Hai friends...how are you?
...i hope you are also happy like this smiley!
so let us start the day!
art form gives us the true happiness...we see god, the form of love,
peace, happiness, pleasure, through these art forms also...all human
beings can produce music...can excel in some art form or the
other...here is a new melody from ar rahman attached...from movie
'kadal'...by mani ratnam...yet to be
usual, all i type here are not given anywhere...they are my own
perceptions, beliefs, what comes in my mind, my personal experiences,
what i observe etc...it can differ from yours', the way you differ from
...no two individuals are same...so are the beliefs, perceptions, etc!!...we all follow and believe what we are convinced off!
spirituality etc etc are understood by each one of us
differently...some commonality may be there...but certainly there are
differences!...'we understand in a way that is comfortable to
us...within our comfort zone'...
get too senti when the other person differs from us...because we are
emotionally involved with these beliefs, feelings, experiences...we feel
we are right...others are wrong...which is actually wrong!
is no point in picking up arguments to prove we are right and others
are wrong on such issues...no one can prove he is right or no one can
prove he is wrong...as there is nothing right or wrong in these
issues...and none of them can be proved...
long as life remains on earth these arguments will go on...only thing
is, if they remain as 'discussions' then we will gain more
knowledge...discussion can happen if we are not senti or emotionally
involved with the issue...if we are open...if we are null or zero...if
we think we do not know anything about it...if we believe that many
views are possible on these issues...we should not feel sacred about the
issues...we should not feel that these issues can not be touched...we
should not feel that they are the domains of only 'great' people and not
that of commoners like us...as there is nothing great or no one is
great!!...greatness is only our feeling, if we don't know something and
we want to know or if we get some clarity in confusions then we call it
or the
person great...that is it...!...it is individualistic...as something
which is great for us is not great for the other person. Something who
is great for us is not great for the other person...so, nothing is great
or no one is great!...
people have come in different times in history (will continue to
come!)...have concentrated on some issues...have given some
clarity...that is all...as long as we are emotionally attached to some
people, some views, some religions, some books, some perceptions we will
never grow...we will never know new things...we will never mature...we
will never become round...we will always have corners and edges which
will keep
pinching our social relationships...we will always remain in an
'atmosphere' only with its turbulence affecting us...we will never go to
'space' where we can see the free space of knowledge, love, eternity
where the dynamics does not affect us...we will go beyond the
dynamism...'accept all, respect all' 'accept everything, respect
everything' should be the philosophy...
we agree or we are 'for' some views, we should never be against any
view...as everything is right as long as they remain unproved!
'perception' of god is out of what i have seen, experienced and
perceived...no god has come in my dreams ever...only people i have
interacted with have come (dei...dei...dei...appidi paakkaatheenga
...yes...some actors
...are you happy now!!!
)...so rarely some actresses also have come
has come...ghosts have come once in a while...but i have
always ran behind them to catch them to check if they are true!...so
landed up on shaking hands and legs violently on bed...and of course,
put to rest after that by my wife!!!
to god...my perception...it is not he or she...it is 'it'...it is
'nature'...it is spread every where...there are no different entities
like 'god' 'universe' 'we' etc...it is all 'one'...so no one has created
any one or anything...i.e god has not created universe or the life as a
different entity...also we can not stand out and see the things around
us as 'god' 'me' 'universe'...all three
form one...as a whole...so nature is god...we are all part of
nature...including all living and non living beings around us on earth
and space...so, we can not say 'human beings' 'animals' etc...
1. so nature is god
2. it exists everywhere
3. it is a part of us and we are a part of it
nature exists...it undergoes changes...it is dynamic...this dynamism
includes all what we call as births, deaths, creations etc...
so, there is nothing like birth, death etc...we remain in some form of
nature always...on earth as carbon compounds...so, there is nothing to
fear...no one to fear...no fear of death...as we exist always...in some
form or the other...
6. so, god has no physical form the way we have been taught, told, etc...
primitive human being is the wisest as he saw god as nature...he only
worshiped nature...he did not have temples (as i said earlier this
should not be construed that i am against temples!!!)...he did not have
Lord Subramanya or ganesh or shiva and all their stories, incarnations
etc...he only had nature...he had the same brain that we have at this
point of evolution...same intelligence...same thinking power...he did
not have the confusions and mess that we have...he was clear...there was
commonality of thinking among people!
8. nothing belongs to us here...nothing belongs to any one and every thing belongs to every one!...we have only usage rights!
so, who is god?
nature is god
who are we?
compounds like any other carbon compound in nature. we are part of god
and god is part of us! we are no different from god and god is no
different from
all that i type in my mails about love, relationships, management, science etc etc are the fallouts of this grand philosophy...
more we will see later...as the mail has grown big!
let us not separate like...we...god...universe...let us not see we
standing at one place...god standing in front of us...and the entire,
earth, moon, planets, galaxies, the entire universe as the third
entity...no different entities...all in one '1'!!!
keep rocking my dear carbon compounds!
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