Saturday 13 October 2018

THIS IS FOR ALL ...especially the PARENTS....


The body drives the conscious mind through the subconsicous mind for various needs, wants, comforts, definitions, beliefs...body has its larger share in all these, compared to the social components!!

So, body decides everything in life!!...our thoughts, our emotions, our behaviours!!...Our defintions of life at different ages and stages…our definitions of relationships… aims… goals…. passion… evvvvvvverything!!

Every one's body is different. Every one's life style is different. The life style takes it's major share in deciding the body functioning. e.g one who misses foods and delays food timings, stresses the body, affecting the mind and therefore, the behaviours. (more anger, frustration etc). Food plays a big role in deciding the body functioning.

Some people mature late and some early. Some have less gynaec system actvitiy or functionality and behave like sadhus and some have vigorous and more and behave like animals.

The body does not remain like this for entire life time. With ageing the functionality changes. So, sadhus can become animals and animals can become sadhus.

But some have permanently  no or less functionality to become budhas….to live a brahmacharya life on only knowledge, wisdom and skills. But they do have an ‘affect’ domain i.e emotions, other than cognition and behavioural domains!!...So, they attach themselves to human beings at that domain and with animals and nature!!...For some of the behaviours, affect is the cause (e.g beating a person…without ‘anger’ you can not beat a person), and for some, affect is the effect or by product. If parents do not identify such people, compel them for marriage and family life, it results in a drastic failure, full of hassles, the development and life of children gets affected.

We adore rishis…run behind and follow them…we get connected to them as Guru etc…but we don’t want our children to become a rishi or sadhu!! (laughing!)

Some have mediocre functionality to become sadhus like vashishtha and live a family life and sathu life, focussing both on family life and the life of wisdom, knowledge and skills. Here also two people of same drives should marry, else dissatisfaction and all the resultant negatives happen in married life.

Some have excessive activity to live like Vishvamitra to live with many, produce many varieties of children, and be a rishi too, dwelling into wisdom, knowledge and skills!!...This also has its hassles and matrimony disputes.

Some live a life centered on only the body…make money and wealth, may be get some fame too, eat, drink, smoke, enjoy and die. They are not interested in the responsibility of ‘reproduction and rearing’…or interested in reproduction but not in rearing. They also have life full of problems.

Therefore, the crux is…

1.       Body decides the peace, happiness and health. Life style decides the kind of body.
2.       Emotional life satisfaction is a key element for a satisfied life. So, long term, life long relationships are important. Realisation of all kinds of relationships with living or non living is important. When body is not involved in relationships it has all positives with peace, happiness and good health. When body is involved then it has all kinds of negatives spoiling the life…it has only spills of feelings of goodness in pleasures, and the mind feels feeling of goodness in happiness during the acts of caring and support….i.e service.
3.       The marriage should not be forced when the body is not ready. They body of the past and present are different, as the life styles are different.
4.       Every one should be allowed to live a life based on their body functionality. Imagine budha’s life had he been forced by his King father to live with his wife and child!!
5.       By life style changes…mainly in food…changes can be brought in the body functioning.
6.       Almost 99% percent of the problems in married life are centered around body. Outward manifestations are different.
7.       Controlling body is stressful which results in stress reactions in body and mind. Regulating the body through life style changes is healthy and not stressful.
8.       Mind becomes animal, because of the body. Mind can regulative the body through cognitive methods.


Peacefully yours…Rams…Psychologist!!

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