hai friends...how are you?
hope you enjoyed the previous song...when i attach songs some are facing problem as it eats off the Mbs in their mobile...so i have decided to send only the youtube link...if some one wants the song then i can send it separately as attachment.
I like all types of music as long as it gives peace and happiness to me. Preferably i should be able to 'see' the music not by video but as audio!!...here is a beautiful malayalam song...you tube link is...http://youtu.be/BZxhM7O7vPk...i got this song during late 80s from my friend suresh babu...thank you boss!...hope you all also enjoy it.
this mail will interest every one here as it is about relationships all of us come across in our lives...emotional relationships!
as usual, nothing typed here is given in any book or any where...there are my own words or understanding. So, kick me if you feel different!
in the previous mail i typed one para...."there is another village girl of tamil nadu who gives an excellent definition of love which answers to the most important and biggest problem in life around the world!
what is that definition?...what
is that problem?...what is that million dollar solution?"
this is given in this mail...but before reaching it, let us discuss something about this emotional relationships...
what is an emotional relationship?...a relationship in which we share emotions!!...we can also call it is a relationship where emotion is present...it is the link between us and the other...a relationship where we experience primary emotions like happiness or sorrow or both and all other secondary emotions too (e.g frustration, anxiety, wonder etc)...in such relationships eyes gather tears due to sorrow or happiness some time or the other...some people even feel happy when they shed tears in sorrow in love!! (whether it is right mental state of health or not is a different issue...separate, lengthy issue!)...
in an emotional relationship we keep thinking about 'the source of emotion' (let us say X...where x refers to a human being or item or living organism or existing or imaginary or place)...we prefer it to be present with us...always...we want to see...we want to talk...we might talk only selective issues or everything and anything under the sky....we might want to be physical from touching, cuddling, kissing to anything and everything.
without emotions we become machines. So, emotions distinguish us from machines...make us living beings...as we can experience many and complex emotions we become distinct from other living organisms...as human beings!...so, there is no healthy human being who does not have or share emotions!...therefore, we can not live without emotions and emotional relationships. It is a basic need. We will die without this. If some one does not experience emotions (may or may not be visible) he needs treatment.
ok. So, where is the problem with emotions in life?...almost all problems in life are due to emotions!!...related to our perception regarding the source of emotions!!...so, we need to learn to be with positive emotions always. We need to perceive only positive feelings with our sources of emotions. Only this state of mind will give us happiness. If we perceive negative feelings with our sources of emotions then we will feel only unhappy and experience negative emotions like frustration, sadness, anger etc which will affect our body and mind.
Are negative perceptions due to the sources of emotions?...May be or may not be. But what we perceive matters to us. If you want to be happy then perceive positivity.
relationship happens with living and non living. There is never a problem when we have emotional relationship with a living or non living or dead, in fantasies. Here there is no necessity of the item or the individual to be present with us sparing time and other resources. e.g lover or spouse or soul mate living far away, dead parents (one of my friend worships a photo in which red coloured foot prints are there...foot prints of right and left foot...he says 'when my mother died i understood the value of my mother. I tore off my hands with a blade, applied the blood on her feet bottom, took the foot prints on a paper, framed it...it is my god!...the only god i worship!!'...most of us understand the value of a relationship or item or person only when it gets lost or goes away from us!!!), siblings, lover, friend, puppy or any other pet, non living (except when it is lost or taken away by some one or damaged). Some times we are able to buy one more and feel happy again (unless it is presented by some one with whom we had/have emotional relationship).
we develop emotional relationship with places, our home, the pets at home, nature (sky, rainbow, rain, chill breeze etc) too. We develop emotional relationships with people whom we never met (e.g writers, artists etc). There is no age restriction in emotional relationships e.g we love even elderly people, infants, children...it has no gender too...a male can have emotional relationship with a male (e.g friendship or homosexual) or female...similarly a female can have emotional relationship with a female or male...therefore, emotional relationship has no boundaries or limits whatsoever.
we can type hundreds of pages on this issue...let me try typing some which will encompass everything! when we type examples and case studies then the length of the mail will go to many pages (hmmm...some might feel without examples it is not nice or not understood)
Why nature has given this emotional relationship?...or emotions?
it is required to attract or get attracted to people for giving birth to off springs...for life to continue on earth...for rearing of the off springs...to keep the mind happy and healthy there by keeping our body healthy, to remain together...to remain connected with people, items, places and nature...to form a network with anything and everything around us...so that nothing remains isolated...no one remains isolated...there is some one or something for every one and every thing!
