Friday 20 July 2018

Let us not 'work'...let us 'entertain'...

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
When we do some activity which we do not like, then it becomes a work. It is stressful, drudgery, boring, irritating, frustrating, leads to quick energy drain, not good for mental health, no contentment and fulfillment in life. So, even if we get 200 out of 200 or get millions of rupees, we are not happy...we are not peaceful.
When we do some activity which we like, then we get mood to do, we get interest to do, we involve ourselves, we don't look at our watches, we lose ourselves, then it becomes a master piece work, we get appreciation, rewards and perks, we get a feeling of goodness, we feel happy, we feel a sense of acceptance by people, organisations and society, we get refreshed, we don't get tired, we get motivated to do, our overall personality improves, we get contentment and fulfillment.
In olden days when people 'worked' from 9 to 5 it was ok...i.e both organisation and the individual got affected, but did not know how and where they got affected.
Today organisations are competitive...therefore, employees also have to be competitive, they can't work like before looking at watches and without involvement.
so, the crux is...
1. Remember, that studying is not for earning money...if think it is for money, wealth, promotion etc then we will only 'work' can not progress in profession and life.
2. when we understand that studies is to understand what is happening around us and in Nature, to improve ourselves as a human being, to understand the life and living around us and in the globe, then we will become good in studies, we will enjoy, we will like what we do, we will grow in all types of skills and knowledge, we will be successful, contented, fulfilled, we will get best of the jobs, lots of money, wealth, fame, power, authority...and everything positive that one can get.
3. Let us remove the word 'work' from dictionary with a connotation that 'the activity that we do which we don't like...which we do it as a responsibility...due to fear...due to commitment...'
4. Let work be an entertainment, refreshing, stress free activity.
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist.

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