Tuesday 21 June 2016

what are the few basic things that makes us suffer in life....

Dear all...today is International Yoga Day...!!
The biggest problems in our culture and living are...
1. We feel 'Nothing can happen to me and i will not get any diseases or ailments!'
2. All of us want to appear handsome and beautiful but health is not in our consciousness at all. We think it happens automatically!!
3. Health means only physical or body health. We don't include mental health and social well-being in the health category.
4. We always feel exercise, yoga, mediation etc are painful and not enjoyable. Truth is when others design our health regime it becomes painful and non-sustainable. When we ourselves design a life long sustainable health regime suitable for our living conditions and environment it becomes enjoyable, fun and we look forward to those moments.
5. Those who live a sedentary life will hog on foods. So if the sedentary life is changed, then heavy urges to eat unhealthy food items will go.
6. All the time our thinking is about money, wealth and body needs. As health is not at all in our thinking we don't value it and therefore we lose it, and lose all the money, wealth and body needs also!!
7. What we don't value, we lose them!...Brain also takes things which are available in our life to be GRANTED. It forgets them. Only when we lose them, we learn the value of them. e.gs are health, people, relationships (husband, wife, lover, parents, siblings, friends)

Dear all...we lose everything in life...health, happiness, peace, contentment, success, people, relationships, wealth, money...when we...
1. don't value them
2. become complacent about them
3. don't maintain them and only use them

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