hai friends...i can see you boiling with fumes and bubbles from the boiling blood after reading the subject title!
...let us see if it still boils when you reach the end of the mail!
what is culture?...culture is the full range of 'learned' human behavior patterns...culture is not common for all...it differs...
it does not talk about natural behaviours as they are common for all...
learning means a process that results in relatively permanent change in behavior...all learning take place through our five sensors...mostly through hearing, reading, observation and touch sense...smell and taste also teach and make us learn...
culture is complex...the complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by human beings...
in short culture is 'way of life' and 'way of living'...way of life defines the philosophies of our life with boundaries...may be the covert behaviours...i.e any mental, social, or physical action or practice that is not immediately observable...i.e the result of sensory inputs and the cognition...i.e what ever we have heard, read, observed, experienced and sensed through touch, smell and taste...these combined with our thinking, analysis and firmed up behaviour...when it is exhibited outside which can be observed and measured, it is called overt behaviour...
way of living is the exhibited behaviour...i.e overt behaviours...those behaviours that are observable and measurable...when we physically or mentally sense a threat or perform an activity, then the covert behaviours (way of life) are exhibited externally as overt behaviours (way of living)
ok...with this knowledge about culture, now let us get back to our 'bloody indian culture!'
any culture ie way of life and living should result in good health and happiness...i.e good physical, mental and social well-being and happiness...
Does our way of life or living give us good health and happiness?...i.e our eating behaviours, our dressing behaviours, our social behaviours, our health behaviours, our mental concepts (i.e including all belief systems...the unproven beliefs), our way of entertainment (relaxation, stress bursting etc)...are they giving us good health and happiness?
most of the adults have diabetes or hypertension or one of the cardio vascular diseases or some disorder or disability or disease caused due to wrong behaviours...i.e wrong eating, or dressing (eg tight indian blouse) or social behaviours (all that we watch in tv serials and real life), health behaviours, mental concepts (filled with superstitions), entertainment (starting from tea, coffee to booze, smoking and those involving addictive chemicals) and not due to micro organisms...almost all children in india are into a set of above habits which will lead them to these diseases when they become adults...
these are called 'life style' diseases...i.e diseases caused due to wrong way of living and wrong way of life...i.e due to wrong culture...i.e our culture is wrong...i.e our indian culture is wrong!!!...i.e indian culture can not give us good physical, mental and social well-being and happiness!!!
...so, nothing wrong in calling it as 'bloody indian culture'!!!
some think that indian culture is the best...does it mean the rest of the cultures around the world are bad?...if so, 'we should be the happiest and healthiest in the world and all others should be unhappy and unhealthy?...is this the situation?
so, the truth is
1. indian culture is one among the best
2. every culture has good and bad...i.e behaviours which cause good helath and happiness and behaviours which can lead to bad health and unhappiness...
3. we need to pick up the 'good' from all and form a 'new indian culture' which will be THE BEST!!!...ie a set of mental and physical behaviours that will lead to the best state of physical, mental and social well-being!!!!
for this we need to come out of the feeling that 'Indian culture is the best'...keep the eyes, ears and brain open to accept reading, listening and observing other cultures too...
at the moment we define any culture other than indian to be 'western culture' and we can't think beyond 'western culture means 'sleeping with many' and 'revealing dresses'!!!....our thinking is so narrow...when we look at a foreigner the first image that appears is 'he or she will sleep with any one and does not mind to go nude in open'...nothing beyond that...i am referring to a common indian!...is our indian mental culture so narrow, shallow and cheap??
ok...now let us again get back to our 'bloody indian culture'
we are indians...indian culture is one among the best...it ensures good physical, mental and social well-being and happiness...we follow indian culture...then why are we not happy and healthy??
because we do not follow the true indian culture...(so, in real behavioural sense we are not indians!!!!
) because we don't know...or 'only know' and do not follow...
this situation has arised because our parents and others at home and outside do not follow the true indian culture...
then what is true indian culture????...let us see behaviour wise...
