friends...i got a gap of 30 mts today...thought i will stimulate
thought on one of the chore issue of life...love...it could be between
any two human beings...of any age...any gender...by the way...i always
address this word universally...so don't lock on to only between spouses
or lovers...i feel any two human beings who share emotions are
lovers...that is it!...we need to widen the margins of our definitions
on several things to understand them better, make value additions to
these and give a holistic aspect in the study!
ever i talk on such sensitive issues(considered by our culture as
sensitive, not to be talked about, feel shy to talk but unanimously
agree that
those issues matter a lot in life and are the life lines which make or
break any relationship!) i don't get any reply mails...good shy people
we are!!
i kick start, one mail i received attracted my attention...he was my
team mate during early nineties...whenever he was there on the aircraft
for defect rectification i could feel easy at home...some people have
magic hands which can make things work...he has those hands...now read
Dear Ramasubramanian sir,
Hats off to you. you have made a bold declaration.And my heart approves it because I have worked as a Security supervisor at Infosys after leaving Navy for a mere 5000RS...But i never felt dejected i knew i can achieve if given any chance.From Jan 2001 to 2004 Sep i worked in various organisations in Non technical field.Finally i got a call from Reliance Industries @ salem after attending interview the manager mr.Palaniswamy said why don't you join today i said i am ready to join now.I was eager to prove my Electrical skills and an opportunity was snatched by me. I was paid 12000 Rs.All the Exams and courses offered by Reliance industry i was topper and any sort of Electrical problems in D.G ,SMPS,Air conditioner was attended by me.Though i worked for 3 years only my fame went all over Tamilnadu.I worked as a Field Engineer @ Salem. But after my hard work suddenly i was transferred to Chennai and they started giving me cable laying ,tower construction supervising etc.I felt rejected i took a decision to enter shipping Industry.I applied for CDC and My journey in Shipping Industry was not that easy i learnt the circuits in a hard way.As you said Iam not an Intelligent guy but i burned my midnight oil.Now i am sailing as an Electrical officer in Merchant Navy,My salary is more than 2 Lakhs.Success is not final,Failure is not fatal.It is the courage to Continue that counts.-Winston Churchill.
Keep rocking with such articles
thanks ®ards
vasanthan Raja
Electrical officer
Hats off to you. you have made a bold declaration.And my heart approves it because I have worked as a Security supervisor at Infosys after leaving Navy for a mere 5000RS...But i never felt dejected i knew i can achieve if given any chance.From Jan 2001 to 2004 Sep i worked in various organisations in Non technical field.Finally i got a call from Reliance Industries @ salem after attending interview the manager mr.Palaniswamy said why don't you join today i said i am ready to join now.I was eager to prove my Electrical skills and an opportunity was snatched by me. I was paid 12000 Rs.All the Exams and courses offered by Reliance industry i was topper and any sort of Electrical problems in D.G ,SMPS,Air conditioner was attended by me.Though i worked for 3 years only my fame went all over Tamilnadu.I worked as a Field Engineer @ Salem. But after my hard work suddenly i was transferred to Chennai and they started giving me cable laying ,tower construction supervising etc.I felt rejected i took a decision to enter shipping Industry.I applied for CDC and My journey in Shipping Industry was not that easy i learnt the circuits in a hard way.As you said Iam not an Intelligent guy but i burned my midnight oil.Now i am sailing as an Electrical officer in Merchant Navy,My salary is more than 2 Lakhs.Success is not final,Failure is not fatal.It is the courage to Continue that counts.-Winston Churchill.
Keep rocking with such articles
thanks ®ards
vasanthan Raja
Electrical officer
if we are determined, we will certainly reach the skies...can you
imagine his growth from 5000 per month to more than 2 lakhs per month in
no time!
ok ...now moving to the topic...
we ask any person...'does the person with whom you are in love
(remember...it could be anyone!) love you really?'...how do you
we ask a young girl or boy the individual will say 'wofffff! this is a
million dollar question sir!!...our life goes only in finding out
that!'...if we ask a girl she will say 'some times he appears to
be...but some times not!..i am confused'...if we ask a
boy he will reply the way i said earlier...
we ask a married young girl, with all sparkles in her eyes, she is
likely to say 'whavvvv!...he loves me too much you know!...he takes me
out, looks after me nicely, kisses me here and here (she is showing the
cheeks!!!)...i too lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvv him!'...
these girls when they are in their their later thirties or
forties they will say 'hmm...what to say?...i don't know really if this
nut loves me or not?...may be i lost all the glam!...hmmm...time goes
on with the kids!'...they will give a long breath, take out gas with
noise and look at the eternity with a vacuum feeling in the mind...a
void somewhere!!!
how do they measure if their boys love them or not?
young girl
said her lover boy lovvvvvvvves her a lot...how did she say that?...how
did she measure?...the same girl when she is in later part of life how
did she measure the love of her husband?...why she is dull?...why she
answers like that?
generally measure the love of their boys through the 'value in the
times they spend together'...what value?...romance value!...what they
actually do?...talks, touches here and
there, kisses, hugs, romance looks, naughty acts, talks or acts which
have emotional value to indicate to the girl that he cares for her,
discuss on subjects of mutual interest (i have made this bold for some
reason)...please note...talks about resolution of issues on
house administration and child rearing are not counted here for
measurement of love by the girls...
is it the correct way of measuring such an important parameter of relationship between two?
