hai guys...before reading my mail below, just read the mail from Ethiopia at the bottom of the mail....
--- On Tue, 8/5/12, M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
From: M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: Re: [IndianPsychologists] Re: You can be proud of being an Indian Psychologist!.. a serious note!!!!!!!
To: IndianPsychologists@yahoogroups.co.in
Date: Tuesday, 8 May, 2012, 12:32 PM
hai friends...
i can see lots of mails on this subject. Thank you members. Appreciations motivate, makes one to feel happy. Analysis mails with or without emotions make us to shape, modify, correct our concepts, helps us to read / discuss more on the subject and ultimately improve our wisdom and overall personality.
I apologize my mistake
for typing 'rama' instead of Lord Krishna...the book was a
translation...written by a person from Australia...it had the usual
picture of Lord Krishna with Arjun on the chariot in Gurukshetra war!
As i am an infant in psychology i do not know the jargons of the profession to make my mails short. In fact, i have to read your mails many times to understand them. So, kindly bear with me. Also i am not good in English as it is not my mother tongue!
I am of the opinion that we should question every thing including the proven theories for new discoveries, development and growth (e.g if some one says 'light is the fastest moving wave or particle on earth' i may not focus on his words, but if some one says 'there is something faster than light!' then i would certainly give my ears to listen to his argument. I wish some one comes up saying Einstein or Edison is wrong!)
When we 'accept' there is no growth. When we 'question' there is growth. So, we need to look at everything with an open mind without emotions. Copy right is only for products. God can be described or defined in many ways. So, it is universal and it is only one. I see it as 'something beyond human beings'. As 'NATURE'. That is why i said the primitive man was wise in worshiping the nature. Every country man describes or visualizes god in his own way. What i meant in my mail was that we Indians have given many values of human life to the world through books like Mahabharat and Ramayan and through the visual forms of god and their lives.
I am certainly against having far too many gods, far too many superstitions revolving around our concept of god, temples, rituals, beliefs etc which lead us to unhappiness and exploitation of people. Right from beginning our forefathers have followed the 'control' strategy to keep the human beings on track, by scary pics of gods, attaching anything in life to god so that we remain on track due to fear of god. I am sure all psychologists will agree with me that this is a wrong strategy as fear is a negative emotion and 'fear' can be applied only for a brief time or momentarily to draw the attention of the human being to wards change and thereafter apply creativity to make him come on track on his own and flourish. Hope i am right!
Our ancestors created god of wealth, god of knowledge etc which brought only lots of unhappiness and bad health. Oh god! they did not create a god of happiness!...i wish they created one!
I see psychology as a subject dealing with human behaviours and correcting behaviours to make a human being happy and healthy. When i look at the whole world i see a majority unhappy, fighting for scarce resources etc.
In west asia initially people were unhappy as they were fighting amongst themselves for scarce resources. Two prophets came and taught them how to live and what is life etc. They became the major religions of the world. But even now they are fighting taking the religions in hand.
The main reason i feel is that they have not understood what life is all about. They don't need psychiatrists as there is no problem with their brains. They need only psychologists as they have problems with their perceptions about life. I understand life to be happy, healthy and self actualizing while we allow others also to have same rights. So, the behaviour, perceptions, concept of life etc of people are not correct. Is it not our responsibility as psychologists to correct the behaviours? May be it is the domain of sociologists. But they only study social systems and bring out the facts. Am i not right in saying that 'correction of behaviours' is the domain of psychologists?...so what if it is for a group of people or that of a community or that of the entire world?
That is why i feel that a psychologist can do wonders in changing the world than the god men!...in fact i see all psychologists as more than god men!...that is why i feel every one should learn psychology or hear the speeches of psychologists so that they can change their perceptions about life and be happy and healthy. One more mail of mine on this issue is probably under scrutiny by the moderator sir and will come to the group shortly!