1. physical and mental health...our ancestors found out the yoga, asanas, meditation and such physical and mental exercises...natural healing methods...these lead to good physical health, efficient functioning of the organs, optimal neuro transmitter and hormonal secretions...resulting in balanced emotions...so, they were sharp, intelligent, pleasing, radiating, calm, experiencing only happiness...no obesity...no cardio vascular diseases...no diabetes, hypertension etc...they only got diseases due to micro organisms...
the indian way of living was developed based on nature...close to nature...observing nature and the products of nature...plants and animals...using natural food, medicines etc...believing in only five natural forces as gods...so, it was the best and easy to follow...only those who came in-between brought all unnatural way of living, man made chemicals and superstitions...and made our way of living non-indian!!!...so all health problems in body and mind!!!!
these in-between people made our culture constantly changing and easily lost and now it exists only in our minds!!!
exercise should be part of our life like brushing, bathing etc...but presently it is only an intervention to cure once we get a disease...so, let us bring it as our 'way of life' and 'way of living', if not for us, at least for our kids, our future generations who learn the culture from us!!...let us not preach but be an example!!
we are supposed to follow an 'exercise regime' comprising of bits of all 'five' types of exercises to get a complete good health...(these five types, we will see in next mail)
2. social and health behaviours...indian education system teaches this through the science, social and moral science books...we need to follow this in our life...so that they also read and follow and convert the reading into 'learning'...i was lucky to be born in a poor family and go to corporation schools where i was taught 'Thirukkural'...the best to learn indian culture!!!
3. eating behaviours...our ancestors recommended only plant food...not animal products...for tropical living...also natural food...not cooked food...or steam cooked food...also 'eat when hungry'...i lived in -30 degree celsius in arctic circle with just plant food...i found my health at its best!!
our mothers only know and do 'tasty cooking' and not 'health cooking'...so the culture goes to children too...also we eat all junk food...nature god has given cheap healthy stuff like goose berries, banana, papaya, lemon, mosambi, corn etc and lots of vegetables too...so, let us not blame the cost of food items...junk foods are costlier than these foods...
eat junk a little and infrequently...no probs...but eat the healthy ones too...
like this it goes on...as the mail is growing long we will see the indian culture in detail in the future mails...
the problem with us is, we know all these...they are only available in our brain as 'information'...like uninstalled software...and not as 'learning'...not as overt behaviours...not as culture...so, we spoil our children too...let us not blame others and society...let us be the 'change' agents at home and society!!
so, let us come out of this non indian culture...follow the true indian culture...become true indians...not just on paper...but in way of living too!
so, it is not 'bloody indian culture'...it is 'beautiful indian culture'!!! (wofff...i can feel the cool blood in your blood vessels now)!!
bye guys and gals...see you later...
what is culture?...culture is the full range of 'learned' human behavior patterns...culture is not common for all...it differs...
it does not talk about natural behaviours as they are common for all...
learning means a process that results in relatively permanent change in behavior...all learning take place through our five sensors...mostly through hearing, reading, observation and touch sense...smell and taste also teach and make us learn...
culture is complex...the complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by human beings...
in short culture is 'way of life' and 'way of living'...way of life defines the philosophies of our life with boundaries...may be the covert behaviours...i.e any mental, social, or physical action or practice that is not immediately observable...i.e the result of sensory inputs and the cognition...i.e what ever we have heard, read, observed, experienced and sensed through touch, smell and taste...these combined with our thinking, analysis and firmed up behaviour...when it is exhibited outside which can be observed and measured, it is called overt behaviour...
way of living is the exhibited behaviour...i.e overt behaviours...those behaviours that are observable and measurable...when we physically or mentally sense a threat or perform an activity, then the covert behaviours (way of life) are exhibited externally as overt behaviours (way of living)
ok...with this knowledge about culture, now let us get back to our 'bloody indian culture!'
any culture ie way of life and living should result in good health and happiness...i.e good physical, mental and social well-being and happiness...
Does our way of life or living give us good health and happiness?...i.e our eating behaviours, our dressing behaviours, our social behaviours, our health behaviours, our mental concepts (i.e including all belief systems...the unproven beliefs), our way of entertainment (relaxation, stress bursting etc)...are they giving us good health and happiness?
most of the adults have diabetes or hypertension or one of the cardio vascular diseases or some disorder or disability or disease caused due to wrong behaviours...i.e wrong eating, or dressing (eg tight indian blouse) or social behaviours (all that we watch in tv serials and real life), health behaviours, mental concepts (filled with superstitions), entertainment (starting from tea, coffee to booze, smoking and those involving addictive chemicals) and not due to micro organisms...almost all children in india are into a set of above habits which will lead them to these diseases when they become adults...
these are called 'life style' diseases...i.e diseases caused due to wrong way of living and wrong way of life...i.e due to wrong culture...i.e our culture is wrong...i.e our indian culture is wrong!!!...i.e indian culture can not give us good physical, mental and social well-being and happiness!!!
some think that indian culture is the best...does it mean the rest of the cultures around the world are bad?...if so, 'we should be the happiest and healthiest in the world and all others should be unhappy and unhealthy?...is this the situation?
so, the truth is
1. indian culture is one among the best
2. every culture has good and bad...i.e behaviours which cause good helath and happiness and behaviours which can lead to bad health and unhappiness...
