--- On Fri, 27/4/12, M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
From: M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: 'malleepoo vishayam....' (jasmine issue)
To: "M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Date: Friday, 27 April, 2012, 12:06 PM
hai friends...
"Ramakrishnan Murugesan" <ramakrishnan.murugesan@gmail.com>
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"MRAMASUBRAMANIAN MANICKARAJAN" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
hi ravusu rams,
and nice to see ur
mail yaar, how u r finding time to read such a wonderful topic, tell us
ur secret of time management that how u find time in ur hectic
r u doing any research about love & about human
research ,keep going, hats off to u
hai ramki boss! nice to hear from you after a looong time!...i type about sooo many issues
...but looks the mails containing info about love has attracted the brains of many...boss!
...nothing great i type about...anyone can think and bring out such issues...only thing is one should think about...that is the point!..no one has time...they are all immersed in their daily chores...i read a bit...observe others a lot...relate both...keep thinking about it during, travel, eating etc etc...infact, out of the approx 17 hours we are awake, about 60 to 90% of the time our brain is either idle or under loaded...so this time is used by me...and i type my opinions...that is all!
...hihihi...i don't do research about love
...i am a research scholar in human behaviours
(psychology and sociology...i.e individual and group human behaviours!) ...as a management
professional...and of course, research scholar in machine behaviours too...in the field of robotics...as an engineer...!
Engineering is my profession...psychology is my passion...management is my addiction!
..(adikka varaatheyppaa!)
academic education gives a methodical approach of doing a 'kothhu parotta'
of human behaviours...!
...nothing great i type about...anyone can think and bring out such issues...only thing is one should think about...that is the point!..no one has time...they are all immersed in their daily chores...i read a bit...observe others a lot...relate both...keep thinking about it during, travel, eating etc etc...infact, out of the approx 17 hours we are awake, about 60 to 90% of the time our brain is either idle or under loaded...so this time is used by me...and i type my opinions...that is all!
...hihihi...i don't do research about love
Engineering is my profession...psychology is my passion...management is my addiction!
academic education gives a methodical approach of doing a 'kothhu parotta'
as love is a topic which is wrongly understood by most of us, may be, it has attracted the attention of many!...with our narrow mind we take it as a 'relationship between a girl or boy or a man and a woman'...and land up with sinusoids of happiness and sorrows!
...in short, love is a happy emotion (there are two types of feelings...happy and sorrow...if you list all the emotions we undergo they will all fall under this two category...love falls in happy category) we love anything that gives us happiness...an object, a place, an occasion or a person...
except human beings, all of them give us happiness...human beings can give only short term happiness or pleasures...they can not remain permanent...they can not give happiness always...because of our 'expectations' and 'possessiveness'...so, it is to do with 'us' and not with 'them'...dei...dei...dei...vidungappaa!...let us change over the topic!
...i will discuss about another dimension...a truly different dimension...in the next mail!...ok vaa!
now let us go to the fresh fresh mail...with malleeppoo (jasmine fragrance) vaasam!!!
...in short, love is a happy emotion (there are two types of feelings...happy and sorrow...if you list all the emotions we undergo they will all fall under this two category...love falls in happy category) we love anything that gives us happiness...an object, a place, an occasion or a person...
except human beings, all of them give us happiness...human beings can give only short term happiness or pleasures...they can not remain permanent...they can not give happiness always...because of our 'expectations' and 'possessiveness'...so, it is to do with 'us' and not with 'them'...dei...dei...dei...vidungappaa!...let us change over the topic!
now let us go to the fresh fresh mail...with malleeppoo (jasmine fragrance) vaasam!!!
2. my english is not as good as yours...so ignore the grammar!
sorry for the silence. I was busy turning some pages!
Let us take yet another issue...yes...the malleeppooo (jasmine flower) issue!
for busy eyes!
