hai my me friends...here is another mail...enjoy!
--- On Fri, 30/3/12, M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
From: M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: 'aval appadi ondrum azhagillai'...are you beautiful?...check...check..check!
To: "M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Date: Friday, 30 March, 2012, 3:54 PM
''that too he should grow his girl beautiful...(almost all
matchmaking advts ask for fair girls)''
now here we go....what is beauty?
...no one can define this!...there is a famous line which i don't agree with - 'beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder'
...i feel that the beauty lies in the brain of the beholder!'
is only a sensor and brain is the one which perceives the beauty!...so,
beauty perception changes from person to person and from time to time
depending upon the state of mind of the individual.
Is the beauty in the skin? or where it is?...is 'beauty skin deep!'?...which is beautiful?...fair skin or dark or wheatish?...there are guys who like fair...some like black...some wheatish! (i can hear the girls saying majority ask for fair!)...first of all, what is this 'ask for'?...even girls can 'ask for'!!!...it is high time that girls also start asking for!...wake up girls!...don't think in anyway you are mean or less to men...start demanding your rights!...nature has produced both sexes same!...it is the society and social systems which have kept girls inside the kitchen and toilets! Can a country become super power with about 40% of its population inside the homes or outside the homes without 'soranai'?...why should a lady inside each home to cook for only two or three, making all women to spend most of their lives in cooking, washing, cleaning etc...why it can not be offloaded?...why one or few do this for many homes (and charge!) so that many ladies can contribute for the society, country and the world!...
Today (30 Mar 12) i read in the last page of The Hindu, a news, which is shocking to hear in this modern era that with three words a guy can throw away a girl like a shit! (even by telling this on mobile in a drunken state!)...i had a doubt if i am reading latest news paper or one of medieval times!!!...i have clicked and attached that news in a jpeg image...can some one convert it to pdf file and send it?...you can download, make it big with mouse scroll and read...has nature taught us this inequality and discrimination against a gender without whom we can not exist?...no... it is the social system made by us which have made the girls as slaves...worst than an animal!...totally idiotic and uncivilized!...it is just 'use and throw' concept!...there is no respect for the emotions of the girl there!..what happened to social equality, social security and social justice?...is this what society or social systems have given us?...social reforms, social systems, customs and traditions are supposed to transform us from uncivilised to civilised!...give us social acceptance and not social rejection!...think!...It is high time for the girls to wake up and tell their parents 'Look mom and dad! i love you!...i look after you!...you have given me every thing and i am there for you my life time!...but don't ask me to abide by such ridiculous customs and traditions which disrespect and discriminate a girl and treat her to be worst than an animal!'...its time to break the shell chicks!
now let us get back to 'beauty'
think beauty is not 'seen' but 'experienced'!...when we see a person,
i.e body with all accessories on it like dress, pottu, bangles, wrist
watch, belt, anklets etc etc we form an image...comparing the present
image of the person we are seeing to the stored image in the brain and
personality traits stored!...
...a person can be 'attractive' (i am avoiding that three letter word!) or 'pleasant'...attractive raises the hormone levels...but pleasant lowers the hormones and gives aanandam!...the image 'attractive' is attached to the image of 'call girls' / flirts and 'pleasant' is attached to the image of a 'homely girl' or kuthhu vilakku, kula vilakku etc!...less or tight or transparent dresses give attractive image for both the genders but fully covered with a 'smile' on the face gives a pleasant look!....i don't think any one wants to be 'attractive' and every one wants to be pleasant!...but do we wear accessories relevant to that?
...we will see that in the next mail
...ok vaa...so let us remain within the scope of this mail.
why i said beauty is not 'seen' because the physical looks changes...it is not permanent...it is a temporary one...a girl who looks fair, ravishing, curvy, shapy etc can get deformed in no time due to age, child delivery, diseases, accidents etc. Same thing is applicable to a man also. So, if a guy goes behind physical looks he will get disappointed in no time...this is one among the reasons why guys hopp!...(hey guys!...don't feel happy!...if you turn to be potatoes then girls also will hopp!
