Wednesday, 16 January 2013

an interesting issue!

hai friends...
Wish you all a happy independence day....
on this 64th independence day let us free our minds from all the cultural and social shackles and live happily...
just imagine....all of us at the time of birth were alike...happy human beings...we just laughed and small infants we enjoyed the being happy....
as we grew up our parents, significant people at home like grand parents, brothers, sisters, all other relations, friends in society, teachers at school and all other social institutions....wht did they teach us....don't do like this...your religion is so and emotionally attached to your region, language, place etc are supposed to be like this...wear like this...not do do should do only this...only this way....customs...traditions...culture....formalities....this is good..that is not good...follow these rituals....all controlling us and curtailing our freedom to coexist with nature and live naturally and creatively!
all of them taught so many conflicting things....that today we are covered in our minds with somany nets...confusions.....we are unable to come out of it...makes us to do somany things to make others happy...and end up not satisfying many and most importantly our own selves....we keep thinking about so many things...keep doing so many things....finally we became like every one else....never became what we are....a human being produced by nature to just live happily....all innovations and evolutions have increased comforts ...have they increased the long lasting happiness?....finally we go to learn 'art of living' at the fag end of life along with other oldies! we invented gods for knowledge (saraswathi)...god of wealth (lakshmi)....did we invent the god of happiness, contentment and good health?
the complicated social fabric has made us to be unhappy ultimately....
i feel we should come out of all these...keep our minds open and it was when we were be happy!
so, let us become independent on this 64th independence day by breaking all these shackles.....
wish you all a happy independence day!

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