Thursday 18 October 2018

feminity and masculinity...

Q: Why men face problems with women always and suffer?
A: Because they try to understand the females and not the who understands the feminity will not face problems!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!
A comment received..."similarly the other side should also give due respect & reorganisation for the Masculinity of being men"
Ans: "agree...🙏🙏😀😀...So, the question for your answer is "Why do women suffer with men?"😜...But the point is mostly it is the male organism that goes frequently to the female organism for its needs and wants. Lion goes to Lioness, male dog goes to female dog, Cock goes to hen...showing all kinds of caring, supporting, love and affection...i.e thoughts, behaviours and emotions to gain proximity and achieve the needs and wants. It is a Nature driven and subconscious act. Therefore, men have to understand feminity to attain their needs and wants and women have to understand masculinity to protect their body and mind. When the man is happy with the need and wants satiation, he gets expectations that he will continue to get whenever he wants and he becomes possessive that the source should give to only to him. Here starts the problems. If his mind says 'enough' or 'variety' then he leaves. Else he exhibits all those above behaviours whenever he 'needs'!!"
That is why the relationship should pitch at 'energy levels', unconditionally, beyond body and mind...some common interest that will lost for entire life...e.g social service...this Nature driven need of 'supporting living organisms without any expectations'...this is the perception that gives contentment and fulfillment in life...Relationships with this as the back bone will not stress and cause strain...
So, the couple can think i.e both the parties..."i am born to serve this person and keep this person happy, healthy and peaceful"...IF BOTH THINK THIS WAY, with the understanding masculinity and feminity, then life goes on smooth!!
Peacefully yours....Rams...Psychologist!!

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