Wednesday, 16 January 2013


dear friends....

now let us analyse the answer which we discussed yesterday... ..

to analyse let us consider for a moment that the earth is totally life...only landscapes.. ..slowly 'biochemical' bodies which move, grow and reproduce appeared on earth....we named them as 'living beings'..... .all those biochemical bodies which came to earth through the process of asexual reproduction could live on their own from the time of their birth....they were not dependent on the parent, no EMOTIONAL or POSSESSIVE components of personality with these organisms... .

subsequently when the multicelllar organisms came into being through sexual reproduction they had complicated body structures and behaviours.. ...immediately after birth they were not self sustaining.., they had to depend upon their parents for their growth and life the parents had to look after them the EMOTIONAL and POSSESSIVE components of personality evolved as a part of evolution process.....

during their developmental process in the life cycle there came a stage when they felt they can live their life independently. ..i.e development is sufficient enough for their independent this stage they got separated from their parents..... found their own life mates and carried on with their this stage the parents forgot their children...children forgot their parents....they did not know each other thereafter.. ..they lived their lives at different places....EMOTIONAL and POSSESSIVE components with respect to those children disappeared. ....the parent biochemical bodies concentrated on their further reproductive cycles and the story went on.....

now you analyse these paragraphs.. .it is clear that EATING and REPRODUCTION are the basic functions of all biochemical bodies on earth....and animals follow this nature's mandate..... therefore they live without the problems that human beings are facing. Nature considers human beings also as wants us to do only these......if we do only this, then no problems.... but the SIXTH SENSE which emerged as a part of evolution process has made our life what it is today.....society, value systems, organisation of world into countries, policies, regulations, religion, region, taste, interests, ambition, etc..etc.... i.e ..towards the NEEDS and WANTS.

during the process of evolution a biochemical body known as 'human being' came to existance... .remember we are only a stage in the process of evolution... .it has not is a continuous process..... endless.. ...this biochemical combination unfortunately has the SIXTH SENSE and ENDLESS POSSESSIVENESS. ...the main causes of all trauma in life.

so, instead of getting detached from the children when they seek independence like all other living beings ( for other living beings this stage of seeking independence is very short...from few hours to few days....but for human beings it lasts for nearly 15 years....from 10 yrs of age to 25 yrs....varying from one human to the other)....we remain attached with them throughout the life due to POSSESSIVENESS and the SIXTH SENSE....

all other living beings teach only EATING and PROTECTION to their offsprings.. .i.e how to get the pray and how to protect themselves from enemies....whereas we have made the life complicated due to several issues in life and neither teach nor allow them to be independent. ..finally we keep them in the confused state.....while we remaining in the ANXIETY state ALWAYS...throughout our life.....with respect to the life of the offsprings.. the peak of the turmoil in life during this period....for both the parents and children....

if we provide the environment and education (at school and at home) to understand the life....and if we leave them independently. ...they will grow, find their life, mates desired by the nature....then there is no problem in life....remain attached with them ONLY FOR KARMA...i.e for doing only the DUTY without looking for ANYTHING IN RETURN FROM THEM.....which is the nature's mandate on us........providing good education, values of life and allowing to live their life........ AND REMAIN DETACHED FROM EMOTIONS.... as nature does not want it....after they become independent. ...

feeling of emotion has been given by nature only to ensure that the parents look afte their offsprins till they become independent. ...

this concept holds good for all types of RELATIONSHIPS with ALL LIVING ORGANISMS INCLUDING OTHER HUMAN BEINGS.....

so, if we follow the other biochemical bodies with respect to this attachments and detachments to relationships. ....then our life will be smooth...this is what nature wants us...the biochemical bodies called do....

if we adapt to this mandate of nature then less stress...less problems...if less adaptability to this...then more health problems with respect to the body and mind....

therefore, love your child till they become independent. ...thereafter remain attached with them for doing the karma....and detached from them emotionally. ...follow the same with other relationships like father, mother, brothers, sisters, friends, collegues etc is difficult to do....but if you do it through self talk methods of reiterating the NATURE'S MANDATE to your ownself....then you will be happy and healthy...both physically and mentally....

all the problems in life are due to our wrong understanding of life against nature's mandate and living the life in our own way.....if you carefully analyse all the problems you have, you will find that this statement is true....and you are not living the life as nature against nature.....

though psychology says LIVE THE WAY NATURE WANTS....scientists have come with theories and models of LIVING HAPPILY AND HEALTHY WAY....WHILE LIVING AGAINST NATURE.....this is the advantage of reading this subject....we will see all these in the days to come....

all the best....see you tomorrow with the remaining issues of personality. a lot remains still on this topic...


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