Does blood relationship mean emotional relationship to exist?...need not be. Emotional relationship will exist only if socialization takes place between the people. It also depends upon the type, duration, and level of socialisation. Physical or mental or both?...physical presence...how much of emotions both perceive with respect to each other...
emotional relationship can exist only if we 'like' the other person...if we perceive happiness from that person...this like could be based on physical looks or personality traits...we like people for their physical looks (e.g people love film stars and other beautiful/handsome looking people in society)...we like characters portrayed by them...so, if they play in some other role we don't like them...but if we like only their physical looks then role or character played does not matter...if we like a person purely for physical looks, then it will vanish once the looks vanish or we find another person with better looks or we get bored with the looks of the first...but if we like the personality traits of an individual, then we will like that person till the traits remain...generally basic traits remain for ever...all learnt traits can be changed...based on 'needs' at that particular stage in life also the personality traits change...so, the emotional relationship remains as long as the 'liked personality traits' or 'liked physical looks' remain...mostly an emotional relationship whose back bone is 'liked personality traits' is likely to remain for life time...if there are any strains also it can be corrected...two people married or living together does not mean there is emotional relationship between them...those who live for society sake or for the sake of the children / parents / in-laws etc need not have emotional relationships...or they might have 'negative emotional relationships' leading to negative emotions...
the word personality traits encompass everything like intelligence, emotional quotient, maturity, etc...it is a big list which you can get from google...
some of us develop emotional relationships with saints, gurus, leaders, administrators, political leaders etc even if they are not looking beautiful or we don't know their personality traits...we form an 'image' from their looks and authoritative position about their personality traits which we like, and start developing emotional relationship with them...we expect them to have a set of personality traits...we like those personality traits..and therefore, we like them at the first sight or with few sittings and develop emotional relationship with them...
also there are several types of emotional relationships...for e.g relationships we have with parents, with siblings, with friends, with other relatives, with lover(s), with spouse...all these are different...the physical involvement and mental involvement levels are different...
nature has blessed us (cursed us???...no!...it is not a curse!) with an ability to have same type and level of emotional relationship with
more than one person, item and place. We can love two people with same emotional levels even with physical involvement to same levels. This holds good for items and places too. e.g we like the gifts of two different people to the same level. We love two places where we have enjoyed the nature, people and relationships with them to the same extent.
What is curse is 'possessiveness'!...our 'expectations' from x which they are unable to fulfill!...we might be experiencing some type or level of emotional relationship with one but the other person may not experience the same type or level of emotional relationship with us (one sided love...'i felt you like my brother only' types!)...this leads to unhappiness, bad health and problems in life.......we can be possessive about more than one people, item or places. But they may not be possessive about us. We may not like they being possessive about others or other places or other items. Legally we can not find a solution for all these type of emotional relationships. All these lead to problems in emotional relationships.
like this, emotions and emotional relationships are highly complicated...therefore, there are problems!!
..but we can not live without experiencing these in our lives. We only should know how to manage them well. That is all.
The film world in india is surviving with so many types and numbers of films only because of this complexity!
Day in and day out, every second, in every media, we keep hearing about all issues of rape, murder, divorce etc etc are all related directly or indirectly to these complex emotional relationships we have with places, people, items with one sidedness, possessiveness and expectations!!!
our first emotional relationship starts with the mother...the first and the best emotional relationship on earth. If it is not best, it is only our perception. The very fact that she has grown us in her body for 10 months and given birth to us through a process which is 'life and death' for her is itself a big sacrifice (saying 'she did it for her own safety as MTP was not possible' etc is all negative thinking). A mother might throw the baby here and there and vanish out of circumstantial issues. But i am sure she will cry for ever throughout her life searching for that baby once she is out of the circumstantial issue. All said and done, mother is the first emotional relationship and x. Then we develop emotional relationship with father, siblings, grand parents and all other relatives. But it does not suffice for us. Why? because of the variety of physical and mental needs we have to say we are 'satisfied' and happy...what are the other problems and complications?
how emotional relationships develop?...what are the different stages?...why the type and level of emotional relationships are different?....why the perceptions between two people regarding the type and level of emotional relationship is different?...why nature has given this ability to like or love many in the same way and same levels?...why nature has given 'possessiveness' and 'expectations'?
wofff...i am unable to tell the answer for the question of my previous mail here also as it has become too lengthy and i don't have time to type more...sorry yaar!...for the above and also adding more questions at the end of this mail and making you to remain with anxiety for the next mail. .