i feel that we have to go to the micros from macros to find solutions for any issue...to better the
i feel that we have to go to the basics...to the evolution...to find
the actual solutions...and correct, reality solutions...
us look at the other living organisms around us...specially the
opposite genders...what do they do?...let us take some examples...cock
and a hen...two dogs...peacocks...any two opposite genders...they
indulge in all
such acts which i have mentioned in bold
letters...in their own way...what for?...towards the act of
procreation...after the act what happens?...they stop indulging in such
acts and go back to their routine jobs...searching for food, water,
rest, safe place etc....
us compare this with us...any difference?...do you agree that just
because the hen or dog indulge in the bold letter acts, can we say that
they are in love?...they are in a relationship?...does this mean 'act of
procreation' is the back bone or base of any relationship?...or any
emotional relationship?...NO! is it not?
how can we decide the existence of love based on only such acts?...as
they are only procreation related behaviours and not love related
behaviours...(we use it for recreation also!...that is the difference in
the evolution!...we revolutionize every evolution!!
we wrongly presume that if some one does all those acts, then he or she
is in love, otherwise not!...this is the fundamental mistake we make
which brings in all the cold wars, frustrations and problems in
relationships...whether between lovers or spouses!
girls, don't think that the guy is not loving you if he has not kissed
or hugged or given those looks you long for or those touches or words
you long for...these are only superficial procreation related behaviours
and not the real love related behaviours...i do agree that if these are
not there, then the spice in the food (life) is missing and the food
may not be tasty...and you might get bored with the 'curd rice' (routine
life) faster...i am not talking about this here now as the focus is not
on this (we will focus on this in some other mail!
)...i am only saying that 'don't decide whether he loves you or not based on those behaviours in
the way, if he indulges in only the bold letter behaviours, then take
it for granted that he does not love you!...this is loud and clear!
yes...yes...i can hear you saying 'then how to decide?...where is that scale?'...
in few words if i have to say 'if he 'helps' you to achieve all the hierarchical needs defined by Maslow, then he really loves you'...
i yellowed the word 'helps' is, many guys provide all the needs on the
lap of the girls...they make them dump ducks!...most of our girls are
happy in saying 'look! my hubby has given me everything!'...i think this
is not the right way...when we 'help' or 'guide' or 'groom' them to
all these by making them to explore their own power, potentials and
strength then they earn their needs...they cherish it more...they value
it more...they realise it more...they feel they earnt all their needs by
their own-selves...this boosts their energy and life...makes them to
come out of themselves...get a feeling of fulfillment, achieved
etc...and the look they would give you will be different from ''look!
my hubby has given me everything!'
...do you understand the different in taste of the feelings?
ok...what are those needs?...hierarchical needs defined by
physiological needs...(hmmm...let us separate the pampering or romance
or 'warming up' behaviours from here)...food, water, clothing,
procreation etc...physical, emotional, legal, social, economical
all psychological needs...love and affection, self-esteem, self actualisation, helping others to self actualise...
in case your husband has created a social climate with you where you
have got a good house, all comforts at home, freedom of decision making,
freedom of expression, freedom to pursue your profession and passion,
freedom to discuss any topic under the sky with him at ease, all types
of protection i have said earlier, makes you to feel like a free bird,
butterfly...then, you better fly and understand that he loves you too
much...don't decide his love based on the procreative behaviours...so,
don't say he does not love you or give a long breath or look at eternity
if he does not hug or kiss or do all the bold letter acts...though they
are also important for the spice
in life!
are many boys who slog themselves on job to provide you all that said
above...whether they like their job or not, they screw themselves to
provide you and the children all that...they work like dogs and
donkeys...day and night...foregoing all the comforts he has given you
all...they just get time to sleep...so they don't get enough time and
emotional state of mind to give you all the bold lettered
behaviours...that is it...it does not mean he does not want to give
you...he does not like you...he does not love you...etc...
fact they are the best lovers as their expectations from you are the
least...they only give and don't take anything from you...
ok..ok...ok...i understand your rising BP...frustration levels...anger etc...
have you ever thought
of giving all that to him?...if you look with those eyes of 'give'
'take' etc then i will ask you some thing...if you say you have
maintained the assets for him or reared his kids etc then he has also
given all the list i mentioned above...is it not?...so instead of
looking tangentially, look at with a positive note...give all that you
want from him...you will be surprised to see him coming early and
returning all that to you and kids!...in love 'what you give is what you get...and what you don't give is what you don't get!'...
throw away that
age thing...i.e thinking that people should behave to their age...if you think on these lines you will ever remain 'dry' only!
...so, throw away that blanket and come out!
can hear the murmurs of another group of girls...who want to say ' F it
man! this guy can not exhibit such behaviours!...no 'art of living' or
'romance' training can help!...he is a bloody bloody wood!!...ebony
wood!!!...good for nothing!...wofffffffffffffffffffffff!'...
some boys are unable to exhibit such behaviours?...why they are not
able to live up to the expectations of their girls?...why they make the
girls get the feeling 'everything is there but nothing is
there!!!!'....why they make them to get frustrated?...why they make them
dry?...why they make them to flirt!...hopp!!...leading to hung
families...hung children...mess up with all social and legal issues in
their lives?
is a serious issue...as it is relevant to the
physiological need...the basic need of life...though a spice but the
salt too!...without salt food is not palatable!...that is why it is able
to drive the life go haywire!
wofffffffffffff...the mail has become too long...we will see this in the next mail...ok....
rocking guys and gals!
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