Tuesday, 15 January 2013

the weapon of 'mass attraction'!!

hai friends...how are we?...it is long time since we met...:) happy

life has become busy:) happy...(lies...lies....lies....!!!!)

in the last mail we saw that... i classify behaviours into two types...natural and learnt...there are volumes and volumes to learn on these...we will see all these in the years to come:) happy and at the moment restrict only to the point of discussion...

we also saw that what girls want (i.e a feeling of love in the way they want) and most of the boys are unable to give are all 'learnt' behaviours...so they can be learnt any time...but best is from childhood from the mother...as

1. there is no best age to learn other than childhood as it becomes a habit thereafter throughout the life...as a part of living and life

2. nothing best than from the mother who is the first and everlasting relationship on earth who teaches all the learnt behaviours essential for happy and healthy life from the moment we are born.

we also saw therefore that a boy always searches for his mother in other girls whom he meets. Now we go on with the new mail...

1. orphans do not get this motherly love. So, if you are keen to do some social service, the best one can be to be a mother for these children. There are enough people on earth to donate food, money, dresses etc...but there are hardly few to spare time and show the motherly love...what is required is visiting these places, being with the children with hugs, kisses, cuddles etc...that is all...THIS IS WHAT THEY ACTUALLY NEED!!!...Is it not an excellent idea to give love and at the same time to get love and emotional support from innocent children, who are almost gods, at no cost?...you will find that you get the best satisfaction on earth to be born on earth. The issue here is you are likely to get attached to them. So, it is necessary to learn to remain detached while remaining attached.

2. Any one who is innocent, shows motherly love to others or others perceive a resourcefulness of a mother from this individual, then the individual is sure to attract many towards them. But it is impossible to accommodate every one under the emotional envelope as the resources available are limited. Therefore, it is important to be intelligent while being innocent. The bottom line is 'anyone who is bubbly bubbly...radiates happiness is bound to attract others towards them' as every one wants happiness. No one wants to be around dull or hard faces or negative minded people. So, the necessity of others can be anywhere from necessity of just physical presence to physical needs. Therefore, it is imperative to be intelligent to identify the needs of others and decide whom to keep and whom not to.

3. If you are a parent, and your child is in 'failed love' state, then if you find a person acceptable to you who can show this motherly love to him or her then their life can again be revived...the concept is simple...'feeling of rejection' can be over come by equivalent 'feeling of acceptance'!!!...this is what is shown in movies like 'jab we met', 'punnagai mannan' (tamil film)...so, there is no end of life after a failed love...it is only the beginning of a fresh love...some might say that 'only one love is possible'...but the truth is nature has produced human beings capable of loving many!!!!...but children (even adults) do not understand this and land up with serious decisions of murders or suicides.

4. the negative corollary of this theory is:) happy...theory is:) happy...theory is:) happy...if you want to emotionally attack a person and make him or her fall for you, the best weapon is 'motherly love'!!!!...but i only wish that no one uses this sacred emotion to cheat another human being emotionally, as nothing can be worse than this!

ok guys and gals....it is time up...will meet you tomorrow and give some more spades to dig yourself and discover many truths of life within you!!!!

till then...bye...:-h wave

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