hai friends...here is yet another mail...hope they are of some use to you...
--- On Tue, 3/4/12, M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
From: M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: did you carve yourself?...who made you what you are?...let us dig and design ourselves!!!
To: "M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Date: Tuesday, 3 April, 2012, 12:27 PM
sorry to outsource home issues to u...no probs boss...i am happy and i am sure you are also happy about my reply!
bye friends...have a great life!...i wish the M Sc materials science students of psg tech all the very best with success in their future life!
ravusu rams!
--- On Tue, 3/4/12, M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
From: M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: did you carve yourself?...who made you what you are?...let us dig and design ourselves!!!
To: "M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Date: Tuesday, 3 April, 2012, 12:27 PM
hai butterflies!
are we?...i received a mail...i have made a reply in yellow colour
alongside the words of the mail...an interesting mail!...before we start
the mail...i thank all those who instantly sent the pdf format of the
.jpeg image i had sent...god bless you guys!...the file is attached...i
was referring to this news only in my previous mails!..
religion is a man made stuff and not gifted to us by nature...it is a curse created by us...intentions were right...but understanding and executions are wrong...in west asia, thousands of years back, when people were fighting for the scarce natural resources and leading an unhappy and unhealthy lives, two great men defined two religions...a 'way of life' in the name of religion...now people are fighting for the religion!!!!...two biggest religions of the world originated there but still the wars are going on there...no peace!...it will go on like this in that place for ever till the earth exists!...as it is a 'cultural' factor there!...who is responsible?...we!!!!..human beings!...wrong perceptions...religion is only 'a way of life'...nothing more than that...no one can follow any religion to the core of it...every one follows his own religion slightly or more deviated from the original...according to his or her convenience...there is nothing worth following if it can not give us peace, happiness, good health and way ahead to achieve our goals of quenching the thirst and hunger for knowledge!
whenever i want to know about something, i only look for text books...i collect from school books to PG or research level and read on...i am looking for good text books on neuro sciences...from basics onwards...can any medical doctor help me...would be great if the books are available at coimbatore!
now you can read on...
Dear Rams
religion is a man made stuff and not gifted to us by nature...it is a curse created by us...intentions were right...but understanding and executions are wrong...in west asia, thousands of years back, when people were fighting for the scarce natural resources and leading an unhappy and unhealthy lives, two great men defined two religions...a 'way of life' in the name of religion...now people are fighting for the religion!!!!...two biggest religions of the world originated there but still the wars are going on there...no peace!...it will go on like this in that place for ever till the earth exists!...as it is a 'cultural' factor there!...who is responsible?...we!!!!..human beings!...wrong perceptions...religion is only 'a way of life'...nothing more than that...no one can follow any religion to the core of it...every one follows his own religion slightly or more deviated from the original...according to his or her convenience...there is nothing worth following if it can not give us peace, happiness, good health and way ahead to achieve our goals of quenching the thirst and hunger for knowledge!
whenever i want to know about something, i only look for text books...i collect from school books to PG or research level and read on...i am looking for good text books on neuro sciences...from basics onwards...can any medical doctor help me...would be great if the books are available at coimbatore!
now you can read on...
Dear Rams
good morning.
had read your email. I did send you pdf file. You can use TpX tool to
create things of your choice and more over it is free tool and also
light weight. ( not like MS PPT). pls pick it up from http://tpx.sourceforge.net/ In this you can import your files and create pdf
or you can create good flow diagram etc...thank you so much
boss...i wanted a tool like this...great!
Most importantly, your logic sounds like EV periyar thoughts....don't compare me to such great souls boss
had dedicated their lives for such good cause...but i am just sending
mails during my spare time...just typing whatever comes to my
mind...that is all...
i am of the opinion that we have deviated from the nature's call too much and this makes our lives unhappy and unhealthy...does not allow us to achieve too...from morning to night, if we keep asking ourselves questions on what ever we do 'am i supposed to do like this?...how am i supposed to do this naturally?'...i feel that we should live as per nature...many of our social systems have taught us many things to make our life miserable!...it does not mean that i am against social living...we should follow those which give us peace...and tick off those which are hindrance!..then we will find ways...Why girls should work etc... it is good and i agree with you 100%. But there is modern twist in this issue.