...i will end this issue certainly in the next
.....i can hear you asking 'but when?'...certainly tomorrow...is it
bye...take care...keep rocking!
hope you enjoyed the previous song...when i attach songs some are facing problem as it eats off the Mbs in their mobile...so i have decided to send only the youtube link...if some one wants the song then i can send it separately as attachment.
I like all types of music as long as it gives peace and happiness to me. Preferably i should be able to 'see' the music not by video but as audio!!...here is a beautiful malayalam song...you tube link is...http://youtu.be/BZxhM7O7vPk...i got this song during late 80s from my friend suresh babu...thank you boss!...hope you all also enjoy it.
this mail will interest every one here as it is about relationships all of us come across in our lives...emotional relationships!
as usual, nothing typed here is given in any book or any where...there are my own words or understanding. So, kick me if you feel different!
in the previous mail i typed one para...."there is another village girl of tamil nadu who gives an excellent definition of love which answers to the most important and biggest problem in life around the world!
this is given in this mail...but before reaching it, let us discuss something about this emotional relationships...
what is an emotional relationship?...a relationship in which we share emotions!!...we can also call it is a relationship where emotion is present...it is the link between us and the other...a relationship where we experience primary emotions like happiness or sorrow or both and all other secondary emotions too (e.g frustration, anxiety, wonder etc)...in such relationships eyes gather tears due to sorrow or happiness some time or the other...some people even feel happy when they shed tears in sorrow in love!! (whether it is right mental state of health or not is a different issue...separate, lengthy issue!)...
in an emotional relationship we keep thinking about 'the source of emotion' (let us say X...where x refers to a human being or item or living organism or existing or imaginary or place)...we prefer it to be present with us...always...we want to see...we want to talk...we might talk only selective issues or everything and anything under the sky....we might want to be physical from touching, cuddling, kissing to anything and everything.
without emotions we become machines. So, emotions distinguish us from machines...make us living beings...as we can experience many and complex emotions we become distinct from other living organisms...as human beings!...so, there is no healthy human being who does not have or share emotions!...therefore, we can not live without emotions and emotional relationships. It is a basic need. We will die without this. If some one does not experience emotions (may or may not be visible) he needs treatment.
ok. So, where is the problem with emotions in life?...almost all problems in life are due to emotions!!...related to our perception regarding the source of emotions!!...so, we need to learn to be with positive emotions always. We need to perceive only positive feelings with our sources of emotions. Only this state of mind will give us happiness. If we perceive negative feelings with our sources of emotions then we will feel only unhappy and experience negative emotions like frustration, sadness, anger etc which will affect our body and mind.
Are negative perceptions due to the sources of emotions?...May be or may not be. But what we perceive matters to us. If you want to be happy then perceive positivity.
relationship happens with living and non living. There is never a problem when we have emotional relationship with a living or non living or dead, in fantasies. Here there is no necessity of the item or the individual to be present with us sparing time and other resources. e.g lover or spouse or soul mate living far away, dead parents (one of my friend worships a photo in which red coloured foot prints are there...foot prints of right and left foot...he says 'when my mother died i understood the value of my mother. I tore off my hands with a blade, applied the blood on her feet bottom, took the foot prints on a paper, framed it...it is my god!...the only god i worship!!'...most of us understand the value of a relationship or item or person only when it gets lost or goes away from us!!!), siblings, lover, friend, puppy or any other pet, non living (except when it is lost or taken away by some one or damaged). Some times we are able to buy one more and feel happy again (unless it is presented by some one with whom we had/have emotional relationship).
we develop emotional relationship with places, our home, the pets at home, nature (sky, rainbow, rain, chill breeze etc) too. We develop emotional relationships with people whom we never met (e.g writers, artists etc). There is no age restriction in emotional relationships e.g we love even elderly people, infants, children...it has no gender too...a male can have emotional relationship with a male (e.g friendship or homosexual) or female...similarly a female can have emotional relationship with a female or male...therefore, emotional relationship has no boundaries or limits whatsoever.
we can type hundreds of pages on this issue...let me try typing some which will encompass everything! when we type examples and case studies then the length of the mail will go to many pages (hmmm...some might feel without examples it is not nice or not understood)
Why nature has given this emotional relationship?...or emotions?
it is required to attract or get attracted to people for giving birth to off springs...for life to continue on earth...for rearing of the off springs...to keep the mind happy and healthy there by keeping our body healthy, to remain together...to remain connected with people, items, places and nature...to form a network with anything and everything around us...so that nothing remains isolated...no one remains isolated...there is some one or something for every one and every thing!
