hai friends...how are you?...hope the festival mood around is keeping you rocking!
if any one has a good song of shreya or any other singer or musician of any language, indian or foreign, song or music only or instrumental etc can send me first two words of the song or link or some clue...all can enjoy the music!
now the issue...
all of us are born here...our present life can be summarized like this...get born, play, go to school, read, score marks, attain age, go to a college, good course, do well, get a job, earn money, enjoy, get married, enjoy the married life, go around, buy all the stuff of living and happiness, build a house, buy gold, wealth, all comforts at home, produce children, rear them, play with them, send them to school, teach them, send them to college, they get a job, get them married, do reasonably well in your job too, get some of the diseases like diabetes, hypertension, cardio vascular diseases, feel old and aged, keep cribbing about every one and everything in life, play with grand children and die. So, all over with these few lines!!
I think all these things happen for everyone born on this earth, with just little bit of efforts. There is no need to keeeeep thinking about these all the time.
Tell me, who is not married, who does not have children and who does not earn?...let us leave some isolated cases as there are always few exceptions...let us look at the majority!
we keep worrying about these mundane issues all the time and lose the life. If you ask any mother or father the usual crib is 'i am worried about my son's / daughter's education, i am worried about his / her college admission, iawah (i am worried about his / her) job, iawah marriage, iawah child birth, iawah my grandson's education, iawahmg job, iawahmg marriage...hmmm...the list goes on like this. We are always worried about some mundane activity or the other which will happen anyways. We might have to put in little bit of effort when required. That is all. We need not think about it ALWAYS and keep worrying, as worrying does not solve the problem, actions only solve the problem. We have to just do the needful required at that moment, forget it and keep rocking and jingling!...No emotional attachment.
Children learn mostly by looking at the parents. If we worry about mundane things they will also worry about mundane things and never progress. If we keep a subject of interest and keep moving they will also follow us faithfully.
Responsibility is all about 'doing things' and not about 'worrying about things always'. We don't understand this and keep complaining about the husbands 'woff! he is not at all worried yaar!'...we like husbands who are worrying always!...as our girls are worry some always! (i can see the girls grinding their teeth!...enough...enough...don't spoil your beautiful teeth baby!). So, let us stop worrying. Let us be responsible in the real sense and just do the required when required and forget it.
woff! if we don't have anything to worry about then how to spend the day?...how to spend the life?...will it not be boring?
Instead of worrying, let us pick up some thing that we like and enjoy the life. That give us happiness and keep us rocking, sparkling and jingling!...It could be anything under the sky. Any hobby or any subject or any learning or any skill related activity.
I think reading and learning about this hobby or subject we like should go on as the back bone of life from birth to death, with all the activities mentioned above as 'day to day happenings'. Nothing more than this!!!!
I also feel that 'we should keep changing the subject to 'applied subjects' every 5 to 8 years!'
Presently we stop or bachelor's degree or masters or at the max a phd...(mostly to get promotions!!!) and leave it...generally this is achieved between 27 years of age to max 40 or 45. Thereafter, we leave it and life goes on like a bullock cart!!...our cribbing starts thereafter saying, i did not get that, i did not get this, i was sidelined, my knees are paining, vayasaachhu ('budda (buddi) ho gaya re!'), i am unable to do that, i am unable to do this, age is catching up, 'koyil kulamnu' vaazhkkai poguthu ('it is time for kailash yaathra!'), it is time to be with grand children etc.
So, we age mostly due to our own thinking and behaviours, and less due to the natural aging process.
If we just enjoy reading the subject of our interest, we can reach the peak in that subject in about 5 to 8 years. After that we should switch over to the subject which is the application of the previous subject. In another 5 to 8 years we will reach the peak in that. Again we should change the subject. Like this life should go on with interest, enthusiasm, waking up every day with a feeling that 'i am a small girl (boy). I want to attend class. I want to learn. I want to meet him (her) and know this. I want to go there and read about it. I am inquisitive to know about that'. If life goes on like this, i don't think we will ever have time to worry, feel getting sidelined or aged or time to kick the bucket!...the knees will never pain!...daughter in law will not matter to us!...every day will be new!...every morning will wait with lots of good news and fun!...every night will end with a happiness and fulfillment!...we will never get bored...as brain (physical structure) and mind (functional correlate of brain) are always working, thinking, inquisitive, creative and happy!
only when we are not thinking and doing routine or mundane things or keep worrying about routine and mundane things we will feel tired or stressed or bored. Such boring jobs are for robots! Not for human beings!...are you a robot?...hihihi...then you are fit to be in labs (my lab!!!...for all funny experiments!!!!) and not in society!!!
so, the crux is
1. let us identify the subject of interest as early as possible in our life. Never it is too late ('yem' or 'yeman' will forget his job and tell 'Hey chitragupt! look at this son of a gun! he is doing something...he is an interesting creature and let us see what he does next?')...Keep it as the back bone or fulcrum of life. Reach the top in 5 to 8 years!
2. change the subject every 5 to 8 years!
3. remain young and occupied with happiness and not worries!
4. Let PhDs not get 'knee pain' or rot or age after 27 or 40!
Nature and society around us will take care of our growing, marriage, child birth etc. Let 'us' take a good care of ourselves and who else will, if not we!
keep rocking guys and gals...may this Christmas and new year be a real new new year in your life, starting a new subject or winding up the old one to start a new one!!!...making you a human being and no more a robot!
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