hai friends...how are we?
music!...an ocean...oh no!...big like universe!...our creation!...using nature's creation called 'sound'...we will see about this music in the years to come...
if we consider the small spec in music...i.e music in indian cinema...first, indian cinema started with stories based on epics, depiction of characters in epics...then it migrated to socialization within family...i.e all the 'love and affection dynamics' within combined family members and people in their small groups...now it has migrated to 'love and affection dynamics' outside the family...between friends, lovers etc...movies of today are not about love between spouses or siblings etc...as that is the way life is today...as everything that was available within the house only earlier, is available outside the house today with more flavour and spice!...so family dynamics will dilute and fade and social dynamics will get more and stronger!
indian movies are based on LOVE...hundreds of movies every year...few tens every week...all about love...between people outside the family...about the 'dynamics of love'...people involved...emotions involved...various dimentions...family and social issues involved...
most of the songs are 'love songs'...almost all the FM channels have programs on love...even the TV channels...most of the problems between people i.e spouse, siblings, lovers etc revolves around this LOVE AND BEHAVIOURS RELATED TO LOVE...
but in our culture we feel shy to discuss about this core issue and issues related to love...we do not have a social climate or freedom or conducive environment at home to discuss about this so that the right knowledge gets transpired to children...e.g i asked a college student 'what is dating?', he said 'having 'fun' with a girl!'...as usual i asked multiple questions like 'define 'fun'!' etc...you know what he would have answered!...so, the core issue related to our problems we don't deal and leave it to the children to learn from their friends who are equally not knowledgeable...
so, let us start discussing (not dictating!...we know what happened to dictators in the history!...it only creates opposite effect!...matured discussions lead to knowledge sharing, receptive atmosphere, getting the expected results etc...children will feel 'my parents are great!' and they will never go wrong!...most of the time, if we do what our culture says, we will only get the opposite effect...if we do the opposite of what our culture says, then we will get the desired result!)...so let us start discussing at home 'what is dating?'...(i define it as 'getting to know about a person by talking to him or her in a public place!')...'whether it is required?'...'when i.e at what stage and age it is required?'...'what is love?'...'parties'...'dances'...etc etc...you know the issues...i need not list all of them!
during discussions the parents should talk less...children should talk more...they should take their heart and brain out!...parents should be good listeners...should not interrupt their talk...they should exhaust and reach a stage of 'no more stuff'...after that the parents should ask only questions...like 'if this happens then what will you do?'...parents can ask all types of questions possible...children should reply to all these questions...parents should never tell them 'this is right...this is wrong'...etc...ask such questions which can make the children to think about all possibilities, like SWOT analysis, all outcomes, legal issues, social issues, issues related to their own happiness, good health and achievements and give answers...parents should not raise their voice...not to thrust their opinions...no emotional exchanges...no arguments...no physical fights...it should be free discussion...all at same energy levels...in calm and happiness filled atmosphere...healthy atmosphere...believe me, the children will take matured decisions as all variables, possibilities are discussed enough giving due respect to all and the opinion of all.
dictating, rules, regulations, orders, controls only will give opposite effect!...'compelled marriages' lead to only divorce or 'existing' for society sake inside four walls and not 'living'!
coming back to songs...our movie makers make songs when emotions are to be expressed...in a movie based on love, mostly it is 'happy' or 'sad' emotions...our actors do not sing when they are angry or fighting etc.
we normally do activities which produce stress...then we burst it!...instead, we need to bring in things in our behaviours in such a way that there is no stress getting produced...best way is to involve and enjoy the things we do...being in the present moment...even if the activity is not liked!!!...there is a saying...let me say it in a mild way...'when the screw is inevitable, just enjoy it!'...one method not to produce stress is to play songs which can keep us cool and do not provoke emotions...for this play these songs at a low volume which you only can hear...not the guy infront of your table at office...so low volume...
life itself is actually like a poem...with music...so, let music play all the time in our life at the back end server!
ok guys and gals...keep rocking...bye
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