hai friends...enjoy my following mail!
--- On Fri, 4/5/12, M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
From: M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: who is at fault?
To: "M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Date: Friday, 4 May, 2012, 3:01 PM
hai friends...how are we?
sorry for the silence. I was a member of the indian psychologists yahoo group. It consists of about 5000 doctors, professors, professionals, students and research scholars of psychology who are distributed all over the world. For some time i came out of the group due to some unknown reasons
...now i have again become
a member...i have sent the following mail to that group...enjoy!
dear friends...
Time and again we observe that people in saffron dress hit the media saying they have done wrong things not acceptable to the society...surprised the followers with unexpected behaviours etc. We also observe that the followers burn their effigy and indulge in protests saying the god man has cheated them.
who is at fault?...the god man or the followers?
As a psychologist when i look at this issue, i get a feeling that the followers are wrong in their PERCEPTION.
I feel the followers are wrong for the following reasons:-
(a) for believing that all god men are sent by god
(b) for expecting them to live a specific type of life with a set of personality traits
When we analyse any issue, we are supposed to have a frame of reference. When i analyse the human behaviours, i take NATURE as the frame of reference as nature has produced us with an embedded software of expected behaviours. Of course, i do consider the SOCIAL SYSTEMS as social living demands a code of conduct from every individual and they generally contradict with nature. So, balance has to be achieved.
I feel that the primitive man was wise that he worshiped only the five natural forces which he could not control and they posed danger to his life. He lived in peace. He did not have any guruji or sadhu to guide him. He knew how to live.
The social systems have created far too many restrictions, superstitions, belief systems which have become a culture that many who lack confidence in their mental resources base their entire life on god-men and gods. The result is that there is no god man or god who is poor!...All famous god men and gods have wealth of several crores...they talk only in terms of gold and diamonds!...whereas they are expected to live simple noble lives and be a role model for others to follow.
All living beings eat, sleep and reproduce. Human beings are not exceptions. All god men also are made up of human body only. Same instincts. If some one can control or repress can we call him a god man or place him near to god?...I think all famous maharishis like vashist or vishwamitra lived family life. They lived simple and noble lives and were role models for others. Also i have read that 'thuravaram' i.e holiness is possible only through 'illaram' i.e family life. Can we say that all those who do not live a reproductive-life, and has the tact of attracting people through philosophic talks, have the attire of sadhus are called god men and they are blessed by god?
I feel that they are just Cognitive therapists in a different attire...in fact, a psychologist gives a better direction for happy and healthy living with scientific base than these people...which means all psychologists in sadhu attire will be more than god men but with less wealth!
All living organisms teach their off-springs how to live. They don't have gods or god men. No gurujis. They don't go to temples. No schools or colleges. They don't have belief systems. No superstitions. They live happily and peacefully. Human being is the biggest threat for their happiness and peace. The wildest animal!...Inferior to these inferior organisms!...How can we say that we are superior species, evolved species etc?
We have gurujis, gods, god men, schools, colleges...we learn learn and learn...but do not know how to be happy and healthy!
Are we truly evolved?
All other organisms are also created and looked after by god. In the eyes of god or nature there is no difference between human beings and other living organisms. They shower the blessings evenly on all creatures of their creation. Human beings, as evolved species with 'thinking' power should know how to live with happiness and good health. Even if we assume that human beings did not know how to live, we have had enough noble people who have taught and left writings as to how we should live to be happy and healthy. Then why do we need so many again and again?...to create imbalance in economy?...inspite of so many god men over hundreds of years why we have not learnt how to live?...are we inferior to other inferior organisms in this aspect?...what did the sixth sense teach us?...the so called 'mind' has only made us wild?...has only given us unhappiness and bad health...increased the divide between human beings and nature...i.e human beings and god?...then how can the god bless us?...how can the nature bless us?...with out knowing how to live we have created gods and god men who rule and kill us.
I am of the opinion that there are so many amongst us who live a noble life...with adorable or godly personality traits...wearing the looks like us. Even some god men live like that. I think these are the real people sent by god to ensure they spread happiness and good health to others.
We have created gods but with human personality traits! (e.g 'if we render offerings or sacrifices to god and god men then they will look after and bless us. or else they will curse us')
We are under constant fear of unknown. As we lack mental resources. So, we feel that god only can save us through god men!...so we surrender to god, god men, gurujis etc. Then why should we have the evolved brain?...why should we have mind?...we could have happily remained as animals, the true gods!
No living being is selfish other than human beings. So, if we live a NOBLE life like other inferior organisms live (e.g no carnivore kills a herbivore if it is not feeling hungry. Human being is the only organism which kills other human beings and living beings for HAPPINESS!) then we will be certainly blessed by nature and god. Noble living is godly living. Then there is no need of temple or god or god men or guru ji!
I am not against any religion or god men or god or guru ji or belief systems. I am just saying that if we live a noble life we don't need any of them as all these will bless us.
sorry if i have the hurt the feelings of any one. Intention is in consonance with the aims of any psychologist...TO BE HAPPY AND HEALTHY AND TO GUIDE OTHERS ALSO TO BE HAPPY AND HEALTHY!