)...so, it is important for both boys and girls to keep the shapes and sizes with good physical activity regimen!
If you type 'personality traits' in google you will get a bigggg list of traits of a human being which defines his personality!...none of them say that you should have a fair skin or good shape or curves to be beautiful!...please think!...don't be false world!...it only says that if you have all the bigg list of positive traits then you will be a good personality and you will be 'felt' beautiful or handsome...in fact if you have all those traits, you will automatically become noble, adaptable and beautiful!...so what is important is not the looks but the overall personality traits!
that is why 'love at first sight' or 'the bell rang when i saw him yar!' etc is all false and balls!...if you find him or her to be beautiful / handsome by looks and you also find the personality traits to be good then you are lucky!...if not, then the fire will work only till it gets quenched!...after that both of you will feel cheated as the personality traits are not adaptable...in fact, if you analyse, it is not the diseases or unhealthy habits (drinking, smoking, womanizing) etc which make coexisting difficult but the personality traits is the biggest disease which make people unadaptive!...so, it is better to socialise with a person, get to know his likes, dislikes, belief systems, intellectual and emotional companionship and then decide whether he or she is beautiful or not!...a villager, bony, dark girl who is judged to be not beautiful is judged to be beautiful by the same person after he socialises with her for some time!
so, beauty is not skin deep but personality deep!
we need not grow our children beautiful but we have to grow them to be noble, adaptable (not 'good' because good or bad differs from person to person!) and pleasant! (not attractive!)...they will automatically become beautiful too!
Colour of the skin does not decide the beauty but the colours of his or her personality decide!
It is wise to select the life mate not by looks but by socialization, as otherwise, you will end up in searching for a soul mate after the marriage!
girls!...i will tell you a secret!
change in their likes after some time...so those asking for fair skin
will look for dark or wheat skin later!...vice versa is also true!...so,
don't worry too much on the skin colour!
so, don't worry if you are dark!...you will look beautiful if you keep your good health with balanced diet, avoiding all unhealthy foods, keeping a good physical and mental activity regimen through yoga, meditation and morning / evening walks and be noble, adaptable with a good set of positive personality traits!...one simple secret is keep smiling, be happy, be matured, be adaptable, be fun loving...you will be the most beautiful girl on earth!...not only that you will radiate too!
the song...
'aval appadi ondrum azhagillai!
avalukku yaarum inai illai!
aval appadi ondrum colour illai!
aanaal athu oru kurai illai!
aval perithaai ondrum padikkavillai
avalai padithhen mudikkavillai
aval uduthhum udaigal pidikkavillai
irunthum gavanikka marukkavillai
aval sontham bantham yethuvumillai
aval sontham indri yethuvumillai!'
this song clearly explains that 'look' does not matter but the 'person' matters!
there are so many 'white' skins of black heart!...there are so many 'black' skins with 'white' heart!
Do you think you are too beautiful or handsome?
There are dangers too....of too many boys / girls falling in love with you!...this is not pleasant....it is a danger!...we will discuss this later!
(i am reminded of a joke...when i went to russia as a team leader, during the first party i was served with the toast..(russians toast many times during parties!)...when i had to stand up and pick up the toast i was a bit hesitant...but the russian counterpart told me 'we known that you don't drink!...so we have served water in that...so, don't hesitate...just gulp!...i felt happy with that and said 'I would like to have the taste of volga and not vodka!'...on this remark the interpreter next to me gave a different smile and i got the shock of my life and suthaarichhufied by saying 'i meant river volga and not this interpreter volga!'...all laughed and the counterpart said 'we know that too and that is why we feel failed in our mission!' (volga is a river and this name is common for russian girls!...like yamuna and ganga in india!)
bye pleasant guys and pleasant gals!
ravusu ramsu!
Good to see your mails uncle.......
And I love that interesting discussion thing..........(I'm a girl ofcourse)
Compared to the olden days..girls of now-a-days were strong in this decision..Mean...they too are not accepting to give salaries to their spouse..
As you said we know how our fathers works for us...
Also I can say the dad's of girls are bit unlucky..
