hai friends...how are you?
are many funny things in our culture according to
me...hihihi...anything that deviates from my philosophy is funny for
me!...anything that deviates from your philosophy is funny for you!
in tamil nadu brothers are called 'pangaalees'...i.e people who have share in the property...i hope i am right in defining this
simple words 'people who are related to each other through blood
relations with property rights'...if one conducts any function, he is
supposed to invite the others and these have some rituals to perform in
any function...
observation is these pangaalees always fight with each other and they
are always like cats and dogs...this is the theme in most of the tamil
movies too...to bring in 'love' issue, the directors ensure that the boy
from one family will love the girl from the other family...
result is...some or the other out of these
does not turn up for the function...even if he turns up he will not
talk to anyone, remain isolated, will perform the ritual rights and go
today i attended a funeral where none of them turned up out of 5!!
of the time close relations fight among themselves, use all abusive
words, without realizing that they have to meet each other, invite for
different functions, and the children are the most affected. Mostly the
fight is on sharing of property!
funny thing is every one stays far away from the other...at different
parts of the
country or in the state...they expect the other person to come to his
house and invite him for the function properly following
procedures...other wise he does not attend the function and also he
develops enemity with the guy...in olden days when every one stayed
nearby it was possible...today with people staying far away is it
possible to go to each and every one's house?
we develop fights with the neighbours...on silly issues like 'you
garbage comes to my house'...if you want more
issues watch tv serials...result is all neighbors are enemies!...is it
not suffocating?...how can we live in such an environment?...seeing the
enemy's face every day!...if we get a heart attack or a thief enters the
house or conduct a function it is only the neighbour who is near to run
and help us...if we make our neighbour the biggest enemy who will come
and help?...we are close to our blood relations who are far away and can
never reach in time to save us from troubles!!!...is it not funny?
funny thing is we go to a house where death has taken place without
invitation. But we do not go to a friend or close relative's house for a
happy occasion without invitation. I think it should be like 'my friend
(or brother) is conducting a function. I should be there. I should go
and help him! so what if he has not invited me! he has no rights to tell
me 'get lost'. As a friend (or brother) i have full rights to be
there!' should be the spirit. This way the other person will feel
ashamed. Others who are watching will know who is wrong and who is
right. What is the point in not visiting a friend's or close relatives
house when he is alive and reaching the house as the first person after
his death?
so, the crux is
we should attend functions of close relatives and blood relations with
just a phone call or a mail or even with an info from some one to
indicate to him 'boss! don't worry. I am there with you!'
we should be friendly with the neighbours. If they are bad we need to
teach them or make them feel ashamed of their acts with our good
character or deeds. They will turn up to be good thereafter.
we need to understand that people and relationships matter more than
the property. If we closely observe, we do not use or enjoy most of the
part of the property / properties that we have.
bye guys and gals...keep rocking...
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