Does blood relationship mean emotional relationship to exist?...need not be. Emotional relationship will exist only if socialization takes place between the people. It also depends upon the type, duration, and level of socialisation. Physical or mental or both?...physical presence...how much of emotions both perceive with respect to each other...
emotional relationship can exist only if we 'like' the other person...if we perceive happiness from that person...this like could be based on physical looks or personality traits...we like people for their physical looks (e.g people love film stars and other beautiful/handsome looking people in society)...we like characters portrayed by them...so, if they play in some other role we don't like them...but if we like only their physical looks then role or character played does not matter...if we like a person purely for physical looks, then it will vanish once the looks vanish or we find another person with better looks or we get bored with the looks of the first...but if we like the personality traits of an individual, then we will like that person till the traits remain...generally basic traits remain for ever...all learnt traits can be changed...based on 'needs' at that particular stage in life also the personality traits change...so, the emotional relationship remains as long as the 'liked personality traits' or 'liked physical looks' remain...mostly an emotional relationship whose back bone is 'liked personality traits' is likely to remain for life time...if there are any strains also it can be corrected...two people married or living together does not mean there is emotional relationship between them...those who live for society sake or for the sake of the children / parents / in-laws etc need not have emotional relationships...or they might have 'negative emotional relationships' leading to negative emotions...
the word personality traits encompass everything like intelligence, emotional quotient, maturity, etc...it is a big list which you can get from google...
some of us develop emotional relationships with saints, gurus, leaders, administrators, political leaders etc even if they are not looking beautiful or we don't know their personality traits...we form an 'image' from their looks and authoritative position about their personality traits which we like, and start developing emotional relationship with them...we expect them to have a set of personality traits...we like those personality traits..and therefore, we like them at the first sight or with few sittings and develop emotional relationship with them...
also there are several types of emotional relationships...for e.g relationships we have with parents, with siblings, with friends, with other relatives, with lover(s), with spouse...all these are different...the physical involvement and mental involvement levels are different...
nature has blessed us (cursed us???...no!...it is not a curse!) with an ability to have same type and level of emotional relationship with
more than one person, item and place. We can love two people with same emotional levels even with physical involvement to same levels. This holds good for items and places too. e.g we like the gifts of two different people to the same level. We love two places where we have enjoyed the nature, people and relationships with them to the same extent.
What is curse is 'possessiveness'!...our 'expectations' from x which they are unable to fulfill!...we might be experiencing some type or level of emotional relationship with one but the other person may not experience the same type or level of emotional relationship with us (one sided love...'i felt you like my brother only' types!)...this leads to unhappiness, bad health and problems in life.......we can be possessive about more than one people, item or places. But they may not be possessive about us. We may not like they being possessive about others or other places or other items. Legally we can not find a solution for all these type of emotional relationships. All these lead to problems in emotional relationships.
like this, emotions and emotional relationships are highly complicated...therefore, there are problems!!
The film world in india is surviving with so many types and numbers of films only because of this complexity!
Day in and day out, every second, in every media, we keep hearing about all issues of rape, murder, divorce etc etc are all related directly or indirectly to these complex emotional relationships we have with places, people, items with one sidedness, possessiveness and expectations!!!
our first emotional relationship starts with the mother...the first and the best emotional relationship on earth. If it is not best, it is only our perception. The very fact that she has grown us in her body for 10 months and given birth to us through a process which is 'life and death' for her is itself a big sacrifice (saying 'she did it for her own safety as MTP was not possible' etc is all negative thinking). A mother might throw the baby here and there and vanish out of circumstantial issues. But i am sure she will cry for ever throughout her life searching for that baby once she is out of the circumstantial issue. All said and done, mother is the first emotional relationship and x. Then we develop emotional relationship with father, siblings, grand parents and all other relatives. But it does not suffice for us. Why? because of the variety of physical and mental needs we have to say we are 'satisfied' and happy...what are the other problems and complications?
how emotional relationships develop?...what are the different stages?...why the type and level of emotional relationships are different?....why the perceptions between two people regarding the type and level of emotional relationship is different?...why nature has given this ability to like or love many in the same way and same levels?...why nature has given 'possessiveness' and 'expectations'?
wofff...i am unable to tell the answer for the question of my previous mail here also as it has become too lengthy and i don't have time to type more...sorry yaar!...for the above and also adding more questions at the end of this mail and making you to remain with anxiety for the next mail. .
bye...take care...keep rocking!