--- On Tue, 8/5/12, M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
From: M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: some interesting mails...
To: "M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Date: Tuesday, 8 May, 2012, 3:09 PM
hai friends...how are we?...yellow lines are mine...
Ever since i have started sending mails to the indian psychologists yahoo groups, mails have been pouring. I will post their comments shortly. You can see how psychologists, scientists, doctors and other professionals analyse these issues that i send.
I am being adviced by some that i should start a blog and type all this there. I started one. But no one visited or read or made any comment. So, i stopped. what is your opinion?...should i start a blog?...will any one read and comment?...if no one reads and comments then it is of no use!
The comments of some of my contacts are here...the first one is from my mit classmate from singapore...
RE: who is at fault?
well, I am not 100% spiritualist or noble..... I am here and there.....no
probs boss...whether we are noble or not is not the issue...whether we
are trying to be noble is what is important...if we start the journey
one day we will reach the destination!
I think if a person truly or really follows a Guru and a guru makes mistakes..... The follower most probably gets upset. But not involving in any violent activities.
There have been so many high souls such as Ramana Maharishi, Baghavan Ramakrishna and so on came to earth and left many teachings.....i fully agree...but i don't follow any one...i do read the writings of all...from thiruvalluvar to Eckhart Tolle to anyone...analyse them...try to find out the universal truth in that...and follow only those i am convinced with...i consider all of them as normal human beings only...i don't consider them as gods...as god is only one...that is nature...and all living beings are same in the eyes of nature...whatever powers they might have...for me every living being is same and all teach me invaluable lessons...the value of lessons are same...whether it is from jesus or mohammad or krishna or any other prophet or living organism...i typed living organisms as i have learnt most valuable things only from nature...and i have always found that the commoners teach me great and more lessons that the god men...of course, i respect all equally...every living being is a guru for me...i have been like this since my birth and therefore a 'problem kid' for my parents and relatives
question everything and every one...i have attended to the lectures of
some gurus...but i have always found that i had read all those in my
moral science subjects...nothing new was there...and no great feeling i
have felt...other day my parents took my daughters (thinking that i am a
nut and let my children at least be like them
to their shock they also told my parents 'we know all these
already!'...with due respect to the Sankaracharya, i would like to say
that when i met him at Kanchi mutt, he offered an orange...his hand was
about half feet above my hand...the fruit fell in air to my hand...he
gave like that to all people...i did
not like that...i feel that every one has to be treated equal and there
should be no discrimination...god treats every one like that...he could
have just handed over that instead of dropping...anyway...it does not
mean i don't like him...i like all...i do not like only some of their
behaviours...gandhiji liked all including the Britishers...he did not
like only their behaviour of ruling us...that is why he could win and
was liked by Britishers too...this is my philosophy...
i have been saying that most of our sufferings are due to our social systems and what we have learnt from our social systems...this is one among that...the culture in our social system is 'go to school. 'score more marks' in subjects that can fetch us admission in good colleges, good courses and finally well paid job...the motto is clear...to earn wealth...we presume that moral science does not teach about life...we keep saying 'yettu suraikkaai koottukku uthavaathu' etc...then why are we sending our children to school?...in my opinion if we follow what we learn in school books we will become noble...
we are not bothered about whether the children read moral science subjects or not...whether they follow and shape their lives as per their learning or not... we are not bothered...in fact if a parent finds a child reading moral science book they scold and ask them to read maths and science...even there they don't expect them to follow the scientific principles they have learnt in their life...they only want marks...the result is what we have...the contents of all the mails you have typed below..
fact moral science is the basement and other knowledge should be grown
on that...i have lived like that...i am not in loss...i have grown my
children also like that...i will address all the issues one by one in
don't talk something which is not understood by others...i talk
reality...i talk things that naturally occur in the minds to
others...so, without any surprise most of the social scientists too
agree and acknowledge with these in the yahoo group!
