Tuesday 25 September 2018

Home is not world...World is home!!

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
Our culture says 'Your home is your world!'
Nature says "World is your home!"
We created culture!!
Nature created us!!
We are nothing in front of Nature and all our creations against nature gets demolished and destructed by Nature over a period time when we cross the limits of Nature.
When we live against Nature, we suffer!!..When we are aligned with Nature we enjoy the life!...Nature means not just sky, clouds, grass, hills or mountains. Nature encompasses everything in the grand Universe, including us!!
Life has no suffering. It has only the elements of growing, development, maturing, evolving. Nature, as a mother, supports this by providing the necessary physical, mental and social ingredients.
Nature has created us. It creates everything. Everything that is required for us.
But we created the social structures and social systems...family...marriage...culture...a big list!!...All these created with 'igniting the body, mind and social needs'...'creating the urges and cravings' and thereafter 'applying controls'...has created the havoc with full of misery. That is why they are failures. Saying 'life is a misery. Life is a combination of pleasures and sorrows' is out of living in this system. We miss out happiness element. All the feeling of goodness in this system can not be classified as happiness, mostly pleasures. Control is not the stress free solution. Not creating these negatives, not creating the environment for these, creating a body, mind and social system, a social structure, life styles, living methods free of these stresses is the way. Nature creates this way. When we align with Nature and structure our life and day to day living, all these do not exist.
Nature says 'all living organisms have to relate themselves with each other in an unconditional envelope...environment...atmosphere'. Period. That is it!
All the billions and trillions of organisms align with nature and do this. So, they are happy and harmonious.
But we are not. We are conditional. So, we suffer. We have created by default stressful structures of life, ways of living and therefore we are bound to suffer without any escape.
Nature has not made us to suffer by giving us the complex mind and not giving this to other living organisms to make them live happily and harmoniously. No!!...It has given us the SIXTH SENSE which we are supposed to use for right perceptions and understanding of the life and living, by studying Nature and aligning with it. ALL THE SUBJECTS, KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM WE STUDY IN SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, ORGANISATIONS, SOCIAL SYSTEMS AND IN LIFE AND LIVING...ARE ALL OUT OF STUDYING THE NATURE AND ENVIRONMENT AROUND. All these are supposed to be read, learnt in ways to give us peace, happiness, good physical health, mental health, social well-being etc. But we did not and do not use sixth sense for this. We are using for all negatives which spoil these valuables of life.
So, the crux is...
1. Word is our home. Unlimited vast universe is our home.
2. Our home is only a place of origin. All organisms fly away from the nest or place of birth to explore, grow, mature, develop, get enlightened, to become a whole.
3. Home was created for growth and development...for 'enriched social relationships in an unconditional environment. That is why nature gave father and mother who are supposed to be unconditional. But our social fabric has made them to have conditional elements too which makes the home a hell, which is supposed to be heaven!'.... But limiting the knowledge, wisdom and development within this cage is not what Nature drives us. Nature says extend the relationships to all living and non living organisms in the vast Nature...the other elements of Nature...without cravings and urges...in an unconditional environment...!!
4. So, this earth or universe is the home!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...psychologist!!

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