Tuesday 2 September 2014

What is 'Religion'?

hai all...

1. religion is not for following.
2. religion is not for dressing up or keeping an identity for us.
3. religion is not about gods.
4. religion is not adoring a person.
5. religion is not about being emotionally attached.
6. religion is not for earning the food, water, shelter, women or for other lively hoods.
7. religion is not about fighting.
8. religion is not about comparisons.
9. religion is not about 'only' thinking about it all the time.
10. religion is not about forcing others to follow.
11. religion is not about showing off.
12. religion is not about wearing religious marks on the body.
13. religion is not for making relationships.
14. religion is not the basic of life.
15. we need not belong to any religion to be happy, healthy and successful.

16. religion is not about having a blind mind. 
17. Religion is not about not thinking. 
18. Religion is not about not questioning. 
19. Religion is not about not using the brain. 
20. Religion is not about being rigid, orthodox and unsocial.
21. Religion is not about a 'life full of beliefs' as beliefs change from person to person that is suitable to them.
22. Religion is not about rituals and ceremonials.
23. Religion is not about holy books.

24. religion is for filling up forms.
25. religion is for keeping our parents and others happy.

26. fools follow a known religion.
27. those who follow a known religion are frogs in a well.
28. those who follow a known religion become emotional and possessive.
29. those who follow a known religion therefore discriminate, fight, abuse other religions and dwell in negatives, hates, frustration.

30. Wise people read all religions. Take the best of all. Leave the negatives. Positives are the ones that give us happiness, good mental, physical and social health. Negatives are the remaining all. Suit each of the learning to their profession, environment, think logically, practically, humanly and make their OWN RELIGION. They don't keep it as knowledge or information in their CPU. They install it and they become their religion.

It is a custom made, designer operating system made by and for only us. It can be and should be upgraded and modified time to time with changed environment to be happy, healthy and successful.  

31. Religion is being scientific
32. Religion is about subjecting it to research
33. Religion is about being logical, realistic and practical.
34. Religion is being human
35. Religion is about radiating love and peace
36. Religion is about accepting all human beings as they are and as one
37. Religion is about all positives to living, non living and nature.
38. Religion is life and living without being conscious about it.


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