I would like to suggest you to read these two books, 1. குரு, 2. குரு வழி both were written by பாலகுமாரன். You could buy these books in Vijaya Pathipagam, Town Hall, CBE....sure boss...i will read them...more books are most welcome...
There are two types of learning.... you have not differentiated that either.....
The persons who teach in schools or colleges or universities are known as ஆச்சார்யர் from whom a student learns skills that would enable the student to earn money or materialistic things......
But where as குரு is a person who knows everything. அவர் முக்காலமும் அறிந்தவர். A disciple (true one) can run to his/her guru for any kind of problems. குரு eases the process of self realization and knowing God....sorry boss...i am convinced that educated is one who reads school or college books only for earning materialistic things in life...he does not apply the education to shape his life...so ends up in earning wealth and bad health..unhappiness etc...does not know what is the meaning of life...how to live etc...lives like an animal...and finally runs to others to learn about life...or lands up in art of living classes at the end of life...learned is one who reads the school books and college books, understand, applies to life and he becomes a symbol of all those things which are in those books...and earns too!...if some one does this he will become noble...he will become guru etc...surrendering to others is our culture...wrong culture...once we are noble we will get all the powers of gurus you are talking about...they are no different than us...may be high in intellect...so what?....
I would like to share this also, I read this incident in one of the books of M.S.Udayamurthy (many of us have not even heard his name, because we only worship movie actors). well, M.S.Udayamurthy visited Sri Ramana Maharishi's ashram in 1970's along with a nun and few other persons from USA, he felt the very peacefulness there. But he stated in that book that the same feeling was experienced by others(americans) who were with him and they were bowing their heads...any place merged with nature is peaceful...with silence...with colours of nature...with naturally available stuff...grass...plants...trees...or sounds of nature...soothing melodies...raaga that can pierce the mind...smells of nature that can calm the mind...it need not be an ashram...or the place of a so called guru...the artificial places only can give us pleasure...and not happiness...aanandam or peace...so, i feel you and me or any one after shaping or carving our personality traits as noble ones also will radiate peace or silence or happiness to others...once we are like that we will keep our surroundings also like that...blended with nature...
then why these many problems such as violence, economic crisis etc..... The same question was asked to Shri. Ravi Shankar in Canada or USA, his reply was like, if everything in this world is good. No body knows the value of good. When the world is mixed up of good and bad. People would realize the value of good....may be true...but my reply is again the same...our social systems have not taught us the right things...they have not taught us meaning of life...only have taught us 'money is every thing and run behind money and get worldly pleasures, status etc through the money' which is totttttttttttally wrong!'...many prophets have come and gone...but we did not change...how many more we need?
I am sure there are many good spiritual persons out there in this world. But they are difficult to be identified.
I am sure, you would not have expected this kind of reply from me. But I just wanted to reply for this email....thanks boss...for reading my mail so well and typing your opinion...i am grateful for that...at least it has stirred some thinking...
My two cents,
It is very difficult to rationalize everything when it comes to spirituality....there are only two things in the world...things proved by science...and not proved by science...no one questions about issues of the first type...no one can prove the issues of the second type...so no point in arguing on the issues of second type...we can follow anything that gives us happiness, good health and help us to self actualize...that is all...
Please try to know all the sides before writing an email like this.....boss...read my mail i have sent to the yahoo group...i have answered there for this statement...i will send that mail as the next mail...
something to read
Then regarding minds drive us crazy. Yes, if we do not know how to control it. Yoga, chanting and meditation can help to control mind. Especially chanting....i agree...again let us not link all these to spiritualism etc...yoga, meditation etc are the interventions to behaviour modifications...well within the ambit of psychology...they have no connection with spirituality, belief of god etc....we have a tendency to link every thing to 'god'...which is wrong....I did not say this from my experience. http://www.soundstrue.com/shop/Mantra/432.productdetails
We always need westernized branding for our own customs..... something like USA holds the patent for Benefits of turmeric....
