Friday 20 July 2018

Mother is your back bone if you decide to live an achievement oriented life...don't leave her...take her your stride...

There are three types of life i can see people living...
1. Family centric or family focused life
2. Professional centric life
3. A life giving equal importance to both family and profession without any compromise in peace, happiness and physical-mental and social well-being too.
Every one's personality or call in life is different. Accordingly they chose their life to be. Generally one of the above.
In all these lives, few things are common...which are basic needs...
1. healthy and tasty food
2. A place of living that does not affect their journey of life-call
3. encouragement and support
4. emotional support
There is no best person on this earth, better than MOTHER to give or provide or ensure all these!!
Especially when you have to move around the world in pursuit of your passions and goals!!
So, fighting with mother...or eloping from weakening yourself in your mission or life path!!
Of course, mothers may not be in sync with your mission!!...They may be inclined towards their community or society or husband or close relatives. But they can always be changed easily.
1. By counselling
2. By making her feel that 'I will be safe and secure with all the comforts and my dreams fulfilled through my child!!'
So, the crux is...
Be patient with your mother...take her to your place of her your profession and her your colleagues and the kind of life style you live...fulfill all her dreams and life of comfort and safety...change her...make her follow you....You will be a winner!!
Peacefully yours...Rams....Psychologist!!

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