Friday 5 October 2018

We are not designed for short term relationships...

Our movies...TV serials...the lives of our immediate fullllllllllllllllll of 'STRATEGIES'!!!
Their minds were/are always thinking strategies thinking, planning, every move, depending upon the move of the other people...especially with those significant people in their lives...inside homes...with friends and relatives...motives...motives...motives...all towards meeting their needs, wants and expectations...mind remains always occupied with anxiety...stressed...curiosity also adds to stress...
fears...feeling of insecurities...all these cause this bad habit...
sadly it is a culture here...from epics...wrong understanding of epics...
The college students also copy the same from all the above sources and do STRATEGIES in RELATIONSHIPS and fail overall reality of life...
Strategies in relationships is a big spoiler!!...It can only fetch short term relationships...bad only add endless 'bads' in your life...
We are not designed for short term relationships...we are not designed for conditional relationships...we are designed by nature for unconditional and long term relationships and sixth sense is given for the same...sadly we don't know this and spoil our peace, happiness, health and success...
So, the crux is...
1. Strategies in relationships will lead to break-up at some domain or the other. Be simple, straight forward...don't act...don't manipulate...don't project...don't put up false hopes and on reality what you are...who you are...don't put up a show of 'socially acceptable behaviours'...
2. Strategies might make you win for small and short term happiness, pleasure, a mirage of being successful, achieved etc, but truly you will become a psycho patient one day!!
3. Emotions are strong players of mental health. So, playing with emotions of others and self, will only lead to damage of the self and others.
4. Make a happy, healthy, long term relationships...A Human being's longevity of life, happiness, peace, health and success is in not the number of relationships...not the short term relationships...the secret remains in good, long term relationships!!
5. Don't follow movies, tv serials and your immediate predecessors...and don't learn negatives from epics!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

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