hai friends...how are you?
hope you read my last mail?...may be long but certainly an interesting read...is it not?
hope you read my last mail?...may be long but certainly an interesting read...is it not?
aim is, after reading the mail or listening
to my speech, the listener should find a change or should go into
thinking mode so that he or she emerges to be different than what he or
she was before.
they can be edited to make short or crisp...but no time...i just type and press send!
going back to my previous mail...after that episode my daughter forgot about me becoming the chief guest as she found lots of
changes in her and got wider publicity than what she would have got if i were the chief guest...
few years my younger daughter came from school one day and told me
'dad, my principal told me to check with you if you can be the chief
guest for the independence day?'...she just mentioned this as just
another information without any expectations and curiosity and went
off...i also did not take it seriously...as by then i had not attended
any function as chief guest...not given any speech...so was little
she again asked me another day, i accepted
the invitation...before going for the almost a day long function with
cultural programme, march, flag hoisting, interaction with parents and
teachers etc, i just sat for half an hour and wrote few points and
went...though i was nervous a bit, i managed it...the speech is here
with three photos...you can read it, imagine the situation and tell me
how you would have felt if you were there in that function....
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Respected principal madam, teachers, staff, parents and my dear...dear. ..children. It gives me immense pleasure to be in front of you this pleasant morning to see your charming and flowering faces.
Principal just now mentioned many things about me. But i tell you children, i studied in average schools of coimbatore in tamil medium and was just an average student. I was not an intelligent student. I have never scored more than 25% in maths. I used to play all sorts of roadside games like any other corporation school student. If some one asked something in English, i used to runaway saying 'I don't know English!'. As i was the only son, my parents were really worried about my future.
One day i was playing with my friends as usual and one of them told others that i do not know even the simple maths like addition and subtraction. I was in eighth standard that time. In the evening i saw some elite children of that area playing cricket. When i requested them to include me, they refused saying i am a rowdi. These two incidents made me to think and luckily one of the good students of that area was ready to help me in my studies.
Dear children.... my journey started that day. I took a pledge that i will join the elite institutions and become the most lerned person of that area. I studied day and night and slept for only 03 hours in a day during my tenth standard. It yielded results and i was the state topper in Tamil Mandram exam and stood third in the school in overall merit.
When i joined Suburban Higher Secondary School for +2 in English Medium it was a night mare for me as i did not understand anything. After a great struggle i realised that hardwork is the only way out. During +1 i solved all the exercises of Wren and Martin and made a key note book for my self. The Biology lab was set up by me and my friends with all sorts of specimens. Almost all animals, that came in front of me near my home were dissected and preserved as specimens at my home laboratory.
Later when i joined PSG College of Technology also, the country's 14th best engineering college, i was deeply involved in science and used to work in the labs and spend time in library till 9.30 in the night. This made me to name my daughter as Curie who is here amidst you today there who is also a topper in engg.
So, children, please remember.... to be successful in life one need not be intelligent. Hardwork is the manthra for success. If you read the success stories of great scientists and leaders, they are all borne in poor families with average intelligence. What made them to be different and successful was their focussed hardwork.
So, with focussed and determined hardwork all of you can certainly become great scientists, administrators and leaders and shake this world.
Another aspect of high end achievers was that they were all creative thinkers. They looked at things differently. Asked questions like 'Why like this, Why not like this, How it happens like that, What will happen if i do like this etc. This resulted in many out of box ideas and changed our lives and changed our world to what it is today!
For children to be creative they need to be given conducive environment at home and school by the parents and teachers to free their minds. They need to be ENCOURAGED in all their endeavours. Shouting at them, beating them, scaring them with punishments etc will only make them to shrink within the shell.
My success goes to enrouagement given by my parents and teachers. I was never pushed into emotions like fear and feeling of rejection by them.
Dear parents and teachers.... i would like to ask all of you one question...would you like to get pushed into fear emotion and feeling of rejection by your spouses at home, bosses and colleagues in office....would you?...
(no answer from them!)
Why are you all keeping quiet...please remember...i have not come here to give a independence day lecture...i have come here to talk to you all...to talk to these children.... to liberate ourselves from us.....from each other...so, please do not keep quiet...answer my question...would you like to get pushed into fear and feeling of rejection by any one...?
(all parents shout NO!)
No..i can't hear you...please shout out louder!
(they all shout out louder....NO! )
Then why are you pushing these young minds into these dangerous emotions which affect their overall development for entire life!