i am of the opinion that we have deviated from the nature's call too much and this makes our lives unhappy and unhealthy...does not allow us to achieve too...from morning to night, if we keep asking ourselves questions on what ever we do 'am i supposed to do like this?...how am i supposed to do this naturally?'...i feel that we should live as per nature...many of our social systems have taught us many things to make our life miserable!...it does not mean that i am against social living...we should follow those which give us peace...and tick off those which are hindrance!..then we will find ways...Why girls should work etc... it is good and i agree with you 100%. But there is modern twist in this issue.
In BLR, there were so many guys joined and formed
group to protect men folks from women harrasment. http://mynation.net/study-report-indianhusbands.htm is link you can get more info what i am talking.
fact, i am victum of women harrasing men. As you know, i am not the
guy who makes others to work or spend. I always will be with in all kind
of limits at any direction of life. But unfortunately, my mrs supposed
to be an educated lad from @#$%^i and that too @#$%. She had given me
nightmare and made me to cry. For her advantage, society talks only for
her and my kids also had believed her. Now things are clear and things
are coming to place. But believe me these so called modern ladies just
want to enjoy and not interested in taking any accountability and most
importantly she become self centric for her parents and greedy for her
parents needs. In other side, i don't even have a parents to demand any
thing from her...you
being a scientist, will accept that everything comes under the ambit of
'system' and they do have characteristic response for any type of
input...ramp, step, sawtooth etc...steady state response...etc...it is
well known that from the day one of 'living together' started (when
human beings changed from being 'food gatherers' (vagabonds or nomads)
to 'food producers' (living at one place)), girls have been pushed
physically and mentally to the corners of house and social life with all
the horrific customs and traditions...now they are getting liberated
with the liberalized educations system...... when the girls get
liberated...they come out of the balloon with a pressure...like the
pinch of a pin....response of a step input...come out of the
suffocating old social system jungle like a five foot fire (can you
imagine a five foot fire walking towards you!
it is likely to burn the men for some time...but it will settle
down...we have to wait till the settling time of the system is
over.....it may be on the rising side now...but will fall
down...i understand your condition...she must have faced a lot during
her stages of development and must have come out of it like a five foot
fire and you got burnt
...i am sure, your cool nature would have or will cool her down and you will enjoy the fire shortly
almost no one is a self designed person...at the time of birth or later, none of us have taken a paper and listed all the personality traits we should have and shaped ourselves to be like that...we have been grown by nature and society!...what we are is not due to what we wanted to be...but it is how the people around us have made us to be!...so, you have been made by others...your wife has been made by others...her experiences, her learning through books, other's experience etc have made her what she is...i am sure the socialization with you will change her...
so, we need to take a paper and list down all the actual personality traits we have...all types of emotions we produce frequently...list them as positive and negative...then we will exactly know what we are...who we are....then we should google and list down the good personality traits which will keep us happy, healthy and life full of achievements...then we should consciously put in efforts to imbibe those personality traits...our conscious effort for 21 days will make it a habit...then we will get habituated to be happy...healthy...working towards our list of achievements on seventh gear will become a habit while keeping health and happiness intact...others will see us...they will learn from our activities through observation...it will become their habit...it will spread like this to many...it will become a culture among all those who are around us...then it will become a civilization...after 1000 years people will study about the society you have made saying this is a civilisation which was always happy, healthy and contributed immensely to the humanity!
is how thinking becomes an activity and an activity becomes a habit and
a habit becomes a culture and culture becomes a civilization!...so,
shall we join together to make a civilization with just happiness, good
health and full of achievements
so, don't blame your wife boss...she has not made herself like that...people around her have made her to be like that...they are to be blamed...we are to be blamed...not her...you can change her not with your words...but your deeds...with abundant love to her...unconditional love...without any expectations...you will find her changing...the only thing for which girls will never say 'no' is love!...(i can see the mercury levels of girls rising!