--- On Fri, 4/5/12, M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
From: M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: who is at fault?
To: "M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Date: Friday, 4 May, 2012, 3:01 PM
hai friends...how are we?
sorry for the silence. I was a member of the indian psychologists yahoo group. It consists of about 5000 doctors, professors, professionals, students and research scholars of psychology who are distributed all over the world. For some time i came out of the group due to some unknown reasons
dear friends...
Time and again we observe that people in saffron dress hit the media saying they have done wrong things not acceptable to the society...surprised the followers with unexpected behaviours etc. We also observe that the followers burn their effigy and indulge in protests saying the god man has cheated them.
who is at fault?...the god man or the followers?
As a psychologist when i look at this issue, i get a feeling that the followers are wrong in their PERCEPTION.
I feel the followers are wrong for the following reasons:-
(a) for believing that all god men are sent by god
(b) for expecting them to live a specific type of life with a set of personality traits
When we analyse any issue, we are supposed to have a frame of reference. When i analyse the human behaviours, i take NATURE as the frame of reference as nature has produced us with an embedded software of expected behaviours. Of course, i do consider the SOCIAL SYSTEMS as social living demands a code of conduct from every individual and they generally contradict with nature. So, balance has to be achieved.
I feel that the primitive man was wise that he worshiped only the five natural forces which he could not control and they posed danger to his life. He lived in peace. He did not have any guruji or sadhu to guide him. He knew how to live.
The social systems have created far too many restrictions, superstitions, belief systems which have become a culture that many who lack confidence in their mental resources base their entire life on god-men and gods. The result is that there is no god man or god who is poor!...All famous god men and gods have wealth of several crores...they talk only in terms of gold and diamonds!...whereas they are expected to live simple noble lives and be a role model for others to follow.
All living beings eat, sleep and reproduce. Human beings are not exceptions. All god men also are made up of human body only. Same instincts. If some one can control or repress can we call him a god man or place him near to god?...I think all famous maharishis like vashist or vishwamitra lived family life. They lived simple and noble lives and were role models for others. Also i have read that 'thuravaram' i.e holiness is possible only through 'illaram' i.e family life. Can we say that all those who do not live a reproductive-life, and has the tact of attracting people through philosophic talks, have the attire of sadhus are called god men and they are blessed by god?
I feel that they are just Cognitive therapists in a different attire...in fact, a psychologist gives a better direction for happy and healthy living with scientific base than these people...which means all psychologists in sadhu attire will be more than god men but with less wealth!
All living organisms teach their off-springs how to live. They don't have gods or god men. No gurujis. They don't go to temples. No schools or colleges. They don't have belief systems. No superstitions. They live happily and peacefully. Human being is the biggest threat for their happiness and peace. The wildest animal!...Inferior to these inferior organisms!...How can we say that we are superior species, evolved species etc?
We have gurujis, gods, god men, schools, colleges...we learn learn and learn...but do not know how to be happy and healthy!
Are we truly evolved?
All other organisms are also created and looked after by god. In the eyes of god or nature there is no difference between human beings and other living organisms. They shower the blessings evenly on all creatures of their creation. Human beings, as evolved species with 'thinking' power should know how to live with happiness and good health. Even if we assume that human beings did not know how to live, we have had enough noble people who have taught and left writings as to how we should live to be happy and healthy. Then why do we need so many again and again?...to create imbalance in economy?...inspite of so many god men over hundreds of years why we have not learnt how to live?...are we inferior to other inferior organisms in this aspect?...what did the sixth sense teach us?...the so called 'mind' has only made us wild?...has only given us unhappiness and bad health...increased the divide between human beings and nature...i.e human beings and god?...then how can the god bless us?...how can the nature bless us?...with out knowing how to live we have created gods and god men who rule and kill us.
I am of the opinion that there are so many amongst us who live a noble life...with adorable or godly personality traits...wearing the looks like us. Even some god men live like that. I think these are the real people sent by god to ensure they spread happiness and good health to others.
We have created gods but with human personality traits! (e.g 'if we render offerings or sacrifices to god and god men then they will look after and bless us. or else they will curse us')
We are under constant fear of unknown. As we lack mental resources. So, we feel that god only can save us through god men!...so we surrender to god, god men, gurujis etc. Then why should we have the evolved brain?...why should we have mind?...we could have happily remained as animals, the true gods!
No living being is selfish other than human beings. So, if we live a NOBLE life like other inferior organisms live (e.g no carnivore kills a herbivore if it is not feeling hungry. Human being is the only organism which kills other human beings and living beings for HAPPINESS!) then we will be certainly blessed by nature and god. Noble living is godly living. Then there is no need of temple or god or god men or guru ji!
I am not against any religion or god men or god or guru ji or belief systems. I am just saying that if we live a noble life we don't need any of them as all these will bless us.
sorry if i have the hurt the feelings of any one. Intention is in consonance with the aims of any psychologist...TO BE HAPPY AND HEALTHY AND TO GUIDE OTHERS ALSO TO BE HAPPY AND HEALTHY!
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