I request you all to look back your own lives as to how you hated when you were pushed into such states of mind by your parents and teachers. Did you like those moments?
(no reply)
Come on answer!
(all shout NO louder)
Then why do you do it now to your children!
(in the school the crowd was separated into two. One side parents. Other side children)
Look at my right side! Look at the faces of these children!... so nice they are...like rose flowers!...look at their eyes....full of hopes and dreams...craving for love and affection... full of energy...praying for the good health of their parents and teachers.... have they ever prayed for them....
children...have you ever prayed for you!
(no answer)
Come on....answer. ..! I have come here to liberate you all from the clutches of your parents and teachers.... on this independence day....from now on...you should flutter your wings and feathers and fly all over this school...all over this world....spreading love and happiness everywhere.. .spreading intelligence and knowledge... ..grow to greater heights with the support and encouragement of all of us here....the parents and teachers....
so, come on...answer my question.... have you ever prayed for you....?
(all shout out unanimously in a roaring voice NO!)
Parents...please look at these tender hearts.....they prey for you....for your good health....for your happiness... for the happiness of their brothers and sisters....for their friends....i tell you ...they are the real gods in front of you.....why do you kill them!
tell me....you want to kill them?
(all parents shout out louder NO!)
So, please love them...show your love through encouragement. ....not through your anxiety by shouting, beating and scaring!
Dear parents and teachers gathered here.....you know...feeling of rejection by parents, wife, husband, lover, children, brother, sister, other family relationships, boss, peers, friends, organisations, society, religious groups etc is the most damaging feeling to the human mind. All of you here....whenever you feel sad just look inwards and findout the reason....most of the time you wil realise that the reason for sadness is feeling of rejection by some one!
Do you want your children or students to face such a situation. Tell me....do you want?
(all shout loudly NO)
When you face such situations you go to your spouses or parents or sister or brother for emotional support. Where will these poor children go if their parents themselves reject them. So, kindly think!
Such methods may be applied only on selected students, only on specific occasions and only for a brief time. Once the individual shows change in behaviour and performance then we need to remove the application of fear and encourage the individual. This will ensure his growth. Continuous application of
fear and feeling of rejection will only push the children into depression and suicidal attempts. Tell me....you want our children and students to commit suicide?
(all shout out louder....NO! )
So, please parents and teachers...do not push your aspirations and anxiety on children.... allow them to grow their skills and potentials.. ..encourage to increase their competency levels in each skill...
Make them to think, analyse, make their own sentences, concepts, theories, ideas and be creative. If you make them do these you will develop confidence in them...confidence in your ownself on your children.... find that your aspirations will certainly come true. They will become big in life. Achieve many laurals. Is that you want parents....
(all of them shout louder YES!)
Then LOVE THEM...KISS THEM...HUG THEM...TELL THEM THAT YOU LOVE THEM THE MOST...THEY ARE YOUR WORLD...YOU ARE THEIR WORLD...ENCOURAGE THEM...control them for their growth...not for their damage! Helping them to learn good habits, knowledge etc are positive control methods for growth.
These are not my words...years and years of research on human mind and behaviour have proved this.
So, children...don' t worry! From today onwards your parents and teachers will only love you....encourage you! They will not beat you...they will not scare you...provided. ..provided. ....you all cooperate with them....you all love them...you all pray for them...in their endeavours to make you all great scientists, administrators and leaders of this great world.
Children.... tell me .....you all want to become like Edison...
(they shout YES...)
Like Madame Curie?
(they shout louder YES...)
Then work hard...you are all intelligent. ..you all can achieve!
So, children...on this independence day, you are all liberated... .from now
onwards....this moment on wards....you are all butterflies. ..beautiful birds from heaven....
Do you love your parents and teachers...
(they shout YES....)
then what are you waiting for?
Go...run.... hug them...kiss them....say you love them the most!
Come on all of you....what are you waiting for...run!
(All of them run and kiss their teachers and parents....i can see happy faces...crying faces...out of joy...out of happiness... what a moment it was!...i give a pause for a minute)
OK children...parents and teachers.... i am extremely happy to see you all a happy team...cohesive team...with full of love and understanding. ..
Now tell me...will you all together put in hard work to shake this world?
(all parents, teachers and children shout out a roaring YES!...)
I can't hear....say loudly!
(they shout so much to reverberate the school)
Still more!
(they almost blow their top with shout)
Jai hind!
(i come back to my chair)
how was the speech?...can you imagine how my daughters would have felt?
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