Friday 28 September 2018

this is for all those 'mother tongue' addicts...obsessionists....

I find too many status updates and memes saying 'learn only tamil, live for tamil, body is for the land and life is for tamil, don't learn other languages and foreign languages' and such of these types...I am sure this must be happening in other states and languages too.
Science and Engineering are global and it is better to learn them in english...mastery in written and oral in english is a must to get placement and earn the living...tamil can not feed all tamilians of past, present and future...language can be a culture but cannot become profession for all...
I am not against tamil as i myself love it, state topper in tamil mandram exam in 10th, written stories in Ananda Vikatan etc with critics as 'good literature standard'...but it does not make me to hate other languages...make me not to learn other languages and translate the best of the literature in tamil to other languages for others to learn and appreciate...
So, the crux is...
1. Learn English and master it...Learn tamil issues...but job and money for living is more important. Tamil can not feel all tamilians. This is the same for people of other languages too!!
2. Don't believe and follow people with vested interests...
3. be global...4. Don't get lock yourself with less prospects of living...
5. Life is more important than language...
6. Language is only a medium to communicate your brain and mind to others and socialise...not to hate...
7. Life is only once. Grow. Widen your knowledge, wisdom and reach...
8. Learn all languages and translate all the best things in tamil to reach to the world...this is the true love for tamil...
9. Just by learning only tamil, living only in tamil nadu, without any significant contribution to the language and its spread, you are not a tamilian!!
So, understand things in the correct perspective...don't get whirled up emotionally in wrong perceptions and spoil your only life!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

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