Dear friends
These mails go all over the world from Los Angeles to New Zealand and read by people from 17 yrs of age to 75 years of age. From home makers to professors, professionals, doctors, engineers, scientists, administrators, teachers etc. hi..hi..hi..I type what ever crap comes to my mind
05 sep 12 is teachers' day . If we close our eyes and think who is responsible for our present position, i am sure all of us have atleast one teacher, the one who has taught us in the formal education system, i.e schools and colleges.
We also might have atleast one who has taught us from the informal education system also...i.e at home, at office, in society and in other organisations ('my definition' of informal education system is anything other than formal educational institutions).
So, what ever we are today, it is because of a teacher.
It is clear that teachers are the brain, back bone, roots and trunk of the world who help others to reap the fruits and flowers while they remain the same and invisible.
why should they remain same?...they can be teachers at many more institutions and organisations, they can be researchers, be a part of the global network, consultants etc and grow too...
The problem with me is that i find every one from a child to old man, whether educated or not, working or not as a fact it is true with all of us...we learn a lot knowingly or unknowingly from to be and how not to be.
Teaching being a service (paid or unpaid) gives lots of satisfaction more than what money can give. As it is an intangible resource it remains with us and pays in terms of money, wealth, respect, fame, status, love and affection, relationships and any resource under the sky even after our death.
In an agrarian society 'wealth' (money, precious metals like gold, non moving assets like land, house etc, moving assets like vehicles and 'people with wealth or who can help us to get wealth') formed the basic necessity with which they believed to get anything under the sky. Nowonder, all of us are driven towards that from childhood. So, in our life and living (living and life are different...e.g dawood ibrahim has a better living than Mahatma Gandhi but Gandhi had a better life than dawood) which is driven towards wealth we read for wealth, work for wealth, live for wealth, have relationships/contacts at home, society and office for we want to reap wealth in every breath. We try to get respect, fame, authority or power, status, love and affection, people to follow, relationships and all the resources under the sky through wealth.
But the saddest part is, we fail to notice that 'EDUCATION' alone can get us all these...WITH RESPECT, GOOD TASTE AND FLAVOUR!!!...the big list above obtained through wealth will not have this respect, taste and flavour.
uneducated try to get these through their 'skills' and 'experience'...many educated and uneducated try to get these through unfair means also...but one day they will get caught by law enforcement authorities (e.g police) or nature, the super god! the profit and loss account statements of individuals may be different but the balance sheet of happiness is ensured same for all by the Chief Auditor Of Life, THE NATURE!!!!
Also i noticed that education is the only thing which is in OUR HANDS. Rest all in the world remains in the hands of some body else in part or whole. Marks, an indicator of knowledge in our system, is also totally in our hands...every one is given the same question paper..100 is upto us how much we take from that...100 or 0!, why not we run behind education, which is totally in our hands, to get everything under the sky, rather than running behind people to get everything under the sky and get disgusted!!!
Whenever i attended functions amongs relatives, i observed that they don't have anything common to talk for more than a minute. Most the conversations end with 'How are you? How is every one at home?'. If at all it extends it will be cribs about price hike etc whcih does not add any value to strengthen the relationship. The relationships among relatives is only to a level of 'attending functions' and attending functions can not strengthen a relationship. The bonding in the relationship is not at an emotional level as there is a lack of socialisation. There is no common ground where the relationship can flourish, get stronger and better. This i observed even between the blood relationships. Even a mother can not be appreciated as a mother if there is no socialisation (for e.g a child has more attachment to the mother who has grown / reared and groomed than to the biological mother!). So, the bottom line of relationships is 'win-win' socialisation. Also one should get happiness from the other through the relationship. Happiness could be through any means. If happiness is not there then that relationship can not will get lost! how to make our relatives and relationships happy? to have the 'win-win' relationship? to create a strong back bone of relationships?
For this we have to give something to them...give more and that the happiness remains always and relationship remains and grows forever...but it should not reduce from our should grow in our bag too...the more we give, the more it should grow in us and more it should give us happiness...which is that?
yes! said it rightly!! is the EDUCATION that we can give it to others which gives them happiness for ever as it is an intangible and the more you give, more it grows in you, more the happiness for both the parties and the relationship is certain to get stronger and grow!
But amongst most of the relatives and relationships it is EXPLOITING tendency that exists which makes the relationships to go weak and relatives are lost for ever.
So...1. EDUCATION can get us anything under the sky.
2. EDUCATION is the only thing totally within our hands.
3. EDUCATION is the only thing we can give to our relatives and relationships in abundance without losing even a bit from us and infact it only grows when we give.
4. EDUCATION is the only thing that can create new relationships which are everlasting and ever cherishing.
5. EDUCATION is the only gift which will be felt valuable, cherished, make to feel indebted and remembered throughout life by anyone. All others can be forgotten at some time in life as the limited amount of happiness they give last only for some time and perish and education gives everything under the sky for ever even after they die.
so friends, we are knowingly or unknowingly helping others every second through our education...but one more step can be put forward on this year's teachers' day by spending at least half an hour or so or a phone call to a may be about how to read, how to get marks, how to select a course, how to clear arrears, how to gallop in life, how to achieve, how to select a college, whom to contact, etc can be a phone call of two seconds to half an hour a college...or school or even at home or a public light a lamp in some one's life!
Buddha got the 'meaning of life' under bodhi tree. Why not we be a meaning to some one's life and a bodhi tree for many?
bye...keep rocking!
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