hai guys!
yesterday my daughter fired me hard for giving such funny names as subject titles
...so i have given a holy title here
...hope you are motivated to read the mail below
...all the best...
--- On Thu, 17/5/12, M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
From: M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: we, people and books!
To: "indian psychologists" <indianpsychologists@yahoogroups.co.in>
Date: Thursday, 17 May, 2012, 10:57 PM
hai friends...
when i was a boy we had gone to the most adored mutt near chennai and the aachhaarya there spoke about many good issues...valid issues of life...good learning...time spent in a most valuable manner...at the end, all devotees went to him in a queue and he 'dropped' one orange in the hands of every one as they moved ahead in the queue... when my father's turn came he asked him 'nee yengey velai seyyarey?' means 'where are you working?', but his question in tamil did not have any respectful word of addressing an individual...it is like the way we ask a small boy...!
as usual when i asked my mother i only got nicely at the back saying 'athiga prasangi!...vaayai moodu!...they are big people!'...means 'you are a small boy and not disciplined! keep your mouth shut!'.....used to get a lot like this every day (still getting
was branded a 'problem kid'!...i was lucky to have a poor father who
could only afford free education in corporation school where i had the
oppurtunity of learning 'thirukkural' which says 'karka kasadara
karpavai katrapin nirka atharku thaga!' meaning...'read, read only those
which will make you a noble human being, read without doubts in mind,
understand, after that apply that in your life!'...when i told this as
the reason as to why i am like this my mom said 'yettu suraikkaai
uthavaathu!'...meaning (as
understood by all) 'what you read in books can not help in your
life!'...(this actually means many positive things emphasizing
'practicals')...when i asked my mom 'then why do you send me to school
and ask me study the books?''...for this also i got kicks...when i got
fed up of getting only beating from my parents i asked them 'you are not
able to answer or help to find out answer to any of my questions then
why did you give me birth?', i got more kicks and my dad broke all
things at home!.....can any one in this group give the most appropriate
meaning of this old verse in tamil?
so, i felt the great man was wrong in his behaviour of 'dropping' the fruit and not respecting the other fellow human being...not treating him equally etc...though every one argued with many reasons for this...e.g 'he is a mahaan and can address others like that' 'when hundreds of people receive, they can dirty his hand' 'the hand of the person giving should be always above the person receiving' etc...i felt that 'he could have just handed over the fruit and not 'dropped' from a height, as even dropping or throwing food, which is regarded as lakshmi or god in our culture is not correct, who ever it may, how ever great he may be!'...'or he could have just kept in his hand so that the other person can just pick it up from his hand'...'so what if a disciple touches his hand and feels he has achieved moksha by touching the hands and feet of his god or mahaan...it will bring in more peace,happiness to the individual about which the mahaan should only feel happy'....why should he feel that the disciple has dirtied his hands?
why should the hand of the person giving should be above...as per that mahaan about 15 cms distance?...is it that the person giving is 'above' the person taking or accepting?
there was also an argument that 'he belongs to an upper caste and can not touch a lower caste person'...which may be or may not be true, but if true then is he correct in doing like that?...god does not recognise or respect the caste and religion created by man!...he only recognises the borderless, religion-less, caste-less, difference-less, uniform living beings he has created!...if some one discriminates people on these aspects then he is just a human being and not a god or mahaan!...why not we move towards this ideal state of becoming a god or mahaan in the true sense!
hmmm...what could be the exact reason for his behaviour?...i would have asked him then and there
the way i ask others...but i was pushed ahead to move after receiving
the fruit!...shit yaar...i missed an oppurtunity! (of getting more kicks
not only from my parents but from all there!
the next point was 'how can he address another individual without respect like that?'...is it that he feels great compared to others?...can god or a mahaan feel like that?...is it not that we have to respect all human beings and equally?...is respect commensurate with wealth, education, experience, social status etc?...of course, my dad always shouts at me for respecting the scavengers...on board ships, the topass branch sailor, who cleans the toilets, vomits etc of others is always treated with less respect than others, but without these people we will be stinking...would be dead...life miserable...they are doing a great service that others are not ready to do and therefore what they do is a godly service!...every job requires a specific knowledge, skill and experience, and they have that, which we do not have!...we stand 'above' whereas they are able to come down to the mother earth without ego and status to do that job...forget the remuneration...which is peanuts!
there is a story which is often said to explain no job is mean, no one is mean all are equal, respect every one, treat every one, we can learn great things from even small people etc.....it is...once there was heavy rains and the rivers were overflowing, and five great educated people doctor, lawyer, engineer, scientist, IAS guy were all crossing the river in a small bambo circular 'parisal' ...i.e boat which can take only six people...each one was explaining about his profession and education saying he is great...finally they looked at the guy who was driving the parisal and said 'we are all highly educated, powerful and great...what are you?...an uneducated guy?'....he said 'we are entering a turbulence now in the river, the boat is going to sink, if you know swimming save yourself or use all that you have and see if they can save you!'...saying this he jumped in the river and swam ashore whereas all others drowned and died!...
wrong is wrong whether it is committed by a common man or a mahaan!...no one is above law or god, which treat every one equally!
so, the crux is
1. let us encourage the children to ask questions without any limitations, think creatively, let us answer if we know correctly or help them to find answers on their own or from those who know.
2. no one is mean or less...every one is equal and great...no job is mean...all jobs have equal importance, status...we can learn great things from even small children or from a scavenger...'learning' does not have 'status'...all 'learning' are of equal status and have same value, whether we hear from a mahaan or from a scavenger...if we shred our ego and status with our education and maturity!
