Saturday 11 June 2016

some bits and pieces for peace!!

Dear all...nice share or words from my MIT classmate Suresh Kumar....
''Alone I can 'Say' but
together we can 'talk'.
'Alone I can 'Enjoy' but 
together we can
'Alone I can 'Smile' but
together we can 'Laugh'.
That's the BEAUTY of
Human Relations.
We are nothing without
each other '
😊Stay Connected!!😊.

Dear all...Nice true good words from my MIT class mate...
"We are truly nothing with out others.
Thanks to Technology for killing the distance.
I hope if we enhance divinity with in, we can also kill the differences"..........

Dear all...
"Being intelligent is no use unless we keep our body and mind where it rests to be healthy, peaceful and happy in order to make it function at its peak always and reap the benefits throughout life!!"
Rams....Health Psychologist!!

Dear all...
A mind that is not in PEACE and GOOD HEALTH, a body that will get life style diseases with such a mind, and the life of that person holding such a mind and body, is a waste, irrespective of the achievements made!!

Rams....Health and Counseling psychologist.

Dear all...
Any marriage done based on compulsions, traditional methods of match making like Religion, Caste and Community, between two well educated and passion/achievement oriented people working at two different places, with an aim of they living together, will miserably fail and all the money spent for such marriages is a disastrous waste!!

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