hai friends...how are we?
hope you enjoyed the songs
the first song starting with flute if
you could listen to the sounds of the birds, then you really heard in
absolute silence!...these songs are to be heard with total silence, good
music systems and total free silent mind!
hope you enjoyed the songs
i said i have not read any religious book or any book on culture...i
have read only text books during school / college days...this includes
some text books on psychology and sociology also...because i believe in
textbooks that they give only proven facts or philosophies which are
beyond time, place, cultures etc...i.e science...anything which does not
change from person to person...place to place...time to time...e.g one
plus one is two whether it is in india or US or space. Whether it is one
lakh years before
or now or one lakh years after...whether it is done by me or you or by
if it is not proven, as long as it falls within this ambit, it will be
called as science...(any thing falls in this means it is already
scientific theories may change with new discoveries and inventions...but the new one will fall within this ambit...
scientific theories may change with new discoveries and inventions...but the new one will fall within this ambit...
of us after reading my mails on culture might think that 'our culture
has changed' 'invasion of 'western' culture has changed our
people...their minds...their way of living / life...and corrupted our
book we write should be beyond time, place and individuals...any
culture we follow should be beyond time, place and individuals...any
philosophy about anything should be beyond time, place
and individuals...otherwise it will become obsolete in no time...is
indian culture an obsolete one?
it is dependent on time, place and individuals...i.e of varying
nature...then it is not a good or standard book or standard philosophy
or culture...is indian culture a non-standardized one?
does it mean that indian culture has been corrupted?...does it mean that indian culture has changed?...a big NO!!!
does it mean that indian culture has been corrupted?...does it mean that indian culture has changed?...a big NO!!!
indian culture is actually beyond time, place and people...so, it is
science...it does not change...
culture is way of life plus way of living...way of life is the 'philosophy of life...philosophy of living with good health, happiness and towards self actualisation'...when this is converted into behaviours then it becomes way of living...
indian culture is a way of life...it is a philosophy to live with good health, happiness and self actualise!!!...when it is converted into behaviours it becomes a way of living!!
as it is philosophy, this way of life can be followed by anyone on earth...at any place irrespective of the climate...at any time...100 years back or now or 100 years after!!!...
it can be followed easily as it is based on nature...as we are nature's products merging with nature is not so difficult...if we merge with nature the way it tells us to merge, eat nature's products then no urges...no negative emotions...no problems!
culture is way of life plus way of living...way of life is the 'philosophy of life...philosophy of living with good health, happiness and towards self actualisation'...when this is converted into behaviours then it becomes way of living...
indian culture is a way of life...it is a philosophy to live with good health, happiness and self actualise!!!...when it is converted into behaviours it becomes a way of living!!
as it is philosophy, this way of life can be followed by anyone on earth...at any place irrespective of the climate...at any time...100 years back or now or 100 years after!!!...
it can be followed easily as it is based on nature...as we are nature's products merging with nature is not so difficult...if we merge with nature the way it tells us to merge, eat nature's products then no urges...no negative emotions...no problems!
the result is we got some wrong culture which can never keep us happy, healthy and put us on high way to achieve.
It is totally different from the actual indian culture!!!
our ancestors identified that once the urges of the mind and body are regulated (note...not controlled!!, as 'control' is not the right strategy...control shows that we have initiated the 'urge' or 'drive' and thereafter trying to stop it, which induces physical and mental stress...and diseases!!!)...
most of the social crimes that we see in news papers like murders, sexual abuses, thefts etc are due to physical urges...i.e urge for water to quench the thirst, urge to stop hunger (food), urge to satisfy the taste needs (hogging on junk which has given us diabetes, hypertension, all cardio vascualar diseases!!), urge to quench the reproductive needs, urge for security of personal, financial, life and social belongings
urge for mental needs like love and affection, social status, self esteem etc...
so, our ancestors identified that the neuro transmitters and hormones are the ones which induce these urges...they also identified that yogas, asanas, meditation (exercise to the mind) etc are the best to regulate these secretions...to make the organs function efficiently...
they also found out that the spicy food stimulates these secretions and can hinder the performing or the effects of yoga, asanas and meditation...(most of us eat a good spicy meal and do meditation...how can you control the mind???...it will be like russian stallion!!!
they also found out that many of the natural medicinal plants also can be used for curing the basic diseases (the famous 'paatti vaidyam' of tamil nadu
so, if we follow this life style no disease can come near!...our ladies will not have emotional tantrums and hormonal imabalances which at present can not be managed by themselves and others!!!...if they follow this indian culture they will be like a sadhu!!
food habits and dressing habits depend on the climate. Even in extreme climate conditions at arctic we can keep our health fit with fat from animal products (not animal flesh). So, our culture does not recommend killing of animals for human survival.
saree, salwar kameez etc are our dresses...every state has its own dress...the basic purpose is to protect the body from the climate and give a 'pleasant' look (not attractive or sexy or beautiful looks...we discussed it one of the mails!
one who follows our culture can not be termed as 'living like a sanyasi'...in fact he can be an IT professional...he can be a scientist...he can be an engineer...administrator...manager...student...his performance would be at its best...he will be happy...healthy...his social life will be best...he will be noble...every one will like him or her as he will never get angry, never look at negative things in people, never think or act with negative behaviours...every one would love to work with / under him. He can live a 'successful'
all great rishis lived with their wives and children...lived a happy family life...wrote great books and poems also...were great philosophers, administrators, advisers to kings, lived beyond 100 years, did not get any disease, always happy, no peaks of emotions...e.g thiruvalluvar lived with his family and wrote thirukkural which was written 2000 years back and still valid and will be valid even after several thousand years...(dei...dei...if you think 'Hey rams! go and ask his wife vasuki if she was happy and if he could 'make' her happy
culture not only deals with food or dress...it covers the rituals, ceremonies, beliefs etc etc...the list is very long!
as the mail has grown long we will stop here and travel through all these holes in our culture (i.e in our way of life and way of living...i.e our philosophy of life and our behaviours) in the days to come...
the crux of this mail is 'our culture is based on science. It is beyond time, space and individuals. It can be followed by any one, anywhere, anytime. So, it can not become obsolete. Any one who follows it will be happy, healthy and be a great achiever'...but we are not following it!
ok guys and gals...keep rocking...bye...
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