Cox they have to work for us. should protect us..should grow us with discipline....that too he should grow his girl beautiful...(almost all matchmaking advts ask for fair girls),..ultimately has to spend all his life time earnings for the one he loved under the title of marriage………
Shut these stupidness.. They are also human…only difference is they gave birth to a girl……..
Only For these reasons female infanticide occurred… and to stop those “some good” ancestors spread the rumors that giving birth to girl means giving birth to ‘lakshmi’ (goddess of wealth)……….
Culture is going diff now a days…but there exists some people like u mentioned ..
May be that’s y girl chose to love..Though their parents restrict……..(I’l not say that is correct…but just a comment)
Coming to the point.. taking all these into consideration.. now a days girls put a condition like I’l give half of my salary to my parents..
Some girls wont do that …cox they too think like ” growing is a parents duty.. now it become my life.. I learnt.. I got job..I’m married to whom I wish.. so I should enjoy my life by things I earn” (there is nothing to comment about this category)
But the one thing I liked in that personality is he really does know how to escape from the situation by saying “that is society” .. Nice dialogue.. Next time I’l tries to use that piece to escape…Also he is 100% correct.. that is society……..
Girls who wish to give salary to their parents also were blamed by the society again.. (and their parents too).. the in laws will tell their neighbors.. “my in law got such an attitude and even their parents are not stopping her”.. the matter goes differently and boom..she got a awful name in her new home…
My best piece of advice here is.. please girl’s dad if you wish to give her a good education.. make her to study by loan… this way you can save your earnings for ur future tours.. and also the girl has to definitely pay her loan back..( give that in her hands and say to the groom too..that it’s her duty to pay..some groom may think you are so rude.. but that is the oly way u can live in this “that is society” world..)
Some family really chose girls for her earnings.. they don’t even seeing the dowry things…(they ‘l accept the condition ..after all they are the one who is going to get it for life time)
I was thinking world changed..but to my surprise..ur mail showed me.. some people still exist like this…
But I’l say the girl’s parents are the most patient people in the whole world….God will give girls only to those who can tackle any problem..(This is true.. check it for your consideration)
Last but not least.. I love the way you discuss things with your friends and sending to people like us too… Keep going……
Bye 4 now
--- On Fri, 30/3/12, M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
From: M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: 'aval appadi ondrum azhagillai'...are you beautiful?...check...check..check!
To: "M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN" <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Date: Friday, 30 March, 2012, 3:54 PM
planes and dolls! (you send a boy and a girl of 5 years old inside a
toy shop and tell them to pick up the
toys of their choice!...you will notice that the boy comes up with
aeroplanes, jeeps, cars, guns etc and the girl comes with dolls, make up
kit for the doll and such child rearing, kitchen ware or beauty
related toys!...is it due to psychological factors or social factors?
...keep thinking and mandai sorinching...we will dwell over this issue some time!
i received a mail from a young aeronautical engineer who is going to make the computers and networks fly at CTS!
mail is at the bottom...there is one line which disturbed me and
thought let me touch that issue today!...the line is here!
now here we go....what is beauty?
Is the beauty in the skin? or where it is?...is 'beauty skin deep!'?...which is beautiful?...fair skin or dark or wheatish?...there are guys who like fair...some like black...some wheatish! (i can hear the girls saying majority ask for fair!)...first of all, what is this 'ask for'?...even girls can 'ask for'!!!...it is high time that girls also start asking for!...wake up girls!...don't think in anyway you are mean or less to men...start demanding your rights!...nature has produced both sexes same!...it is the society and social systems which have kept girls inside the kitchen and toilets! Can a country become super power with about 40% of its population inside the homes or outside the homes without 'soranai'?...why should a lady inside each home to cook for only two or three, making all women to spend most of their lives in cooking, washing, cleaning etc...why it can not be offloaded?...why one or few do this for many homes (and charge!) so that many ladies can contribute for the society, country and the world!...
