hai friends...how are you?
(dei...dei...romba sirikkaaathey...!!!)
sure some might have liked the yesterday's mail and some would not
have...but i am sure if you think about this philosophy you will like it
over a period of time...as it leads to happiness, good health and self
video is not good...but audio is awesome!...there are two lines in this
song...'i remember having seen your face somewhere...i remember having
lived with you some time!'
...this condition is not faraway!!!
usual, you
should listen before going to bed or early in the morning!...if you
want to get the full enjoyment, then you should sing with emotions and
involvement!!!...all the best!
country has its constitution...the philosophy of the country!...all
it's policies and behaviours are set by the constitution!
every organisation has its vision statement...a broad working
philosophy of the organisation!...all its policies and behaviours fall within this!
animals do not have any philosophy of life!
do we have any?
not, i think we should take a paper and write down, 'this is my
constitution!'...this is my philosophy of life!'...all our thinking,
beliefs, rituals, behaviours etc should fall within this...as we can not
live like animals without a philosophy!
of us have unwritten philosophy...if you try to write you are unable to
write...you feel 'it is there in my mind, it governs me, but i am
unable to write...shit! what to write yaar?'
can get amended...like the constitution of a country undergoes changes
from time to time...but important is that there has to be one!
the goals in life have to come out of this philosophy...i hope all of us have some goals!
wrote mine in the last mail...it governs all my thinking, beliefs,
behaviours etc...it is a overall philosophy which governs me and my
social interaction with the people, things, situations outside me...
you read it again and again and think about it you will find it answers
all the questions that you get in your mind about who you are, what you
are supposed to do here and all about god, spirituality, god men and
sooooooo many other things that confront us physically and mentally
every day in day out!
more about it we will see in the days to come...
keep reading news in the news papers every day...'a group of elephants
entered the suburbs and killed two people...the villagers gathered on
the road and agitated requesting for safety of their lives!'...'people
from vaalpaarai went to collector and requested him to save them from
the wild animals'...like this it goes on...every day i see such
news...does it not look
silly!...we have entered the forest...the home of the wild animals
destroying their natural habitat, and complaining that wild animals are
disturbing our lives!!!...if we allow them to live peacefully without
entering their domain why should they disturb us?...they don't get
water...they don't get food...we destroy the nature...i.e we destroy the
god...i.e we are demons...as demons only destroy!
ok now, the punch of the day!
have been hearing from my childhood that 'handling the girls is
extremely difficult and next to impossible!'...have heard that there
are books written like 'men are from mars and women are from venus!'...i
also get a forwarded mail saying 'finally a book telling how to handle
women has been written, and showing a photo of a biggggggggg
book!'...they also say that 'depth of a woman's mind can not be found'
etc...but i think it is too easy to handle a girl!...so guys, listen
carefully...today onwards your life will be too simple and full of
fun!...it is not so difficult to handle a girl...now listen!
you show the attached pics to your wife, i am sure all girls will like these puppies!...you be like these puppies!
never interfere in her activities!
let her take all decisions!
never ask any questions!
never get angry at her!
finances, leave it to her!
keep praising her, as praising is not difficult for us!..we praise kings, bosses and the god too!
never give any decisions!
give only opinion, only when asked!
as i said...be like that puppy...
always licking her!
always smiling...
always running behind her!
but stop when she says stop!
like that puppy!
keep looking at her...
giving the looks
of those puppies when she bullshits you!
and also produce that 'kmmmm'...'kmmmm' sound!
never mind her angry words!...as they are from your honey!
when ever she looks at you give a nice smile...innocent smile...like the one that puppy gives...come on smile
and show!....yes...that is the way...lips stretching to the ends!!!...good!!
with the smile you should also wag your tail...like that puppy
does...like this...Oh!..not like that man...look at me...like this the
back should bend to the left and
right...left...right...left...right...come on do it!...yes...that is the
i am sure if you do this you will get lots
and lots of kisses and hugs...like the puppy gets!
byeeeeeeeeeeeeee...keep waging!...sorry...keep rocking puppies!
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