Tuesday 3 July 2018

What is life?

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
I have a habit of asking some questions to anyone i meet...e.g How do you define life as?...What is love?...What is a relationship?...What is marriage?...What is family?...Like this...
I ask these questions, because variations in these answers only are causing all sorts of life and living problems to everyone!!
Every one is different. Every one's life experiences and learning are different. So, everyone's answer is different.
Everyone has problems only in relationships...with self and others...due to expectations from self and others!!
In fact everyone's answer for this question at every stage in life is also different!!
Recently i met a person who has almost reached the top position in a central govt job. The top most is obviously The President of India!!
I asked him "What is life?"
His answer is "Life is Duties and Responsibilities!!"
Obviously i requested him to explain. He said....
"I deliver my duties and responsibilities to my wife and children. Parents and siblings. Friends and relatives. I look after them. I like them. I take care of them. I ensure that they all live comfortably and happily. I give them good education, food, clothing and everything that they need. I do love them. But i don't love them the way others define the word love as. For me love means responsibilities and duties. Love means taking care. Love means 'no expectations for me'. But i expect that they should do well, live happily, etc. I safe guard them from dangers. I don't attach myself too much. I also ensure that they don't attach with me too much. There are no superfluous emotions. I have emotions required to deliver my duties and responsibilities. That is all!!
So, in the definition of others 'i don't love anyone'!!. But I love my family. I love my organisation. I love my job. I love my duties and responsibilities. I look after my subordinates. I take care of them. I don't love them. There are no emotions. I love those who love their duties and responsibilities and deliver too. All my relationships are based on this fact. I don't need any one to love me. I only want every one to deliver their duties and responsibilities at family and in my organisations. I don't love and take care of those who are irresponsible!!...I don't like such people!!....Probably because of this only i reached the top. For me everything...love and affection...or whatever...all only duties and responsibilities!!....So, every one is independent...no one is dependent on me...i am not dependent on anyone for my self...no one attached with me otherwise and i am not attached to any....no one misses me and i don't miss anyone...this way children and wife are able to live peacefully, happily, even in my absence!!'
I just gave a thought about this. In a way, we can say that his brain  is in perfect balance. It is not unstable. It is perfectly stable. He lives as per Nature. The way he is supposed to live to be peaceful....happy....healthy....achieved. Every one suffers because they don't live like this. They are lazy, parasitic, scared, not confident etc. A spoiled parenting and unhealthy body and mind.
In a world where everything is changing...every one changes...no one is permanent...nothing is permanent...no one can be trusted upon...no one is reliable...not because of them...but because of the surroundings and the way life is everywhere!!...Depending on human beings for love and affection, emotional support, etc etc is damaging as they can leave anytime...for studies...job...death...not interested in the relationship...soooo many reasons!!...So, people change. They are unable to keep up with their own words...own promises...consciously taken decisions!!
Places also change...villages into towns...tiled classrooms to terrace class rooms...so, all the memory sources are no more there and vanish.
So, in a changing world, being too emotional, trustful, dependent, etc on human beings will only bring sorrows and pains after some time rather than permanent peace, happiness and health.
Also what remains with us is only our knowledge, our skills, our memories, our feelings, our wisdom learnt, our experience, our body, our mind and 'our' perceived relationship with others, our feelings of goodness, our successes, our good deeds, i.e our own karma, !!
Nothing else and no one!!
Peacefully yours....rams....Psychologist!!

some comment received....

"a comment received....“That guy may be peaceful. But he is no fun. 
There won’t be any poetry or other beautiful things.
Love is much deeper than responsibilities and commitments. Where there is love, responsibilities and commitments follow automatical
Just because people change, we cannot be without loving deeply. If we don’t love deeply, we are missing out on reaching higher planes. 
If we are lucky, we will get people to love who are devoted to us. If not, then we love something or divine deeply. 
I cannot imagine how this world will be without deep emotions. Deep emotions don’t mean we are unstable . Songs and dance etc. are there to deal with deep emotions.”

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