All of us add many 'accessories' on our body (anything that we put on our birthday body is referred by me as an accessory) without any thinking. We just copy from others or do it as we have been doing since child hood or because others are doing or it is fetching some 'attention'. But does it create the right image that we want to create in the minds of others?...
for the cool eyes!
malleeppoo!...the jasmine flower...or the mullai poo!...moment we
think of this flower, a good fragrance surrounds us!...whavv what
a beautiful smell it gives...there is no one who is not mayangified
in this fragrance!...in fact all south indians are adimais for this flower
and its smell...even the north indians wear it on the hands when
they go to 'such' places!
our ladies in tamil nadu wear 'malleeppooo' (jasmine flower)...cost varies from 20/- to 60/- for one hand length. In my opinion it is not cheap. But i find ladies / girls from rich to poor wearing this. Why do they wear?...spending so much of money!
to add beauty?
to project an image of a homely girl or lady?
or to attract the attention of men? (yeah...i can see some angry faces!
of course, it gives a godly look (as we have carved gods also like our girls with malleeppoo!)...divine look...homely look...'saantham' looks...
sober girl image...etc...
men are no less...they also put on many accessories on their body...what for?...to seek the attention of girls?...or to create some 'image' in the mind of other person about them?...what sort of image?
Do we wear the same accessories throughout our life?...the women above 60s wear malleeppoo?...the men above forties wear low hip jeans?...we change...why?...is it because we don't like it anymore or we want to create a different image in the minds of people as age changes?...'respectable' image?...does this mean that malleeppoo or does not give a respectable image?...(is 'age' consciousness important?...we will discuss this in a separate mail...about how age consciousness really makes our body and mind to age faster!)
this is a continuation of an old mail where in i said regarding image...we must always remember that 'we are always observed'...whether we know it or not, all the time we are continuously observed by some one or the other...by our parents 'is he a good son?'...by our friends 'is he a good friend?'...is he a good husband?...is she a good wife?...is he a good brother?...is she a good sister?...is he a good subordinate?...is he a good boss?...is she a good soul mate?...etc etc...the observer does not know that he is observing...but his or her subconscious mind keeps observing and forms an image about you, your personality traits and does an evaluation as to you are good or bad...by comparing with the stored data...image data...traits data...
this is because all living organisms try to find out the organism infront if it is an enemy or friend...is it a threat? etc...it is done sub consciously...so the subconscious mind of human beings also do this...so, we continuously observe others and we are also continuously observed by all...all the time!...whether we like it or do it or not!...we do!
many of us consciously, therefore, define our attire to project the image that we want others to make about us...we wear many accessories on our body...we also change and want others to form an image as per the change...
in general, girls or ladies want to project an image of 'pleasant' ness! I hope i am right!
( a corollary!...if we tell a girl 'you are not looking pleasant!', will she like it?...or if we tell a girl
'you are not attractive!', will she like it?...does it mean that we want to be both pleasant and
sexy?...no...it is the 'feeling of rejection'!...we don't want rejection by anyway!...we just can not accept rejection...though our logical mind will say something, but our inner mind will expect us to be accepted...and not rejected...in anything!...whenever you feel unhappy, just analyse the reason...90% of the time it is due to a 'feeling of rejection'...rejection by parents...rejection by friends...rejection by those we admire...rejection by organisation...by boss...by husband...by wife...by lover...by society...by religious groups...in general, by people or places or groups)
the point here is not whether malleeppoo is good or bad...i don't believe in giving my judgements whether right or wrong...every one has to decide her or his
destiny or happiness...it can not be dictated by others...as per me nothing is right or nothing is wrong
as long as it gives happiness, good health and does not interfere in your achievement motive
without affecting other's right for the same!
even i like malleeppoo!...the issue here is whether we wear the right accessory relevant to the image that we want to form in the minds of others!...
...it is that whether it gives a pleasant image or not?...though it gives a 'homely girl' 'kula vilakku' 'kuthhu vilakku' looks, the flower has a fragrance, which is known to whirl the minds of men...is it our intention?...ok!...are we ready to buy a white coloured flower which has the looks of malleeppoo or mullai poo but has no fragrance?...if answer is yes, then the intention is to look pleasant!...if
answer is no, then is our intention to attract men?...or whirl their minds?
should women look beautiful and men look handsome?...other day there was a 'neeyaa? naanaa? programme in vijay TV...issue was 'who look beautiful?...white skinned or dark skinned?'...i was just passing by the tv and my daughters and wife were watching...they told me to watch the programme...i asked them 'first of all why should women look beautiful?...they said 'what a nutty guy we have at
so, let us think before we use anything on our body to create the
relevant image!
(before i press the 'send' button...let us reiterate...'it is the behaviour
that brings the lasting beauty and not the vanishing looks!!!')
ravusu rams!
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