I am not arguing here..... I am just trying to state the facts from another side....well taken boss...arguing comes only in unproven issues...where no one can prove he is right or wrong...both can argue endlessly...we just have to take what is right for us and go on....
P.S: I know few people from the western world who have very good knowledge about spirituality, yoga...
Most of the times I think that due to many invasions especially after 16th century British invasion, we lost much of our originality.
I can keep this email going on..... but I guess this is enough for now.....even i can type endlessly but i think i will stop here.
Ever since i have started sending mails to the indian psychologists yahoo groups, mails have been pouring. I will post their comments shortly. You can see how psychologists, scientists, doctors and other professionals analyse these issues that i send.
I am being adviced by some that i should start a blog and type all this there. I started one. But no one visited or read or made any comment. So, i stopped. what is your opinion?...should i start a blog?...will any one read and comment?...if no one reads and comments then it is of no use!
The comments of some of my contacts are here...the first one is from my mit classmate from singapore...
RE: who is at fault?
Friday, 4 May, 2012 3:44 PM
<mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>, "C A SOPHIA MADAM CLINICAL
MATE" <spkumar@techmahindra.com>, "CA Shaneer Nadaf"
<shan.cool21@gmail.com>... more
fully agree with the reasons and they are absolutely
thank you maggi boss...your encouraging words mean a lot to me...so nice of you!...only thing is i would be happy if you can spread the contents of this message to others also...
the following mail is from a Research Scholar from Italy who is doing his Phd in engg...he has done his masters from Norway / Sweden...has worked at PSG Tech as Asst Prof...i have given my comments in between...
thank you maggi boss...your encouraging words mean a lot to me...so nice of you!...only thing is i would be happy if you can spread the contents of this message to others also...
the following mail is from a Research Scholar from Italy who is doing his Phd in engg...he has done his masters from Norway / Sweden...has worked at PSG Tech as Asst Prof...i have given my comments in between...
Re: who is at fault?
Friday, 4 May, 2012 5:36 PM
"Manickavasagam Krishnan" <akmanick@gmail.com>
View contact details
"M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
I think if a person truly or really follows a Guru and a guru makes mistakes..... The follower most probably gets upset. But not involving in any violent activities.
There have been so many high souls such as Ramana Maharishi, Baghavan Ramakrishna and so on came to earth and left many teachings.....i fully agree...but i don't follow any one...i do read the writings of all...from thiruvalluvar to Eckhart Tolle to anyone...analyse them...try to find out the universal truth in that...and follow only those i am convinced with...i consider all of them as normal human beings only...i don't consider them as gods...as god is only one...that is nature...and all living beings are same in the eyes of nature...whatever powers they might have...for me every living being is same and all teach me invaluable lessons...the value of lessons are same...whether it is from jesus or mohammad or krishna or any other prophet or living organism...i typed living organisms as i have learnt most valuable things only from nature...and i have always found that the commoners teach me great and more lessons that the god men...of course, i respect all equally...every living being is a guru for me...i have been like this since my birth and therefore a 'problem kid' for my parents and relatives
i have been saying that most of our sufferings are due to our social systems and what we have learnt from our social systems...this is one among that...the culture in our social system is 'go to school. 'score more marks' in subjects that can fetch us admission in good colleges, good courses and finally well paid job...the motto is clear...to earn wealth...we presume that moral science does not teach about life...we keep saying 'yettu suraikkaai koottukku uthavaathu' etc...then why are we sending our children to school?...in my opinion if we follow what we learn in school books we will become noble...
we are not bothered about whether the children read moral science subjects or not...whether they follow and shape their lives as per their learning or not... we are not bothered...in fact if a parent finds a child reading moral science book they scold and ask them to read maths and science...even there they don't expect them to follow the scientific principles they have learnt in their life...they only want marks...the result is what we have...the contents of all the mails you have typed below..
