Wednesday 3 September 2014

How to spread a religion or caste or culture or race or language?

hai all...

All around the world, all those who want to spread their religion, or language or caste or culture speak their throat off through all their holes. They don't check out two things....1. whether they live as per their religion etc. 2. whether that life gives happiness, good health and peace.

It is very simple...1.any religion that gives the above will surely survive and spread.
2. any religion that does not give the above basic three things will die on its own, however much people try to keep it alive.

controlling, forcing, scaring are not the positive methods of spreading a religion. It will spread only violence.

any individual should feel freedom of all kinds by following a should be less of beliefs...more of intellectual thinking, clearing confusions in the mind and following...not blind following...then it will be followed by all...but most of the religions today are suffocating...mostly by the people who force, control, scare and try to spread it.
People will follow only out of fear, externally, not internally, just to save themselves from getting killed.

So, the best way of spreading a religion or language or caste or culture is

1. to make it the one that gives happiness, good physical-mental-social health, peace and self actualisation.

2. live as per that so that when others see you happy, healthy, peaceful and successful then they will automatically follow that. Human beings have inborn modelling behaviour (role modelling) and copying. All these at 1 above are infectious and contagious. These positives spread fast like wild fire without we putting in any effort and consciousness.

These are the most simple and positive ways of spreading. All other methods being followed now are all ballllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllls!!!...they will only kill it and will not spread!!!

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