Tuesday, 15 January 2013

vekkam poyuduchhu!

hai friends...some of my mails to the psychologists group and some mails from the members are below...it is a great group as it contains a cocktail of thosands of professors, top management professionals of HR, psychologists, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors, school teachers, other psychology professionals, phd scholars and many more who are of indian origin but distributed all over the world...

M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
To: IndianPsychologists@yahoogroups.co.in
Sent: Friday, 27 April 2012 1:26 PM
Subject: [IndianPsychologists] new member...cdr m ramasubramanian
dear professors, doctors, professionals of psychology and people like me...

when i joined the group i received a mail saying new members should introduce themselves...

i am a new member in the group...(i joined in 2009 but left on my own due to my professional requirements...now i am back in the group!)

I am a 48 year old, commander from indian navy, with about 26 years experience in management of human resource and aircraft maintenance.

my academic qualifications are as follows:-

B.Sc (Applied Science) from PSG College of Technology, coimbatore
B.Tech (Instrument Technology) from Madras Institute of Technology. (gold medalist and     best outgoing student award)
Masters in Marine Engg.
M Tech (Avionics) from CUSAT, Kochi
MSc Applied psychology from Bharathiar Univ, coimbatore
Pursuing Phd in psychology with Bharathiar univ
A researcher in the field of 'Automation and Robotics' at PSG Tech, Coimbatore.

I wanted to become a neuro surgeon during my school days, but landed up with engg. But destiny probably decided to take me towards brain, and that is how i got interested in psychology. So, engg is my profession, psychology is my passion and management is probably addiction(?)!

My purpose of joining this group is to widen my knowledge on psychology with the inputs from experienced and well read professors, doctors and professionals in the field.

My experience with human beings, studies on psychology and sociology have given me some knowledge and lots of unclear thoughts also which i want to clarify.

I do visit colleges and give lectures on various aspects of management of life, behaviours and profession.

Hope to see lots of interactions. My email id is MRAMASUBRAMANIAN1@YAHOO.CO.IN

commander m ramasubramanian

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interesting profile

Saturday, 28 April, 2012 7:48 PM
"Dr_Sadhana Natu" <dr.sadhana.natu@gmail.com>
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 Dear Commander Subramanian,

Your profile is very interesting!
 A combination of Technology, Robotics, Automation, Management and Social Science. Indeed most of the Universities abroad and IITs in India allow for this kind of 

Interdisciplinary learning, doing it on your own is really commendable!

I would definitely like to discuss and debate on various topics. The yahoo group also allows for brainstorming.

I also do a lot of multi tasking - teaching, research, consultancy for NGOs and Industry, counselling, writing, psychological testing. Psychology allows you to explore 

many realms.
 Good wishes for your ongoing  research.

Dr Sadhana Natu

Associate Professor and Head
Dept of Psychology
Modern College, Pune

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Re: [IndianPsychologists] new member...cdr m ramasubramanian

Monday, 30 April, 2012 6:24 AM
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"R Parthasarathi" <rishibadri@yahoo.com>
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"IndianPsychologists@yahoogroups.co.in" <IndianPsychologists@yahoogroups.co.in>
"mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Commander Ramasubramanian,
You are welcome to make the site richer with your contributions. This site has no age bar. As known to me, members age ranges from 21 to 74. I am in the top.
Life by itself a big laboratory where the research work goes on ongoing basis. Young and old have their own perception of issues in psychology. Both merit understandidng and appreciating.
Please begin your share of contribution.
Regards & well wishes.
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RE: [IndianPsychologists] new member...cdr m ramasubramanian

Saturday, 28 April, 2012 7:55 PM
"Ishita Sanyal" <ishitasanyal@hotmail.com>
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Great combination indeed

Ishita Sanyal
Director, Turning Point
Kolkata - 700032, India
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"seema sarraf" <seemasarraf@yahoo.co.in>
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"mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
dear sir,
  welcome to the school of psychology.i am a research scholar and a guest faculty as well in rohilkhand university, bareilly. i am saying school of psychology because we all are learning from this day by day. Welcome sir.............
                                                                                                                            seema rani

yeppidi irunthucchu???


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