Tuesday 22 November 2016

Some funny and reality facts of life...

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
Nature throws different challenges to us at different stages in life and keeps changing the bait in front of us in an amazing way. It keeps changing the needs, wants and comforts. It keeps changing the way we define our life and living. Therefore the people we want in life, our intensity of relationships also changes.
As a child we want toys, as a teenager we want 'Live toys'!...As an adult our interests are job, money, wealth, status, power, authority, abroad visits, friendships, child production and grooming, physical intimacy and sexual needs, variety of food-people-relationships-dress-vehicle-jobs etc.
Changes in gynaec system functioning changes the needs and wants drastically. It appears that what ever we wanted till then is all a big farce and life has been wasted!...What ever we acquired till then is not required and something else is the actual need. The truth of life unfolds in front of us!!...Then we start giving it back....some of them are money, wealth and such other pleasurable things.
Both the professionally successful person and a non-successful person understand the meaning of life, wake up after some time. The non-successful person learns when he fails in his attempts. Successful person learns when he gets the shock in life through death of an important person in his life, loss of health, loss of wealth/property, loss of money, loss of the most important relationship etc. So, both the parties realise that they were in a fantasy world!!
That is why scientists say all choices and preferences till 40 (education, job, life mate, definition of life-family-marriage) are FANTASY choices and after 40 only we start understanding Meaning of Life and Living and thereafter it is all REALITY choices, provided we make an attempt to change after this understanding.
So, the crux is...
1. The concept of what is right, what is wrong, what is life, what is love, what is marriage, what is family, what is truth, what is false, what is good or bad, what is a relationship, how to live, whom we need, whom we don't need, what we want etc is different for different people in different stages of life...i.e 13 to 18, 18 to 40, 40 to 60, 60 to 80 and >80...Every one sees everything differently and thinks other person is wrong, funny and foolish!!...Even if we pass through a stage in life, we forget it after some years and look at younger people to be crazy, unrealistic (as if we were realistic!), irresponsible etc. If we can't understand and forget the stages we passed thorough then how can we understand the issues, beliefs and feelings of people elder to us and they will appear funny and unrealistic only!!
2. Only when we reach that age in life we understand the perceptions related to that age!! i.e only people of same age understand each other better!! (so, don't marry with more than 2 or 3 years of age difference!!...Same age is perfect!)
3. Both the successful and unsuccessful person land up in learning the same meaning of life.
4. At some point in life we feel everything we did or ran behind and spent too much of energy and time in getting them is all a waste and the definition of our life changes, till the gains of that stage also is perceived as a waste!!
5. Nothing and No one will come with us till end of life except our body and mind with the memories, knowledge, skills, experience and wisdom 'learnt'!!...People, places, life events, relationships...all come and go!!...Nothing is stationary or constant. All are dynamic. So, don't compromise or sacrifice with these vital parts of our life and time spent for gathering these is the Life Spent worthwhile and Meaningfully!!
Peacefully yours...rams...health psychologist...

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