Hai every body…how are we?...
I could not stop myself typing this mail after hearing the news of successful deployment of ‘curiosity’ rover robot on Mars!!
has launched robots in the past on Mars, but this is unique, as many
technologies have been proved successful in this mission in an unseen
land in an environment with variables which have not been experienced.
Amazing, awesome are insufficient words to explain.
Those involved in development of systems, projectiles etc can understand the 100% success of this mission.
During a test firing of a missile, for a layman, the mission is
successful only if the missile hits the target and destroys it
completely. But for the designer if few of the listed aims are achieved,
the mission is successful e.g safe separation from launch platform,
successful trajectory of the projectile matching with the designed
envelope, functioning of propulsion systems, control systems, sensors,
track radar etc.
Wofff…sorry to bore you with such stuff…let us get back to our normal discussions about life…
I think real ‘aanadam’ or ‘soul filling happiness’ can be experienced only in ‘service through knowledge or skill or both’…knowledge is any useful information...skill is anything done with body parts...from engg skills to art skills (dance, sculpturing, painting etc)... service could be for few or for entire humanity…like these scientists who have worked as a team to find out the unknowns about life…it’s origin…existence of life away from earth…though individually they have worked only to prove their part of the design. But they are serving the humanity. They are in search of knowledge... Though they are paid well, I am sure they are not working for that. If money or wealth was their motive, they could have gone elsewhere and would have got paid much more than this. But their aim is to ‘Learn’ and therefore, they earn too as ‘learn’ has ‘earn’ in it...earn is a subset of learn and whereas learn is not a subset of earn...
our culture is to run behind money and wealth…not behind knowledge,
learning, skill development and to do service after acquiring
these…We push ourselves and our children to score marks…to educate…not
to ‘learn’…as our motive is only ‘earn’…we don’t look at if the child is
applying the knowledge and making its life with value…we are only
interested in the child scoring marks, so that we can keep our head up
in the society, we can self actualize through the children…though our
happiness is also for the child as it has shown the signs of coming up
in life to make its living, standing on its own legs…so the entire
society is running behind wealth to get all their comfort needs and
other needs met...they think they can realize all the (maslow's) needs
only through wealth, which is actually wrong...
The funda of our culture is child should score good marks, get good course, get well paid
job, should earn a lot in a short time, build houses, buy lots of gold,
stones, precious items at home, live a highly comfortable posh life
with cars, servants, respect from society through this acquired wealth,
or people should be scared due to the acquired status with wealth e.g
politicians…then what else…marriage, children, happiness derived from
the dynamics of family socialization, pushing these new children towards
a 'wealth centered' life can give only short spells of happiness here
and there…now and then…but can bring lots of unhappiness and vacuum
feelings too...due to never ending run for wealth accumulation...as
actually wealth can not get everything and therefore creates a void...a
feeling of 'everything is there but something is missing'...as it is NOT
POSSIBLE to achieve the top two levels of maslow’s hierarchy of needs
with just money…as they are related to pure knowledge and skills...even
we can say top three levels as love and affection also can not be
in our culture, because it is wealth centered, most of them struggle
even to get the first two basic levels of needs which are physiological
oriented…some educated or successful entrepreneurs are able to achieve
the next one level…few are able to reach up to the fourth level…very
few, who have focused not only on ‘performance’ but also on ‘potential’,
kept the knowledge and skill development as the back bone of their
lives are able to achieve the fifth level…and very very few out of these
who are not complacent about their
achievements only traverse through the sixth level…
centered life brings agony, ill-health due to bad personality traits
filled with comparison, jealousy, cheating, illegal and immoral means of
acquiring wealth, strained social relations etc
What I observed is if we run behind wealth, it will run away from us, as morally it is not right as per nature, the god which has produced all and everything…may be we will be able to make little wealth…but lose health…lose long term peace…lose long term happiness…and get only short spells of happiness or peace…also the wealth earned like this is not as tasty and respectful compared to the wealth that comes on its own through knowledge and skill…
we run behind knowledge, skill development and gaining experience
application of knowledge and skill…and applying it in our life too…i.e
‘learning’…keeping probably wealth at the back end server in the
brain…then wealth flows more than required as a by-product…while we
maintain health and experience the aanandam, peraanandam, soul filling
happiness and meaningful life and living etc…
‘Learning’ gives ‘earning’ too…as’ learn’ has ‘earn’…
Whereas ‘earn’ has only ‘earn’…no ‘learn’…
Whereas ‘earn’ has only ‘earn’…no ‘learn’…
need to remember the important lesson of life…in life the ‘intangibles’
help us throughout our life, whereas the ‘tangibles’ are short
lived…wealth is tangible…knowledge, skill and experience are
intangibles…e.g when we do a job with our knowledge and skill we gain
some money and experience…the money gets spent In no time and we
forget the comfort or happiness derived from this money in no
time…whereas the experience gained is not known to us, it lives in us,
and helps us throughout our life…so intangibles acquired through the
knowledge and skills are more valuable than our culture driven
let us focus ourselves, groom our children to run behind…knowledge,
skills and experience (with wealth at the back end server)…i.e the
intangibles…and not behind wealth…the tangible…
Art forms are skill related…
Applying knowledge is skill related…
Applying knowledge is skill related…
knowledge and skill is only a platform and when it is used to serve
others then the ‘aanandam’ or ‘peraanandam’ or ‘soul filling happiness’
is experienced…
guys an gals…let us not waste our time…waste our life…let us run
towards knowledge…acquiring of skills…may be one of the art forms…as
they are good stress busters too…run behind experience…run behind
learning…run to serve…and certainly not behind wealth…as it is only the’
necessary condition for living’…but not ‘sufficient condition for
life’…’living’ is the comforts we have…’life’ is the principles we
have…dawood ibrahim has a comfortable living compared to mahatma gandhi,
but mahatma lived a better, meaningful and respectful life than dawood
us live our life like mahatma or like these curious scientists who have
dedicated their lives and serve the humanity through their knowledge
and skills.
So, when
shall we design another ‘curiosity’?
...let us design our lives to keep it curious for others to know, learn and follow!
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