hai friends...how are we?
are all products of nature. So, for us to be happy and peaceful
(happiness does not mean we are at peace. Happiness may be pasted or
embedded temporarily on disharmony of mind), we need to be with the
products of nature. They may be places, occasions, items and people.
We can not have these when we want, with the type, quality, quantity and extent of happiness that we want from them.
the guy at US can not go to his childhood school at pattiveeranpatti
(!!) in south india at the instant of his requirement, can not see his
school time girl friend or neighbour girl of yesteryears
can not have the occasion when he met his first girl friend...sorry...girl friend for the first time
can not have the veena presented to him by some VIP but lying at
pattiveeranpatti...note...very important person...that is all...could be
but these are the ones which come to our memory and give us happiness, pleasure and peace.
funniest thing is his school may not be there at all or it may not be
the same school that is there in his memory...his school time girl
friend may not be the same girl now...may be an old grandma...impossible
to get occasions e.g i can not sit at MIT or PSG Tech classroom again
with the same classmates in age, looks and beahaviour...items also age
and weather out due to moisture, temperature,
pressure and other environmental factors...
people change, places change, items change, occasions may not
arise...all gone are gone forever...but memories do not change...they
are always present and pleasant...they are the ones which will remain
with us wherever we go, what ever age we are, even on death bed...no
beloved ones can be there...but memories will remain...ever green...till
the computer conks off inside the skull and eyes close forever!
Memories lubricate our brain, life, happiness and peace.
So, every one has a fantasy world which has many places, occasions, items and people of happiness.
are good memories....they help to refresh...and we can not take a
younger photo tomorrow than the one we have today. Every day we delay,
we get only older photos!!!
...So, the lesson is that we should take as many photos of
ourselves and the people, places, items and occasions that we want to
record in the memory or paint in our fantasy world.
/ music are also good refreshers for the memory. I found the melodies
of Shreya Ghoshal are good memory refreshers e.g 'yeh kiya hua...tere
mere pyar ki baaten kyon duniya ki nazro mein aagayi ho!'...she takes
efforts to give the power of seeing music through ears and viewing the
sounds of love through eyes in brain!!!
funny thing which i noticed when ever i visited the foreign ships is
that...all women officers / sailors paste the photos of their family
members near their bunks with at least one soft toy there...the men
officers / sailors paste only the photos of other girls around the
world...mostly semi or full nude...i can see all of you getting
red!!!!!...wait...wait...wait...hold your
breath...but i have seen our indian officers having the photos of only
their family members near their bunks! (appaadaa!...kaappaatheetteydaaa
ok...now coming back to the issue...we
generally don't have problems with places, items and occasions. The
problem arises only with people...
all those whom we love...they are far away...not with us when we
want...even if present are not able to give the warmth, love, care,
emotional, physical, social and financial support that we want...with
quality, quantity, type and level that we expect.
issue is you love a person the most but the other person does
not!!!...or you love a person and the other person acts as if loving but
actually not...or you love a person and are possessive, but the other
person loves some
one else too or more than one...or you love one person but that person
is loved by one or more...or you love a person like a lover but the
other persons loves you as any other relationship other than lover...but
you are not able to forget that person...there are many pleasant
moments with him or her but the sad one of rejection or leaving you
occupies the memory more and spoils your happiness, peace and
health...hmmm...what to do with this?
Fantasy is the choice baby!...like i said in the previous mail...think like this...
what if you are not with me!...so what if you can not give me
happiness!...so what if you leave me or don't love me!...i love
you!...you are mine!...go where ever you want with whomsoever you
want!...but you can not go away from my heart!...you are here for
ever!...locked up in me!...we go together!...to hell and heaven!...we
are always together...we go to the school we
studied...or place we worked...or items we shared...the moments we
enjoyed...i will live in happiness with you...in my fantasy world...you
gave up with me...i forgave you...i live with the 'you' i saw...the
'you' i loved...the 'you' i cherished...the 'you' i loved...the present
'you' is not the 'you' that i have in my heart!...you are some one
else...so, only the some one has gone to some body or somewhere or said
'i don't love you!' or 'i am like your brother'...the 'you' i have can
not be with any one on this earth...that 'you' is unique...not even with
you...so, remember!!!...you are there only with me...forever...till my
eyes close forever!'
this is the only way to be
happy, healthy, be motivated in life, be at peace and harmony in our
minds...to make every one beautiful in our hearts...to make all
relationships a gift in our lives!
If we find faults, then there is no one or no relationship in our
so...so...so...keep rocking guys and girls!
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