Tuesday, 15 January 2013

அழகும் அறிவும் ...the beauty and the brain!

--- On Thu, 12/4/12, M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

From: M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: azhagum arivum...the beauty and the brain!
To: "M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Date: Thursday, 12 April, 2012, 2:53 PM

hai friends...how are we?

we have got two new contacts added here...a Professor of Management who holds a doctorate in Emotional Intelligence with
many years of MNC experience at top management level.

Another is a young multifaceted personality with variety of qualifications with highest grades in each...masters in computer applications and experience with MNCs including IBM. A Naturopathy  doctor, lead accessor, Management and Logistics specialist (anything more up in the sleeve hidden?)

you are most welcome and hope others here will get benefitted too...others are located from Log angeles in the west to canberra in the east...engg students to doctorates from national / international universities...i send lots of mails on behaviours, relationships, life, career etc to my mit and psg classmates...i send these to other contacts also...hope you enjoy!...i look forward for lots of opinions and criticisms...but unfortunately not much is received.

the present topic of discussion is 'nature tells us to live in a particular way but the social systems we have created tell us to live in a different way leading to conflicts in the conscious / subconscious mind, strained relationships, unhappiness and diseases of the body and mind while the basic funda of life is to be happy and healthy'

in a previous mail we discussed what is 'beauty'...skin deep or brain deep etc...because there was a question raised by one of the students...

1. two days back when i conducted a mock interview for MBA students of PSG IM i was getting late for another function and requested them to leave me...they said 'sir, just only one guy left!!!'. Then i agreed. A tall handsome guy came in and introduced himself to me. His eyes were struggling to see me...when he narrated about him i felt like getting up and saluting him...the son of a tailor who maintains 80% and struggling with blood cancer!...he said he is loosing his eye sight slowly and struggling with other ailments too!...he appeared to be a 'beautiful' guy too!

2. Last year when i gave a lecture to third year ECE students of psg tech, (to get ECE at psg tech one should have got 200 out of 200 in phy,che and maths) i asked 'who is the topper in the class?'...to my surprise one dark, thin, economically poor 'construction worker' like looking girl got up...she said she is maintaining 95%!!!!!...i almost fainted!!!...it is not a joke to be a student of ECE at psg tech and maintain 95% too!...she appeared too 'beautiful' to my brain!

so, there are many swamijis like these beautiful people who live amidst us like normal people and can teach us many life lessons!

they are 'brain-beautiful' (those who trigger the brain and give 'anandam') people!...now a joke about a 'hormone-beautiful' (those who trigger the hormones with their external beauty and give 'pleasure') person....when i open my mouth it does not close...when i start typing a mail the fingers don't stop!...once when i was giving a speech, a beautiful girl from the side sent across a chit...it said 'KISS'...i broke the roof top and started flying...when i turned the paper it said 'Kut It Short Sir!'...i fell down with a 'thud' back on the stage!!!

two mails i received...

Re: did you carve yourself?...who made you what you are?...let us dig and design ourselves!!!

Sunday, 8 April, 2012 9:22 PM
This is DomainKeys 
"elamvazhuthi pannir selvam"

"M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Rams - Nice ones.  These conversations can be in blogs along with comments.  That way it'd be easy for all to comment and record.


Re: what a bloody question yaar!....and what a bloody answer yaar!

Saturday, 7 April, 2012 5:36 AM
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"elamvazhuthi pannir selvam" <epannirselvam@rediffmail.com>
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"M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
You've done so much of research into Love Rams.  Great lecturing in the mail.  Got to know a lot from it.  Thanks.

hai Dr pannir...thanks for your mails...two years back Mr Vijay Mallya gave the guest speech at Annual GBM of Aeronautical Society of India and said 'I am operating an airlines without knowing my risk factors!'...we know what it has lead to!...similarly i am sending mails without knowing who are all reading these. Luckily there is no risk factor here. I just type whatever comes to my mind, whenever i get time and press the send button. That is all. Some time back this suggestion of starting a blog came from our Flight Test Engineer sir v.s. kumar from HAL. I started a blog. But no one went there to read. As there is no time with people, they just get into their mails, read if time permits...as my mail also enters there, there is probability of reading. So, i decided to send as mails. They don't have time patience to go to different blogs or mails or sites. What to do boss?...i reply to them separately or send collectively. 

Thank you boss for knowing about love at the age of 48 and that too from me!...'what we know as right is actually wrong!'...'nothing is right or wrong as long as it keeps us happy and healthy with life full of achievements!'...this is what i learnt and keep learning as i read more and more. (moonu velaiyum thinnu pottu vera yenna velai...reading is the best velai that any one can do!)

another mail i received is below...
sir happy to read all ur wonderful
mails, its worth reading good informations like the mails u send to
all. keep rocking sir...

thank you so much Dr Josephine. 

my daughter tells me that sizable percentage of her classmates were told to get married after plus two, and when they said they want to study further a condition was given to them 'after your four years of studies you should get married...with the guy whom we show!!!'...so there are two hanging ropes...'no more further studies...enough is enough...get married!' (means start producing children and rearing them...for which only you are produced!!!)...next rope is 'you should start living with the guy whom we like!!!'...what a bloody system we have created!!!!...

it appears like still there are many parents who are least bothered about the ambitions and likes and dislikes of their children with the concept that 'what do they know?...they are children after all!!..we only have to do everything for them!!!'...the result is 'wealth marries wealth'...'religion marries religion'...'caste marries caste'...'education marries education'...'social status marries social status'...'body gets married to another body'...but does the heart get married to another heart?...

in-laws might get a social pride of getting a rich or educated or socially powerful boy or girl...but does the boy or girl get a soul mate?...they only get a life mate...with the boy and girl performing only social roles to their social statuses of husband and wife!!...it is high time that we use our brains rather than following social customs and traditions blindly!

so what is the result in my daughter's class...one is already married...a handful have got both job and marriage offers not knowing which direction to go...many did not even attend any interview as their necks are already waiting for the yellow rope!!!...

the punch line of today's mail is

live with human beings....like all human beings...love everything on earth other than human beings!...your profession, books, music, dance, singing, painting, sculpturing, any art form, dogs, butterflies, trees, flowers, rain, clouds, climates, places, occasions, insects etc etc..as they are all there everywhere...wherever you are...and they will love you back unconditionally...without expectations...without possessiveness...and you will always be happy, healthy and life full of achievements!!!

bye guys...till the next mail...

ravusu rams!

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