Today (30 Mar 12) i read in the last page of The Hindu, a news, which is shocking to hear in this modern era that with three words a guy can throw away a girl like a shit! (even by telling this on mobile in a drunken state!)...i had a doubt if i am reading latest news paper or one of medieval times!!!...i have clicked and attached that news in a jpeg image...can some one convert it to pdf file and send it?...you can download, make it big with mouse scroll and read...has nature taught us this inequality and discrimination against a gender without whom we can not exist?...no... it is the social system made by us which have made the girls as slaves...worst than an animal!...totally idiotic and uncivilized!...it is just 'use and throw' concept!...there is no respect for the emotions of the girl there!..what happened to social equality, social security and social justice?...is this what society or social systems have given us?...social reforms, social systems, customs and traditions are supposed to transform us from uncivilised to civilised!...give us social acceptance and not social rejection!...think!...It is high time for the girls to wake up and tell their parents 'Look mom and dad! i love you!...i look after you!...you have given me every thing and i am there for you my life time!...but don't ask me to abide by such ridiculous customs and traditions which disrespect and discriminate a girl and treat her to be worst than an animal!'...its time to break the shell chicks!
now let us get back to 'beauty'
...a person can be 'attractive' (i am avoiding that three letter word!) or 'pleasant'...attractive raises the hormone levels...but pleasant lowers the hormones and gives aanandam!...the image 'attractive' is attached to the image of 'call girls' / flirts and 'pleasant' is attached to the image of a 'homely girl' or kuthhu vilakku, kula vilakku etc!...less or tight or transparent dresses give attractive image for both the genders but fully covered with a 'smile' on the face gives a pleasant look!....i don't think any one wants to be 'attractive' and every one wants to be pleasant!...but do we wear accessories relevant to that?
why i said beauty is not 'seen' because the physical looks changes...it is not permanent...it is a temporary one...a girl who looks fair, ravishing, curvy, shapy etc can get deformed in no time due to age, child delivery, diseases, accidents etc. Same thing is applicable to a man also. So, if a guy goes behind physical looks he will get disappointed in no time...this is one among the reasons why guys hopp!...(hey guys!...don't feel happy!...if you turn to be potatoes then girls also will hopp!
If you type 'personality traits' in google you will get a bigggg list of traits of a human being which defines his personality!...none of them say that you should have a fair skin or good shape or curves to be beautiful!...please think!...don't be false world!...it only says that if you have all the bigg list of positive traits then you will be a good personality and you will be 'felt' beautiful or handsome...in fact if you have all those traits, you will automatically become noble, adaptable and beautiful!...so what is important is not the looks but the overall personality traits!
that is why 'love at first sight' or 'the bell rang when i saw him yar!' etc is all false and balls!...if you find him or her to be beautiful / handsome by looks and you also find the personality traits to be good then you are lucky!...if not, then the fire will work only till it gets quenched!...after that both of you will feel cheated as the personality traits are not adaptable...in fact, if you analyse, it is not the diseases or unhealthy habits (drinking, smoking, womanizing) etc which make coexisting difficult but the personality traits is the biggest disease which make people unadaptive!...so, it is better to socialise with a person, get to know his likes, dislikes, belief systems, intellectual and emotional companionship and then decide whether he or she is beautiful or not!...a villager, bony, dark girl who is judged to be not beautiful is judged to be beautiful by the same person after he socialises with her for some time!
so, beauty is not skin deep but personality deep!
we need not grow our children beautiful but we have to grow them to be noble, adaptable (not 'good' because good or bad differs from person to person!) and pleasant! (not attractive!)...they will automatically become beautiful too!
Colour of the skin does not decide the beauty but the colours of his or her personality decide!
It is wise to select the life mate not by looks but by socialization, as otherwise, you will end up in searching for a soul mate after the marriage!
girls!...i will tell you a secret!
so, don't worry if you are dark!...you will look beautiful if you keep your good health with balanced diet, avoiding all unhealthy foods, keeping a good physical and mental activity regimen through yoga, meditation and morning / evening walks and be noble, adaptable with a good set of positive personality traits!...one simple secret is keep smiling, be happy, be matured, be adaptable, be fun loving...you will be the most beautiful girl on earth!...not only that you will radiate too!
the song...