I would like to suggest you to read these two books, 1. குரு, 2. குரு வழி both were written by பாலகுமாரன். You could buy these books in Vijaya Pathipagam, Town Hall, CBE....sure boss...i will read them...more books are most welcome...
There are two types of learning.... you have not differentiated that either.....
The persons who teach in schools or colleges or universities are known as ஆச்சார்யர் from whom a student learns skills that would enable the student to earn money or materialistic things......
But where as குரு is a person who knows everything. அவர் முக்காலமும் அறிந்தவர். A disciple (true one) can run to his/her guru for any kind of problems. குரு eases the process of self realization and knowing God....sorry boss...i am convinced that educated is one who reads school or college books only for earning materialistic things in life...he does not apply the education to shape his life...so ends up in earning wealth and bad health..unhappiness etc...does not know what is the meaning of life...how to live etc...lives like an animal...and finally runs to others to learn about life...or lands up in art of living classes at the end of life...learned is one who reads the school books and college books, understand, applies to life and he becomes a symbol of all those things which are in those books...and earns too!...if some one does this he will become noble...he will become guru etc...surrendering to others is our culture...wrong culture...once we are noble we will get all the powers of gurus you are talking about...they are no different than us...may be high in intellect...so what?....
I would like to share this also, I read this incident in one of the books of M.S.Udayamurthy (many of us have not even heard his name, because we only worship movie actors). well, M.S.Udayamurthy visited Sri Ramana Maharishi's ashram in 1970's along with a nun and few other persons from USA, he felt the very peacefulness there. But he stated in that book that the same feeling was experienced by others(americans) who were with him and they were bowing their heads...any place merged with nature is peaceful...with silence...with colours of nature...with naturally available stuff...grass...plants...trees...or sounds of nature...soothing melodies...raaga that can pierce the mind...smells of nature that can calm the mind...it need not be an ashram...or the place of a so called guru...the artificial places only can give us pleasure...and not happiness...aanandam or peace...so, i feel you and me or any one after shaping or carving our personality traits as noble ones also will radiate peace or silence or happiness to others...once we are like that we will keep our surroundings also like that...blended with nature...
then why these many problems such as violence, economic crisis etc..... The same question was asked to Shri. Ravi Shankar in Canada or USA, his reply was like, if everything in this world is good. No body knows the value of good. When the world is mixed up of good and bad. People would realize the value of good....may be true...but my reply is again the same...our social systems have not taught us the right things...they have not taught us meaning of life...only have taught us 'money is every thing and run behind money and get worldly pleasures, status etc through the money' which is totttttttttttally wrong!'...many prophets have come and gone...but we did not change...how many more we need?
I am sure there are many good spiritual persons out there in this world. But they are difficult to be identified.
I am sure, you would not have expected this kind of reply from me. But I just wanted to reply for this email....thanks boss...for reading my mail so well and typing your opinion...i am grateful for that...at least it has stirred some thinking...
My two cents,
It is very difficult to rationalize everything when it comes to spirituality....there are only two things in the world...things proved by science...and not proved by science...no one questions about issues of the first type...no one can prove the issues of the second type...so no point in arguing on the issues of second type...we can follow anything that gives us happiness, good health and help us to self actualize...that is all...
Please try to know all the sides before writing an email like this.....boss...read my mail i have sent to the yahoo group...i have answered there for this statement...i will send that mail as the next mail...
something to read
Then regarding minds drive us crazy. Yes, if we do not know how to control it. Yoga, chanting and meditation can help to control mind. Especially chanting....i agree...again let us not link all these to spiritualism etc...yoga, meditation etc are the interventions to behaviour modifications...well within the ambit of psychology...they have no connection with spirituality, belief of god etc....we have a tendency to link every thing to 'god'...which is wrong....I did not say this from my experience. http://www.soundstrue.com/shop/Mantra/432.productdetails
We always need westernized branding for our own customs..... something like USA holds the patent for Benefits of turmeric....
