hai friends....how are we?
hope you enjoyed my previous mail on 'sources of unconditional love...i.e all living beings on earth other than
human beings!(
started making this series of mails for my psg and mit classmates...now
lots of students, professors and professionals also got added to this
network...the result is my 'lollu's and 'ravusu's (i.e fun) have
mellowed down and my classmates are missing something!
...they are in 'tamilish' language!
...so others, please disregard those parts of the mails!
day evening when my vehicle crosses the 'paappampatti pirivu' bus stop
on trichy road (between 5 pm to 5.30pm) i see a college girl from
economically weaker section waiting for the bus
(dei...dei...dei...appidi paakkaatheengadaa!!)...wearing the same dress
every day, last many months!!!...not even one day she has changed the
dress!!!!!...can you believe this?...as it is a green luminescent
coloured dress it catches the eyes amidst the dull colour dressed people
(we, the dark people here, wear dull coloured clothes so that the dirt
is not visible!!!!
...we give more importance to 'dirt not being visible' than the 'bright' pleasant looks!!!
While the increasing divide between the rich and poor and politicians /
spiritual and religious gurus living amidst
thousands of crores and other wealth glaringly comes in front, the guts
of the girl to wear the same dress without worrying about 'what others
will think' (which is our culture!
and ability of the girl to wash it every day, dry it over night and
wear it next day morning is what is impressive!!!!...she is probably
trying to put her head out of water through education, good job, good
living conditions for her family etc...the 'change agent' at
home!!!...Great girl!!!...i wish her all the success, as some of us were
also in her position during childhood!!! (though felt like presenting
some sets of clothes, but due to the developments that can take place
after that, i never stopped my vehicle!!!
...i can see some angry faces!!!...of course, some naughty faces too!!!
experience says, 'nature' is the ultimate source of peace, happines,
good health and source and strength to achieve self actualisation. One
among that is 'hearing' nature...during child hood it was so pleasant
sitting at the banks of the river...listening to the sounds of breeze,
the sounds of leaves of trees, the sound of the flowing water, the
sounds of insects, the sounds of the birds and the sound of
silence...amazing!!!...no comparison!...so, no wonder i developed the
interest of seeing a good music. Yes!!..i don't get satisfied if i
listen to music!!!...i must get
total silence, and the good music should surround me giving a visual
experience!!!...two of the latest songs, as per my rating 'best' are
attached, specially for classmates abroad!!...of course, tamil...but
music has no language, so i am sure, others also will enjoy the melody!
Undoubtedly shreya ghoshal, a non tamilian, has put all tamil singers to
shame through her great flawless pronunciation and value addition to
tamil songs!!!
keep getting appreciatory mails and calls from the readers...thank you
all...if these mails can bring in some happiness and good health, i am
now let us come to the crux of today's mail...
years back, when the tv serials were not so famous, the movies released
were about the social dynamics inside a family or within the
significant people at home and around...i.e they resembled to some
extent to the present day tv serials...i.e the culture depicted in the
serials...i.e way of our living shown in serials...so, every one at home
watched such movies...they liked
them...when movies which contained the social dynamics which is not
matching with their way of living, they did not like it, they felt
'ridiculous' 'not acceptable' 'not able to digest' 'not agreeing'
'unable to perceive this type of living' 'this type of living can not
bring happiness and good health' etc...
today our movie makers do not make such movies...e.g no 'thaali'
(sacred thread worn by south ladies around their neck after marriage)
sentiment...no depiction of girls only as 'house wives'...
have realised that such movies will fail now...because today the target
audience are only youth...their way of living is different...they know
that such emotional blackmails showing symbols of cultural sentiments
(e.g thaali) will not work out with them...i.e their way of living is not matching with the family social dynamics shown earlier and so they do not like it!
so, the bottom line is 'a
movie or a tv serial should
depict a way of living matching with our present culture or way of
living or the way we want to live'....only then it will be liked!!
middle aged and senior adults like and watch the tv serials at
home...they like it because it matches with their culture, their way of
living, what they perceive as the right way of living...(if not then
they would not like to watch this also) youngsters do not watch because
they don't like this way of living or this culture!
is depicted in tv serials?...a way of life with cheating, exploiting,
revenge, anger, sorrows, 'showing off', ill-treating others,
disrespecting elders (by the way, 'respecting' is not 'obeying'
and not obeying is not disrespecting!!!), stealing, telling lies,
'think something, talk something, do something', abusing, man handling,
murders, rapes, etc etc...the list is endless...if adults at home like
these, does it mean that their way of living is same as that is shown in
serials?...or is it the life they want to live?...if we say 'that is
the life lived by others (not me) around us and so we like watching it'
then are we not looking, hearing and thinking about all 'wrongs' only
all the time?(as most of our indians spend most of their life time
what others do...so, they never have time to observe their own-selves
towards becoming noble...it is our culture to observe what others
do!!!!...the bloody indian culture!!!!).
