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"II MSc material science" <>
--- On Fri, 5/11/10, M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <> wrote:
Subject: LET US DIG OURSELVES - 'டேய் பன்னி! ஏன்டா என்னை ரெண்டு நாளா கட்டி புடிக்கலை!' - பாகம் இரண்டு
To: "Dr S Subha Rani HOD ECE PSG TECH" <>, "Gopal L Krishnan" <>, "kannichamy" <>, "l2cbe" <>, "Lakshmi Priya" <>,, "MISS GAYATRI PHD SCHOLAR" <>, "MR CHANDRA MOHAN PHD SCHOLAR" <>, "Mr Mahendra varman IL-38" <>, "mr meenakshi sundaram ex HAL Park engg college" <>, "pooja bahulikar" <>, "SATHIA MUTHU" <>, "Srini Kunnam" <>, "Srini Kunnam" <>, "Srini Kunnam" <>, "SUBHA GOWRI" <>, "SUDHA MATHI BSC CLASSMATE" <>, "Suresh Kumar" <>, "vasan raj" <>, "venkatesh" <>, "VIVIN BALAKRISHNAN" <>, "vkrishnaveni" <>
Date: Friday, 5 November, 2010, 1:52 PM
கண்ணுகளா...! என்ன...தீபாவளி நல்லா போயி கிட்டிருக்கா...?
it is a festival of colours...and all festivals are social functions to increase and improve the social networks, relationships, give some value addition to friendships, show some new dimentions of happiness in relationships...
i called up few of my friends and made them to laugh and laugh...வயிறு வலிக்கற அளவுக்கு...என்னடா முரளி...சரிதானே?
while watching the பட்டிமன்றம் in TV one joke impressed me...
student asked teacher.....'Teacher, what is the difference between the teen age and old age?'. Obviously teacher gave some stupid answer and the student was unsatisfied and said 'சுகர் ப்ராப்லம் வந்தா ஓல்ட் ஏஜ்...பிகர் ப்ராப்லம் வந்தா டீன் ஏஜ்'!
இப்பிடி எந்த ப்ராப்லம்மும் வராமே சந்தோஷமா இருக்க என் வாழ்த்துக்கள்!
thank you for your comments on my previous of them is here...
ஹலோ ராம்ஸ்
அரேபிய அன்புடன் அரசுவே...உங்களுக்கு தெரியாததா...ஒரு தடவை செஞ்சா 'production'...மேலே மேலே செஞ்சுகிட்டே இருந்தா 'reproduction!'...nature - the creator of the universe and all living beings wants the living beings to exist for ever, and happily too on this earth...with wants no two living beings to be the same!
it reminds of the song...
'குடும்பத்தை உருவாக்க சொன்னா...
ஒரு கிராமத்தை உருவாக்கி தந்தார் எங்கப்பா! '
now the second on...
You all know what happens in traditional arranged marriages. Are they lovers? Or Husbands and wives? Is there any love between them? is there any difference between the feelings / emotions of love between these two social relationships - 'lovers' and 'husband and wife'?
or what exists is the mutual understanding, respect, adaptability between them for co-existence, meeting social obligations, fulfilling their physiological needs (with the resultant bonding of togetherness, feeling of a type of love and possessiveness) and their roles and responsibilities in the social system. What is it?
I do agree that expression of love differs from person to person…it could be in any form from a kiss or hug or physical support or emotional support or gift or meeting some of the desires etc…but it may not be the type of love that you want and to the extent you want at that particular moment!...he or she may not be able to give…or not in a position to give…or the social climate created barrier is not allowing the individual to give that!...this is the issue here!
'டேய் பன்னி! ஏன்டா என்னை ரெண்டு நாளா கட்டி புடிக்கலை!'
நம்பினால் நம்புங்கள்...all exhibited and unexhibitted (overt and covert) thinking and
behaviours can be modified / removed / new introduced...there are so many books on 'behaviour
modification'...written by scientists...not by non scientific people...
it is a festival of colours...and all festivals are social functions to increase and improve the social networks, relationships, give some value addition to friendships, show some new dimentions of happiness in relationships...
i called up few of my friends and made them to laugh and laugh...வயிறு வலிக்கற அளவுக்கு...என்னடா முரளி...சரிதானே?
while watching the பட்டிமன்றம் in TV one joke impressed me...
student asked teacher.....'Teacher, what is the difference between the teen age and old age?'. Obviously teacher gave some stupid answer and the student was unsatisfied and said 'சுகர் ப்ராப்லம் வந்தா ஓல்ட் ஏஜ்...பிகர் ப்ராப்லம் வந்தா டீன் ஏஜ்'!
இப்பிடி எந்த ப்ராப்லம்மும் வராமே சந்தோஷமா இருக்க என் வாழ்த்துக்கள்!
thank you for your comments on my previous of them is here...