'aval appadi ondrum azhagillai!
avalukku yaarum inai illai!
aval appadi ondrum colour illai!
aanaal athu oru kurai illai!
aval perithaai ondrum padikkavillai
avalai padithhen mudikkavillai
aval uduthhum udaigal pidikkavillai
irunthum gavanikka marukkavillai
aval sontham bantham yethuvumillai
aval sontham indri yethuvumillai!'
this song clearly explains that 'look' does not matter but the 'person' matters!
there are so many 'white' skins of black heart!...there are so many 'black' skins with 'white' heart!
Do you think you are too beautiful or handsome?
There are dangers too....of too many boys / girls falling in love with you!...this is not pleasant....it is a danger!...we will discuss this later!
(i am reminded of a joke...when i went to russia as a team leader, during the first party i was served with the toast..(russians toast many times during parties!)...when i had to stand up and pick up the toast i was a bit hesitant...but the russian counterpart told me 'we known that you don't drink!...so we have served water in that...so, don't hesitate...just gulp!...i felt happy with that and said 'I would like to have the taste of volga and not vodka!'...on this remark the interpreter next to me gave a different smile and i got the shock of my life and suthaarichhufied by saying 'i meant river volga and not this interpreter volga!'...all laughed and the counterpart said 'we know that too and that is why we feel failed in our mission!' (volga is a river and this name is common for russian girls!...like yamuna and ganga in india!)
bye pleasant guys and pleasant gals!
ravusu ramsu!
Good to see your mails uncle.......
And I love that interesting discussion thing..........(I'm a girl ofcourse)
Compared to the olden days..girls of now-a-days were strong in this decision..Mean...they too are not accepting to give salaries to their spouse..
As you said we know how our fathers works for us...
Also I can say the dad's of girls are bit unlucky..
Cox they have to work for us. should protect us..should grow us with discipline....that too he should grow his girl beautiful...(almost all matchmaking advts ask for fair girls),..ultimately has to spend all his life time earnings for the one he loved under the title of marriage………
Shut these stupidness.. They are also human…only difference is they gave birth to a girl……..
Only For these reasons female infanticide occurred… and to stop those “some good” ancestors spread the rumors that giving birth to girl means giving birth to ‘lakshmi’ (goddess of wealth)……….
Culture is going diff now a days…but there exists some people like u mentioned ..
May be that’s y girl chose to love..Though their parents restrict……..(I’l not say that is correct…but just a comment)
Coming to the point.. taking all these into consideration.. now a days girls put a condition like I’l give half of my salary to my parents..
Some girls wont do that …cox they too think like ” growing is a parents duty.. now it become my life.. I learnt.. I got job..I’m married to whom I wish.. so I should enjoy my life by things I earn” (there is nothing to comment about this category)
But the one thing I liked in that personality is he really does know how to escape from the situation by saying “that is society” .. Nice dialogue.. Next time I’l tries to use that piece to escape…Also he is 100% correct.. that is society……..
Girls who wish to give salary to their parents also were blamed by the society again.. (and their parents too).. the in laws will tell their neighbors.. “my in law got such an attitude and even their parents are not stopping her”.. the matter goes differently and boom..she got a awful name in her new home…
My best piece of advice here is.. please girl’s dad if you wish to give her a good education.. make her to study by loan… this way you can save your earnings for ur future tours.. and also the girl has to definitely pay her loan back..( give that in her hands and say to the groom too..that it’s her duty to pay..some groom may think you are so rude.. but that is the oly way u can live in this “that is society” world..)
Some family really chose girls for her earnings.. they don’t even seeing the dowry things…(they ‘l accept the condition ..after all they are the one who is going to get it for life time)
I was thinking world changed..but to my surprise..ur mail showed me.. some people still exist like this…
But I’l say the girl’s parents are the most patient people in the whole world….God will give girls only to those who can tackle any problem..(This is true.. check it for your consideration)
Last but not least.. I love the way you discuss things with your friends and sending to people like us too… Keep going……
Bye 4 now
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