I have just started. I have not finished...i mean, i have just started sending mails on my opinions on human behaviours, the belief systems, the domain of psychologists, the social systems, the way we have understood, how they have affected our lives etc. The more i type, i think more i will make myself clear. All of you may be knowing these as psychologists. But many of us are after all human beings like others though we have learnt psychology. I may be wrong. I am ready to correct and change, as change is the only thing that remains without change and exactly for that reason i am here in this group. I am not a rigid personality. As i said, i am an infant in the field of psychology amidst well read and experienced members in this group.
If we close our eyes and imagine going back by thousands of years we can see ourselves standing inside the world of jungles...with only earth, trees and animals. The developments in science, engineering and technology has brought us to where we are now...all these can be described just with one word...'comforts'...unfortunately all these have worked against the nature, increasing the divide between nature and human beings, bringing unhappiness and bad health. I think only a psychologist can restore the happiness and good health in the world. So, we engineers spoiled the world, brought unhappiness and you psychologists have to bring in the happiness and good health back!
Sorry again if i have hurt the feelings of any one. Unfortunately when we talk about abstract concepts like this there can be difference of opinions but we should agree to disagree.
The world contains only two things...'things which have been proved by science'...'things which have not been proved by science'...with respect to the first one there is no disagreement by and large...with respect to the second, if we have 10 guys there will be 100 opinions...no one can prove that he is right or wrong...as they are only beliefs...can be felt or experienced by some and not by some...so, we land up with following something which is convenient to us...as long as it keeps the individual happy, healthy and achieving it is ok. But it will not certainly help the person to live in harmony with others if he is a rigid personality!
--- On Mon, 7/5/12, Rishi Mishra <rishimishra.psy@gmail.com> wrote:
From: Rishi Mishra <rishimishra.psy@gmail.com>
Subject: [IndianPsychologists] Re: You can be proud of being an Indian Psychologist!.. a serious note!!!!!!!
To: IndianPsychologists@yahoogroups.co.in
Date: Monday, 7 May, 2012, 9:34 AM
Warm Regards,
--- On Tue, 8/5/12, M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
From: M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: Re: [IndianPsychologists] Re: You can be proud of being an Indian Psychologist!.. a serious note!!!!!!!
To: IndianPsychologists@yahoogroups.co.in
Date: Tuesday, 8 May, 2012, 12:32 PM
hai friends...
i can see lots of mails on this subject. Thank you members. Appreciations motivate, makes one to feel happy. Analysis mails with or without emotions make us to shape, modify, correct our concepts, helps us to read / discuss more on the subject and ultimately improve our wisdom and overall personality.
I apologize my mistake
As i am an infant in psychology i do not know the jargons of the profession to make my mails short. In fact, i have to read your mails many times to understand them. So, kindly bear with me. Also i am not good in English as it is not my mother tongue!
I am of the opinion that we should question every thing including the proven theories for new discoveries, development and growth (e.g if some one says 'light is the fastest moving wave or particle on earth' i may not focus on his words, but if some one says 'there is something faster than light!' then i would certainly give my ears to listen to his argument. I wish some one comes up saying Einstein or Edison is wrong!)
When we 'accept' there is no growth. When we 'question' there is growth. So, we need to look at everything with an open mind without emotions. Copy right is only for products. God can be described or defined in many ways. So, it is universal and it is only one. I see it as 'something beyond human beings'. As 'NATURE'. That is why i said the primitive man was wise in worshiping the nature. Every country man describes or visualizes god in his own way. What i meant in my mail was that we Indians have given many values of human life to the world through books like Mahabharat and Ramayan and through the visual forms of god and their lives.
I am certainly against having far too many gods, far too many superstitions revolving around our concept of god, temples, rituals, beliefs etc which lead us to unhappiness and exploitation of people. Right from beginning our forefathers have followed the 'control' strategy to keep the human beings on track, by scary pics of gods, attaching anything in life to god so that we remain on track due to fear of god. I am sure all psychologists will agree with me that this is a wrong strategy as fear is a negative emotion and 'fear' can be applied only for a brief time or momentarily to draw the attention of the human being to wards change and thereafter apply creativity to make him come on track on his own and flourish. Hope i am right!
