Thursday 30 June 2016

Is it possible to live healthily??

Dear all...
During olden days, i.e agrarian society and living...the life, living, thinking, culture, all rituals, beliefs and all social processes were centered on FAMILY LIVING and BODY NEEDS.
Slowly industrialisation started from Agro industries to develop into everything that we see today.
Ladies had to work both at home and office. Nothing changed for them at home and social front.
Today it is an industrial society where three types of living are possible.....1. FAMILY CENTRIC....2. PASSION AND ACHIEVEMENT CENTRIC...3. FAMILY AND PASSION CENTRIC.
Today, It is extttttremely difficult to live a pure family centric living with a girl working in kitchen, toilets only and attending marriages, puberty functions and funerals. Family centric living focuses only on BODY, WEALTH and similar to TV SERIAL LIVING. The needs of body and wealth never ends till death. So, no peace and contentment. So, no physical, mental and social well-being. It only has spells of pleasures.
Passion and achievement centric living is unavoidable and it focuses on MIND and SIXTH SENSE. So, it is a must. Today all homes, each individual and communities have the basic needs and comforts in their lives. So, MIND needs dominate in satisfaction of life both at home, society and work place. So, if we concentrate on this we can be successful parents, children, administrators and leaders/managers.
When the pure agrarian society was in the process of change, the ladies got screwed nicely in physical-mental and social health in their personal life with husband, in-laws and parents, as it is impossible to manage both and all people everywhere, with the extremes of merciless intellectual, physical and emotional demands.
Sharing of Love and affection, physical body intimacy and such other related thinking, emotions and behaviours are also important for a healthy living in all dimensions!!
Therefore there is a need to redefine marriages, daily chores at homes, office processes, social processes, beliefs, community definitions, friendships, the way we eat, we cook, we prepare the clothes, house chores...EVVVERTHING!!
Rams...Health Psychologist!!

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