Wednesday 15 August 2018

How to choose the profession, subjects of study at school and college?

It is the season now to decide 'which course?...Which profession to choose?' etc for students and parents.
If the family contains doctors or lawyers, then generally every one is advised to become the same. So, entire family takes up the same profession so that one can be helpful to the other.
In some families they want diversity. So, every one is advised to take up different professions.
Generally parents recommend children to take up professions through which one can make up a big money and fast wealth. Some also bother about the social status attached to that profession. Some recommend professions which are highly authoritative (civil services) and induce fear value in the minds of others (police).
Many parents are interested in secure jobs even if it is at the cost of growth in profession.
They are not bothered about whether a person is peaceful and happy in that profession. It is only money, wealth, social status and fear value to others.
But truly this is not the way to select a profession and related subjects to study at school and college.
Every person has some knowledge, skill sets, competency level in each skill, experience, wisdom, likes, dislikes, do's and don'ts, levels of flexibility and rigid nature, beliefs, definition of life, relationships with same sex and opposite sex, family, organisational life, personal life, family life, social life and living, morals, values, ethics, passions, goals, aims, targets, different call in life, rights and wrong, correct and incorrect, true and false, life style, habits, expectations from self and others, preference of living place, food, dressing, 638 personality traits, Intelligent Quotient, Emotional Quotient, Spiritual Quotient, tolerance levels, varying adaptability levels to people, places, food, dress, rules and regulations...The list is a real big one!!
All these are not constants. They keep changing over the entire life time.
Every profession requires some knowledge, skill sets, competency level in each skill, experience, demands some life style, food and dressing habits, places of working and living, adaptability challenges, dress code, ability to work at peak efficiency at some specific environments, danger and adventure acceptance, flexibility, cooperative working, tolerance levels...a big list!!...In fact all the above listed for human beings.
So, every person is something. Every profession demands something from the individual. If both match, then the individual will be peaceful, happy, successful, contented, fulfilled. Individual also can do the profession well, bring a meaning to his life, make a big money, wealth, achieve fame, power and authority.
If they don't match then the person will suffer, will feel stressful, will get tired faster, will feel miserable after some time, will not like the job and face all kinds of negatives in life.
In olden days people went for jobs only for limited money and derived some solace in family life. Though they needed big money and wealth, but were ready to compromise this need for stability in family life.
But now and in future, in our capitalist economy, unless a person shows high productivity, updates himself for the overnight changing technologies and processes, he can not survive in a job and grow up. So, jobs will be insecure. One can not be lazy. One can not shine unless there is a match between the person and job requirements.
Many take up professions just for the glam of it and get shocked or suffer later. But what we need to consider or look at is 'what all activities we will be doing from beginning to the end in a day?'. Unless we like the job, unless we have the interest to do it, we can not lose ourselves in the job and unless we lose ourselves in the job, unless we are in the PRESENT moments, we can not do it to the best of our abilities.
Therefore the crux is...
1. We should have interest and liking to do the activities in a job.
2. We should have all that is required for that job.
3. We should accept and be ready for all that the job demands from us and others around us at home, in life style and various other domains of life explained above.
4. We should select our profession using the above methods.
5. life mate selection, type of family life, marriage, day-to-day life etc also depend upon our profession.
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

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