want tons and tons of it!...for a moment they might say 'what happened
to you! sticking on to me like a bloody puppy! go! get going with your
stuff!'...but the very next moment will show 'indications' of wanting
love dose!
most of the times i have seen people cribbing 'sir, i am telling my spouse all correct things and truth only...but she or he does not listen!'....the reason is 'expectations'!....when you expect something from some one, you will not listen to that person as you are expecting opposite of what he or she says!...the same thing when told by a third person (like swamijis or counsellors or a person to whom they have more regards and respect) from whom there is no expectation, the spouse will agree and say that is correct and follow!
if we want our spouses to
accept the truth from us then they should not have any expectations
from us...in the same way, if our mind has to accept what our spouse
says as right, then we should not have any expectations from our
spouse!...this is true for all relationships...between lovers...between
soulmates...life mates...parents and children and vice
versa...friendships...etc...if the expectations are less and the other
person can provide then the relationship will be strong and last
long...as the expectations increase, at one point, the other person may
not be able to meet them, and this is the point of failure...the
relationship will weaken and might break either at mental level or at
physical level too...unless the person with more expectations
understands and changes...
more the expectations less the strength of the relationships...it is not difficult...it is very simple and easy...i will tell you the technique in the next mail...the philosophy of life to be happy, healthy and with achievements!
we think that if a person loves the other more then the expectations are more and the possessiveness is also more...it is not right...then our understanding of love is wrong...what we think as love is not the actual love...it is the other way...the graph is different from what we think...measure of expectations or possessiveness is not an indicator of strength of love...infact 99% of us are wrong in knowing the definition of love...and therefore we are not happy in our love life or not fully satisfied in love...we willl discuss this in another mail some time later
almost no one is a self designed person...at the time of birth or later, none of us have taken a paper and listed all the personality traits we should have and shaped ourselves to be like that...we have been grown by nature and society!...what we are is not due to what we wanted to be...but it is how the people around us have made us to be!...so, you have been made by others...your wife has been made by others...her experiences, her learning through books, other's experience etc have made her what she is...i am sure the socialization with you will change her...
so, we need to take a paper and list down all the actual personality traits we have...all types of emotions we produce frequently...list them as positive and negative...then we will exactly know what we are...who we are....then we should google and list down the good personality traits which will keep us happy, healthy and life full of achievements...then we should consciously put in efforts to imbibe those personality traits...our conscious effort for 21 days will make it a habit...then we will get habituated to be happy...healthy...working towards our list of achievements on seventh gear will become a habit while keeping health and happiness intact...others will see us...they will learn from our activities through observation...it will become their habit...it will spread like this to many...it will become a culture among all those who are around us...then it will become a civilization...after 1000 years people will study about the society you have made saying this is a civilisation which was always happy, healthy and contributed immensely to the humanity!
so, don't blame your wife boss...she has not made herself like that...people around her have made her to be like that...they are to be blamed...we are to be blamed...not her...you can change her not with your words...but your deeds...with abundant love to her...unconditional love...without any expectations...you will find her changing...the only thing for which girls will never say 'no' is love!...(i can see the mercury levels of girls rising!
most of the times i have seen people cribbing 'sir, i am telling my spouse all correct things and truth only...but she or he does not listen!'....the reason is 'expectations'!....when you expect something from some one, you will not listen to that person as you are expecting opposite of what he or she says!...the same thing when told by a third person (like swamijis or counsellors or a person to whom they have more regards and respect) from whom there is no expectation, the spouse will agree and say that is correct and follow!
more the expectations less the strength of the relationships...it is not difficult...it is very simple and easy...i will tell you the technique in the next mail...the philosophy of life to be happy, healthy and with achievements!
we think that if a person loves the other more then the expectations are more and the possessiveness is also more...it is not right...then our understanding of love is wrong...what we think as love is not the actual love...it is the other way...the graph is different from what we think...measure of expectations or possessiveness is not an indicator of strength of love...infact 99% of us are wrong in knowing the definition of love...and therefore we are not happy in our love life or not fully satisfied in love...we willl discuss this in another mail some time later
bye friends...have a great life!...i wish the M Sc materials science students of psg tech all the very best with success in their future life!
ravusu rams!
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