I am not arguing here..... I am just trying to state the facts from another side....well taken boss...arguing comes only in unproven issues...where no one can prove he is right or wrong...both can argue endlessly...we just have to take what is right for us and go on....
P.S: I know few people from the western world who have very good knowledge about spirituality, yoga...
Most of the times I think that due to many invasions especially after 16th century British invasion, we lost much of our originality.
I can keep this email going on..... but I guess this is enough for now.....even i can type endlessly but i think i will stop here.
Re: who is at fault?
Sunday, 6 May, 2012 11:52 AM
This sender is DomainKeys verified
"santhana krishnan" <santhana_krishnan62@yahoo.com>
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"M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Dear Rams,
observations and views are great and worthy considering. I fully
endorse your jottings and the facts. How ignorant people are in-spite of all the worldly education and experiences. It is very unfortunate.
is no doubt people who lived in the earlier centuries lived more
happily although they lacked the so called comforts, conveniences and
luxuries of today. It is worthy that every one give a serious thought to
this point and make an internal search for the real truth. With the god
given sixth
sense it should be easily possible to find out the ways and means of
living happily loving and serving each other. Love, Compassion and
service to the society which made you, "what you are now", are the key
Regards and in service,
thank you so much san sir...so nice of you...now you are a well known person among my contacts
thank you so much san sir...so nice of you...now you are a well known person among my contacts
Re: who is at fault?
Saturday, 5 May, 2012 9:48 PM
This sender is DomainKeys verified
"elamvazhuthi pannir selvam" <epannirselvam@rediffmail.com>
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"M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
said Rams. Why don't you write all these in a blog. Create your own,
probably in blogspot.com, and then keep putting info. That way the
people who visit are not restricted to this group of email addressees or
your yahoo group.
thank you so much Dr. pannir...you said this earlier also...i started a blog...but no one visited there or made any comment...so i am continuing with my mails...ok!...now i am asking...can any one tell me if i should start a blog and would any one visit that blog and comment?
Next person is gopika, my mit classmate, MS (comp sc) from University of Houston, USA...a voracious reader of books of all subjects...she has in depth knowledge in most of the subjects we know off...an all rounder...gopikanandamayee!
thank you so much Dr. pannir...you said this earlier also...i started a blog...but no one visited there or made any comment...so i am continuing with my mails...ok!...now i am asking...can any one tell me if i should start a blog and would any one visit that blog and comment?
Next person is gopika, my mit classmate, MS (comp sc) from University of Houston, USA...a voracious reader of books of all subjects...she has in depth knowledge in most of the subjects we know off...an all rounder...gopikanandamayee!
RE: who is at fault?
Sunday, 6 May, 2012 7:44 PM
"Gopika Radhakrishnan" <gopikarkrishnan@hotmail.com>
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"rams" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
yes, any ordinary human being can set a good example for others to follow...any human being can become god like by leading a noble life and by leading by example...no labels nor titles are required...
i think we should train our intellect to discriminate and learn and shine and choose whatever is good and is working for us to lead good lives.
Only after fully developing the intellect by questioning and finding answers to life's big questions based on research and scientific principles, we need to go beyond intellect to truly experience beautiful feelings like 'love' and other higher level of consciousness that is possible thru meditation and total alert awareness. These great abstracts will also be explained by science in due course...it is only a matter of time...
good rams...yes we should always be able to question all kinds of theories put up by anybody including god men, gurujis, professionals, scientists etc..we need to inquire and know the truth for ourselves...and not blindly accept anything anyone says...
thank yo so much gopika...as you know, i have learnt a lot from your mails in the group...you are one among my gurus!
Re: Fw: an interesting person...an interesting discussion!
Tuesday, 8 May, 2012 12:55 AM
"Manickavasagam Krishnan" <akmanick@gmail.com>
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"M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
are few guys who work hard to graduate ph.d or more and around the age
of 35, they prolly have longer alphabets of degrees than their names....
