love and lust to our children?

Dear all...
When animals come in front of us, we kill them, either to eat and enjoy the taste of the flesh for pleasure or avoid they being threats for our lives.
When we go to their habitats they also kill us, either to eat us for their survival or to avoid we being threats for their lives.
Who teaches whom and what?...They have learnt this from nature by birth as survival instinct. We???
We buy young chickens, play with them along with children, enjoy the happiness value and one day kill, eat and say ‘Whavv!! What a tasty chicken!’
There is a video in youtube where a couple bring-in home a cute small puppy dog and every one plays happily with it for some time and one day they cut it off, cook and eat on the dining table as a family, enjoy the taste and say “What a tasty puppy dog!!”
Even the children in these families do not show any sort of sadness or sorrow in thinking, emotions or behaviour for missing their loved chicken or puppy dog!! (forget the ‘grown-ups’(?) as they do these at home/organisations/community etc all the time!!)
When we see them nicely playing with lots of cuddling, love and affection we tend to feel that they enjoy giving and taking love in this relationship. Only when we see them eating with all the saliva flowing, we tend to get a feeling that it was not love, it was not a relationship, it was not lust either, it was just an event in life and they will go to their next chicken or puppy next day or same day, to love and eat it another day!
No wonder the kids also learn this and create friendships and other relationships with others, enjoy, love, lust and eat them off, wash off their hands, without any feelings or emotions, as if nothing ever has happened between them, and go for new people, new relationships to continue their journey of lust and love!!
We feel such people eat off their love, do not bother about losing their long term love for short term pleasure of lust etc, but they feel ‘First of all, where was the love?’!!
They have no comments or opinions on this and feel it is right, correct, the way of life, the culture, way of living etc. We will only become mad people in front of them!!
They will also say that it was just a life event/happening and not love from their side and neither friendship, it was only ‘all sorts of perceptions’ from our side!!...If we say with all the tears ‘Do you mean to say that all the emotions, feelings and all that we did and had together was all ‘yet another normal life events’? , they will only ask us without any feelings or emotions ‘Are you mad?..please get off my way!’ and keep moving without any care, giving us a great shock and a life time learning experience!!
This happens when their brain is not perceiving need for love and affection or perceiving already full and no further need for love and affection. Brain secretions decide this. This sort of living and belief can go on till they perceive the need for love and affection from animals, people and other parts of Nature!!
We have all kinds of people. They are right in their way, and you are right in your way. As long as it does not affect the happiness, peace, health, contentment and success it becomes right for them, and it only becomes ignorant on our part for not knowing all these in life.
Peacefully yours...rams...

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