3. we need to pick up the 'good' from all and form a 'new indian culture' which will be THE BEST!!!...ie a set of mental and physical behaviours that will lead to the best state of physical, mental and social well-being!!!!
for this we need to come out of the feeling that 'Indian culture is the best'...keep the eyes, ears and brain open to accept reading, listening and observing other cultures too...
at the moment we define any culture other than indian to be 'western culture' and we can't think beyond 'western culture means 'sleeping with many' and 'revealing dresses'!!!....our thinking is so narrow...when we look at a foreigner the first image that appears is 'he or she will sleep with any one and does not mind to go nude in open'...nothing beyond that...i am referring to a common indian!...is our indian mental culture so narrow, shallow and cheap??
ok...now let us again get back to our 'bloody indian culture'
we are indians...indian culture is one among the best...it ensures good physical, mental and social well-being and happiness...we follow indian culture...then why are we not happy and healthy??
because we do not follow the true indian culture...(so, in real behavioural sense we are not indians!!!!
this situation has arised because our parents and others at home and outside do not follow the true indian culture...
then what is true indian culture????...let us see behaviour wise...
1. physical and mental health...our ancestors found out the yoga, asanas, meditation and such physical and mental exercises...natural healing methods...these lead to good physical health, efficient functioning of the organs, optimal neuro transmitter and hormonal secretions...resulting in balanced emotions...so, they were sharp, intelligent, pleasing, radiating, calm, experiencing only happiness...no obesity...no cardio vascular diseases...no diabetes, hypertension etc...they only got diseases due to micro organisms...
the indian way of living was developed based on nature...close to nature...observing nature and the products of nature...plants and animals...using natural food, medicines etc...believing in only five natural forces as gods...so, it was the best and easy to follow...only those who came in-between brought all unnatural way of living, man made chemicals and superstitions...and made our way of living non-indian!!!...so all health problems in body and mind!!!!
these in-between people made our culture constantly changing and easily lost and now it exists only in our minds!!!
exercise should be part of our life like brushing, bathing etc...but presently it is only an intervention to cure once we get a disease...so, let us bring it as our 'way of life' and 'way of living', if not for us, at least for our kids, our future generations who learn the culture from us!!...let us not preach but be an example!!
we are supposed to follow an 'exercise regime' comprising of bits of all 'five' types of exercises to get a complete good health...(these five types, we will see in next mail)
2. social and health behaviours...indian education system teaches this through the science, social and moral science books...we need to follow this in our life...so that they also read and follow and convert the reading into 'learning'...i was lucky to be born in a poor family and go to corporation schools where i was taught 'Thirukkural'...the best to learn indian culture!!!
3. eating behaviours...our ancestors recommended only plant food...not animal products...for tropical living...also natural food...not cooked food...or steam cooked food...also 'eat when hungry'...i lived in -30 degree celsius in arctic circle with just plant food...i found my health at its best!!
our mothers only know and do 'tasty cooking' and not 'health cooking'...so the culture goes to children too...also we eat all junk food...nature god has given cheap healthy stuff like goose berries, banana, papaya, lemon, mosambi, corn etc and lots of vegetables too...so, let us not blame the cost of food items...junk foods are costlier than these foods...
eat junk a little and infrequently...no probs...but eat the healthy ones too...
like this it goes on...as the mail is growing long we will see the indian culture in detail in the future mails...
the problem with us is, we know all these...they are only available in our brain as 'information'...like uninstalled software...and not as 'learning'...not as overt behaviours...not as culture...so, we spoil our children too...let us not blame others and society...let us be the 'change' agents at home and society!!
so, let us come out of this non indian culture...follow the true indian culture...become true indians...not just on paper...but in way of living too!
so, it is not 'bloody indian culture'...it is 'beautiful indian culture'!!! (wofff...i can feel the cool blood in your blood vessels now)!!
bye guys and gals...see you later...
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