Monday 20 May 2024

Sir, How to become a Nobel Laureate?

 Dear all,

When we observe the Nature, when we question its actions, processes, creations, undertake a life long journey of understanding, researching, and finding the truths and philosophies of Nature, formulating the theory, discover and document the way Nature functions, describe the detailed nano and micro activities undertaken by Nature, work on the tiny substances it creates, revealing the time precision with which it works and the coordination of time and activities/processes, the amazing speeds with which it works without our realization, the way it works without creating any noticeable sound, and unravelling the complex phenomenon, bringing out the underlying facts, predicting it's future evolution, is the way to become a Nobel Laureate.  

Yours peacefully...Rams...

Dr.Prof.Captain (IN).M Ramasubramanian, IIM Kashipur (Retd).
BSc (AS),BTech, MTech, MBA, MSc, C. Eng.(India) 
PhD (Elec. Engg), PhD (Psy), SMIEEE (USA), FIE, FIETE, MISTE, MAeSI