Re: [MIT-36THBATCH-ITIANS] LET US DIG OURSELVES - காதலிக்க நேரமில்லை or காதலிக்க தெரியவில்லை!
Friday, 5 November, 2010 3:25 AM
ஹலோ ராம்ஸ்
நன்றி...வந்தனம்...நமஸ்தே...தேங்க்ஸ்...சுக்ரன் ..............................................
(To be filled further by Jay)
என்னா கண்ணுகளா...மெயில் சூபேரா இருக்கா...விஷயம் ஹாட்டா இருக்கா
சூபெரோ சூப்பர்...போங்கோ
அனுமார் வால் மெயில்...அதுவும் ...எங்களாண்ட கேட்டுண்டு.....
ராம ராமா...
அனுப்புங்கோ சீக்கிரம்.
அரேபியாவில் ஒரு கரம் உள்ளது...
அமெரிக்காவிலும் ஒரு கரம் உள்ளது...
அப்பப்ப கிள்ள அபுதாபியில் ஒரு கரமும் கனடாவில் ஒரு கரமும் உள்ளது....செல்லமாக..
I liked the following...
the aim of this birth is to be happy...
the level of intimacy and openness decides the social climate
'eating' and 'reproduction'.....
குறும்பா நினைக்கலைன்னா ஒரு கேள்வி...
Eating - சரி
அதென்ன Reproduction...
Why not,,,, just "Production?".
ரொம்ப இம்ப்ரெஸ் பண்ணின லைன்..
"டேய் பன்னி! ஏன்டா என்னை ரெண்டு நாளா கட்டி புடிக்கலை ?'......
அரசுஅரேபிய அன்புடன் அரசுவே...உங்களுக்கு தெரியாததா...ஒரு தடவை செஞ்சா 'production'...மேலே மேலே செஞ்சுகிட்டே இருந்தா 'reproduction!'...nature - the creator of the universe and all living beings wants the living beings to exist for ever, and happily too on this earth...with wants no two living beings to be the same!
it reminds of the song...
'குடும்பத்தை உருவாக்க சொன்னா...
ஒரு கிராமத்தை உருவாக்கி தந்தார் எங்கப்பா! '
now the second on...
You all know what happens in traditional arranged marriages. Are they lovers? Or Husbands and wives? Is there any love between them? is there any difference between the feelings / emotions of love between these two social relationships - 'lovers' and 'husband and wife'?
or what exists is the mutual understanding, respect, adaptability between them for co-existence, meeting social obligations, fulfilling their physiological needs (with the resultant bonding of togetherness, feeling of a type of love and possessiveness) and their roles and responsibilities in the social system. What is it?
I do agree that expression of love differs from person to person…it could be in any form from a kiss or hug or physical support or emotional support or gift or meeting some of the desires etc…but it may not be the type of love that you want and to the extent you want at that particular moment!...he or she may not be able to give…or not in a position to give…or the social climate created barrier is not allowing the individual to give that!...this is the issue here!
'டேய் பன்னி! ஏன்டா என்னை ரெண்டு நாளா கட்டி புடிக்கலை!'
Can you ask this question to your
At least can you ask ‘எங்க என்னை ரெண்டு நாளா கட்டி புடிக்கலை?' or 'ஏம்மா என்னை ரெண்டு நாளா கட்டி புடிக்கலை?'
If you can ask like this,
then your social relationship with your spouse has matured or got
groomed nicely / properly to give you all dimentions of happiness of
all types of love from that one at some stage in life you
can not approach your mother, father, sister, brother, lover, etc etc
for different types of love...all the want all from one it not?
if you can not ask like this
then can you
tell me why? Is it that the other person has told you not to ask like
this. No. It is just that there is an imaginary barrier between both
of you.
Who has built this barrier?...Neither of you. It is the type
of socialization and the cultural factors which has introduced this
barrier without the knowledge of both of you. You may be asking me
‘So, what if the barrier is there? It is ok...i am happy with the existing condition!’.
There is an issue...infact many
issues....serious issues....silent killers...dormant valcanoes inside
the mind...That
is why I thought I will share my thoughts with all of you...with
theories and solutions...what are they?...wait for the next mail!
i know, many of you must be பொலம்பு
fying 'டேய்...ஏன்டா இப்பிடி தூக்கத்தை கெடுக்கறே?'...wait for the
problems and solutions ரா can also forward these mails to your
spouse to see if you can get the desired change in him / her...(எனக்கு
தர்ம அடி விழுகாம இருந்தா சரிடாப்பா!
மெயில் ரொம்ப நீளமா போனா சரவணகுமார் அடிக்க வராண்டா
...சோ பொருத்துக்கொங்கடா!
ரவுசு ராம்ஸ்
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