But the bride's parents would ask for bank balance of the guy, liquid and fixed assets etc.....
What do you think about this or your opinion regarding this?...looking for wealth or assets in any form from any one is wrong in my opinion...no living organism (except parasites or some inferior cannibals) looks for food from others...they search for their own food and eat...in my opinion they are parasites, inferior organisms, not evolved to be human beings...no organism commits suicide that it is not able to search for its food...it only dies due to diseases, due to which it is unable to search for food...human being is the only organism which commits suicide that it is not able to get its food...we have devalued ourselves...downgraded ourselves to worst than animals...again due to our social systems!
But the bride's parents would ask for bank balance of the guy, liquid and fixed assets etc.....
What do you think about this or your opinion regarding this?...looking for wealth or assets in any form from any one is wrong in my opinion...no living organism (except parasites or some inferior cannibals) looks for food from others...they search for their own food and eat...in my opinion they are parasites, inferior organisms, not evolved to be human beings...no organism commits suicide that it is not able to search for its food...it only dies due to diseases, due to which it is unable to search for food...human being is the only organism which commits suicide that it is not able to get its food...we have devalued ourselves...downgraded ourselves to worst than animals...again due to our social systems!
Re: PH. D. ADMISSION-The adventures of four 'young' men!
Tuesday, 8 May, 2012 12:25 AM
"Manickavasagam Krishnan" <akmanick@gmail.com>
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"M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
But the basic problem in our country is.....
Education is always linked with money..... If the software field is not good on a particular year, no one is willing to study B.E in computer science.....
There should be quest for knowledge, passion and love to learn. Here the examination results or high grades do not reflect these things at all....
Why this happens in India.....
The reason is very simple, salary is not uniform for all jobs.....
For example a lecturer earns 25,000 INK but his student would earn 40,000 INR per month if he gets a job renowned IT companies......
In my limited experience in Europe, the situation is very different......
For example, In Sweden one of my friends who works as a bus driver for public transport earns about 40,000 Swedish Kroners per month and Professors may earn like 45000 to 50000 Swedish Kroners per month......
So here, if a person has a passion for learning and achieving something, then she/he would pursue ph.d and so on...... This is not based on money or more educational qualification for promotion etc..
the answer for this mail is there in my above mail boss...wrong learning from our social systems...
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Re: Fw: did you carve yourself?...who made you what you are?...let us dig and design ourselves!!!
Tuesday, 8 May, 2012 1:51 AM
"Manickavasagam Krishnan" <akmanick@gmail.com>
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"M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
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if both husband and wife are working, they have to share errands at home such as cleaning, cooking and doing laundry etc.....
But are the kids (both boys and girls) being raised in such a way that they would be able to do the above things easily?!
A boy who gets job in new delhi or mumbai, obviously has to be away from home town and his family. If he knows cooking, it will be very useful for him......
In my opinion everyone should know how to cook few dishes..... It is a survival skill for me right now.... I was not taught how to cook, but I learnt it myself and I am still learning (whenever time permits..... last weekend I cooked Soyabeans briyani, it was ok). You could check the attachment as a sample of dishes which I am able to cook.
I wonder how many young girls can cook nowadays? yes, it is possible to hire a maid for cooking. But it is a skill that is important for everyone.....
Not money can buy everything.......
I often think that a very good understanding, love and being flexible to each other would solve any kind of issues between couple......
you are perfectly right...all living organisms teach their offsprings how to search for food how to live how to protect from natural threats...other animals etc...human being is the only organism which feels 'he is a kid. what does he know. i have to look after him'...again wrong social system...i will type a long and detailed mail in my next mail...for a mother her kid is always a kid...in our social sytem...what to do...parents think that they have to everything for their children and children can not look after themselves...fuck all bloody concept...no wonder our parents don't find time for themselves, feel too much of responsibilities, and land up in supporting their irresponsible children throughout their lives...more later boss...
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