what we read, see, think and experience physically or mentally or both
is what is stored in our brain and when we face same kind of people,
threats or situations in life, our brain perceives, plans, solves or
tackles the situation in the same way...as that is the solution
available in stored form, learnt form in the brain.
might say 'no boss! it is not so! i only see them as 'how not to be'
and do not follow in life!'...but without our knowledge it comes
out...unless we consciously make an effort to look for alternate methods
of tackling the people and situations.
the way, are the characters living such a life in serials happy?...if
we live such a life will we be happy?...so what is the point in saying
'boss! i am not happy yar!' after watching and living such a life?
indian culture says be noble, don't use foul language that can hurt
others, eat healthy food, follow positive emotions, no negative
emotions, no negative perceptions and thinking, live the way it is said
in mahabharat or ramayana or bhagwat gheetha, do yoga, mediation,
exercise, eat natural foods, use natural medicines, live in natural
settings, go out of the family and observe other cultures (life in
gurukul...the king's son did not live in palace...he lived in forest
along with his teacher and other economically weaker boys, went around
to all countries to learn what is life!!!) and etc...the list is
we are living correctly as said in these books then are these books
saying to live as per what is shown in tv serials?...if we are not
living as per what is said in these books then are we living as per
indian culture?...
we need to do is take a paper and write the emotions we undergo
throughout the day...the thinking we have...the types of behaviours we
have exhibited to others around us throughout the
day....we need to read the list at the end of the day...it will tell us
about what we are, our life and living!...and whether it will lead to
happy, healthy and self actualizing life or not!!!
the way of living of youth is different from adults at home...therefore
their likes and dislikes related to culture is different...but they all
live inside the same house...
the crux
the way of living of youth at home and adults at home are different.
Therefore, there is always a mismatch of thinking, beliefs and decision
is the case always. Any family or a social network of relatives 100
years back or now or later will have people aged 20, 40, 60 and 80.
There will be cultural variations
between all these people. The way they have grown up is different. The
society which has grown them is different. The way they perceive people,
issues, situations and way of tackling will be different. Therefore,
their likes, dislikes, decision making, way of living, definition of
what is right and wrong, what is good or bad...in short 'everything'
will be different. But they have to live inside the same house.
Adaptability is not just 20 adapting to rest all. It is 'each one
adapting to others'...i.e even the 80 has to adapt to the rest all.
Otherwise, they will land up in old age homes. So, it is not correct to
blame the youth for the growing old age homes. It is the 'rigidity'
'dictatorial' behaviours of others at home which makes them to land up
in old age homes. We need to remove the concept of 'Head of the
family'...80 thinks he is the head. 60 also thinks he is the head. 40 is
not less. 20 is obviously confused as to who is the head!!!...it is
similar to 'master and slave' or 'manager and worker' concepts which
are dead. If we are alive then we can not use these concepts anymore
whether inside the house or outside in society or organizations. It is a
'team' which lives inside the home organisation...who takes decision is
not important...the decision is important!!!...it's implementation i.e
the strategy is what is important!!...so, 20, 40, 60 and 80 have to
understand these and adapt to each other for happiness, good health and
achievement path for the entire family. If not, BE READY TO LOOSE YOUR
Hard core sentiments or emotions are gone by. Rigidity in living or
concept of life is gone by. Flexibility is what is in. This is what is
shown in today's movies. Fun and taking everything lightly, flexibly,
maturely and not taking it to
heart. This is what is today's way of living. This is what is social
family dynamics that will survive today. So, the adults at home should
watch such movies and adapt to this way of living. They have to mature,
come out of the shell, come out of the narrow and shallow thinking and
understand that 'different culture and different way of living' means
not 'sleeping with every one' and it is much more than that!...it also
means 'not sleeping with every one!'...it is not against 'sleeping with
one'!!! otherwise old age home will welcome them!
life of elders at home will be only fun, happiness, good health, valued
and respected only if they stop watching the
tv serials, stop following that way of living, start watching today's
movies, start visualizing the goodness in them and way of life
described, start following the way of noble living told in mahabharat or
ramayan or such books, not be dictators like ravan or duryodhana at
home, but be cool like ram and lakshman and fun like anuman (!!!)
, marrying both cultures and start living with a smiling face....like this smiley here...
ok guys and gals...keep rocking...bye
ravusu rams
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