3. Let us throw away anything which does not integrate us to be together, and brings in discrimination...let us educate and change all those who bring in discrimination, separate human beings...whoever it may....mahaan or ordinary man...!
i only feel like asking all such people, the way the small young brahimin boy asks in the tamil film 'vedham puthithu'...'i have crossed the river...reached the shore...why are you still inside the water...when are you going to cross the river, climb up and come to the 'mother earth'!...hey...hey...here 'i' does not refer to 'me'...we are all in the same boat!...but let us not sink together due to our wrong social learning!...i am only referring to the movie dialogue!
many float in air with their own imaginary ideas and concepts....hope they also land and live in reality on mother earth while we step out of our 'floating boats and join with all'!
yesterday my daughter fired me hard for giving such funny names as subject titles
--- On Thu, 17/5/12, M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
From: M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: we, people and books!
To: "indian psychologists" <indianpsychologists@yahoogroups.co.in>
Date: Thursday, 17 May, 2012, 10:57 PM
hai friends...
when i was a boy we had gone to the most adored mutt near chennai and the aachhaarya there spoke about many good issues...valid issues of life...good learning...time spent in a most valuable manner...at the end, all devotees went to him in a queue and he 'dropped' one orange in the hands of every one as they moved ahead in the queue... when my father's turn came he asked him 'nee yengey velai seyyarey?' means 'where are you working?', but his question in tamil did not have any respectful word of addressing an individual...it is like the way we ask a small boy...!
as usual when i asked my mother i only got nicely at the back saying 'athiga prasangi!...vaayai moodu!...they are big people!'...means 'you are a small boy and not disciplined! keep your mouth shut!'.....used to get a lot like this every day (still getting
so, i felt the great man was wrong in his behaviour of 'dropping' the fruit and not respecting the other fellow human being...not treating him equally etc...though every one argued with many reasons for this...e.g 'he is a mahaan and can address others like that' 'when hundreds of people receive, they can dirty his hand' 'the hand of the person giving should be always above the person receiving' etc...i felt that 'he could have just handed over the fruit and not 'dropped' from a height, as even dropping or throwing food, which is regarded as lakshmi or god in our culture is not correct, who ever it may, how ever great he may be!'...'or he could have just kept in his hand so that the other person can just pick it up from his hand'...'so what if a disciple touches his hand and feels he has achieved moksha by touching the hands and feet of his god or mahaan...it will bring in more peace,happiness to the individual about which the mahaan should only feel happy'....why should he feel that the disciple has dirtied his hands?
why should the hand of the person giving should be above...as per that mahaan about 15 cms distance?...is it that the person giving is 'above' the person taking or accepting?
there was also an argument that 'he belongs to an upper caste and can not touch a lower caste person'...which may be or may not be true, but if true then is he correct in doing like that?...god does not recognise or respect the caste and religion created by man!...he only recognises the borderless, religion-less, caste-less, difference-less, uniform living beings he has created!...if some one discriminates people on these aspects then he is just a human being and not a god or mahaan!...why not we move towards this ideal state of becoming a god or mahaan in the true sense!
hmmm...what could be the exact reason for his behaviour?...i would have asked him then and there
the next point was 'how can he address another individual without respect like that?'...is it that he feels great compared to others?...can god or a mahaan feel like that?...is it not that we have to respect all human beings and equally?...is respect commensurate with wealth, education, experience, social status etc?...of course, my dad always shouts at me for respecting the scavengers...on board ships, the topass branch sailor, who cleans the toilets, vomits etc of others is always treated with less respect than others, but without these people we will be stinking...would be dead...life miserable...they are doing a great service that others are not ready to do and therefore what they do is a godly service!...every job requires a specific knowledge, skill and experience, and they have that, which we do not have!...we stand 'above' whereas they are able to come down to the mother earth without ego and status to do that job...forget the remuneration...which is peanuts!
there is a story which is often said to explain no job is mean, no one is mean all are equal, respect every one, treat every one, we can learn great things from even small people etc.....it is...once there was heavy rains and the rivers were overflowing, and five great educated people doctor, lawyer, engineer, scientist, IAS guy were all crossing the river in a small bambo circular 'parisal' ...i.e boat which can take only six people...each one was explaining about his profession and education saying he is great...finally they looked at the guy who was driving the parisal and said 'we are all highly educated, powerful and great...what are you?...an uneducated guy?'....he said 'we are entering a turbulence now in the river, the boat is going to sink, if you know swimming save yourself or use all that you have and see if they can save you!'...saying this he jumped in the river and swam ashore whereas all others drowned and died!...
wrong is wrong whether it is committed by a common man or a mahaan!...no one is above law or god, which treat every one equally!
so, the crux is
1. let us encourage the children to ask questions without any limitations, think creatively, let us answer if we know correctly or help them to find answers on their own or from those who know.
2. no one is mean or less...every one is equal and great...no job is mean...all jobs have equal importance, status...we can learn great things from even small children or from a scavenger...'learning' does not have 'status'...all 'learning' are of equal status and have same value, whether we hear from a mahaan or from a scavenger...if we shred our ego and status with our education and maturity!
3. Let us throw away anything which does not integrate us to be together, and brings in discrimination...let us educate and change all those who bring in discrimination, separate human beings...whoever it may....mahaan or ordinary man...!
i only feel like asking all such people, the way the small young brahimin boy asks in the tamil film 'vedham puthithu'...'i have crossed the river...reached the shore...why are you still inside the water...when are you going to cross the river, climb up and come to the 'mother earth'!...hey...hey...here 'i' does not refer to 'me'...we are all in the same boat!...but let us not sink together due to our wrong social learning!...i am only referring to the movie dialogue!
many float in air with their own imaginary ideas and concepts....hope they also land and live in reality on mother earth while we step out of our 'floating boats and join with all'!
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