Our ancestors created god of wealth, god of knowledge etc which brought only lots of unhappiness and bad health. Oh god! they did not create a god of happiness!...i wish they created one!
I see psychology as a subject dealing with human behaviours and correcting behaviours to make a human being happy and healthy. When i look at the whole world i see a majority unhappy, fighting for scarce resources etc.
In west asia initially people were unhappy as they were fighting amongst themselves for scarce resources. Two prophets came and taught them how to live and what is life etc. They became the major religions of the world. But even now they are fighting taking the religions in hand.
The main reason i feel is that they have not understood what life is all about. They don't need psychiatrists as there is no problem with their brains. They need only psychologists as they have problems with their perceptions about life. I understand life to be happy, healthy and self actualizing while we allow others also to have same rights. So, the behaviour, perceptions, concept of life etc of people are not correct. Is it not our responsibility as psychologists to correct the behaviours? May be it is the domain of sociologists. But they only study social systems and bring out the facts. Am i not right in saying that 'correction of behaviours' is the domain of psychologists?...so what if it is for a group of people or that of a community or that of the entire world?
That is why i feel that a psychologist can do wonders in changing the world than the god men!...in fact i see all psychologists as more than god men!...that is why i feel every one should learn psychology or hear the speeches of psychologists so that they can change their perceptions about life and be happy and healthy. One more mail of mine on this issue is probably under scrutiny by the moderator sir and will come to the group shortly!
I have just started. I have not finished...i mean, i have just started sending mails on my opinions on human behaviours, the belief systems, the domain of psychologists, the social systems, the way we have understood, how they have affected our lives etc. The more i type, i think more i will make myself clear. All of you may be knowing these as psychologists. But many of us are after all human beings like others though we have learnt psychology. I may be wrong. I am ready to correct and change, as change is the only thing that remains without change and exactly for that reason i am here in this group. I am not a rigid personality. As i said, i am an infant in the field of psychology amidst well read and experienced members in this group.
If we close our eyes and imagine going back by thousands of years we can see ourselves standing inside the world of jungles...with only earth, trees and animals. The developments in science, engineering and technology has brought us to where we are now...all these can be described just with one word...'comforts'...unfortunately all these have worked against the nature, increasing the divide between nature and human beings, bringing unhappiness and bad health. I think only a psychologist can restore the happiness and good health in the world. So, we engineers spoiled the world, brought unhappiness and you psychologists have to bring in the happiness and good health back!
Sorry again if i have hurt the feelings of any one. Unfortunately when we talk about abstract concepts like this there can be difference of opinions but we should agree to disagree.
The world contains only two things...'things which have been proved by science'...'things which have not been proved by science'...with respect to the first one there is no disagreement by and large...with respect to the second, if we have 10 guys there will be 100 opinions...no one can prove that he is right or wrong...as they are only beliefs...can be felt or experienced by some and not by some...so, we land up with following something which is convenient to us...as long as it keeps the individual happy, healthy and achieving it is ok. But it will not certainly help the person to live in harmony with others if he is a rigid personality!
--- On Mon, 7/5/12, Rishi Mishra <rishimishra.psy@gmail.com> wrote:
From: Rishi Mishra <rishimishra.psy@gmail.com>
Subject: [IndianPsychologists] Re: You can be proud of being an Indian Psychologist!.. a serious note!!!!!!!
To: IndianPsychologists@yahoogroups.co.in
Date: Monday, 7 May, 2012, 9:34 AM
Respected Members,
I have gone through the
Article written by our group member,Lots of Motivating quotes about
India,but please let me know ,first of all do we have a copyright on
Secondly, why are we mixing world politics with Psychology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
last but not the least, i think there are many great achievements which
speak highly of Indian Psychologist from time immemorial and they need
little correlative support to acknowledge them , from Nations glory.
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rishi Mishra,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Psychiatry,
School of Health Sciences,
Addis Ababa University,
Addis Ababa,
alt Email rishimishra77@gmail.com
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