the songs for the day for
you to sing, practice and enjoy is attached...two songs!!!...girls!! give it a try...even the singer appears to be practicing in the youtube video!!
...i give the you tube link just to listen to the song in case the download is not working...some times songs are good...some
times video is good...some times both are is the youtube link....
you don't get it just type 'o crazy minnal' in you will get
that song! is from the latest released tamil movie 'naduvuley
konjam pakkathai kaanom'!!!
i am sure many of you must be angry at me after reading my views about god, spituality, god men etc...
me make it little better and clear...most of the issues related to the
above are 'experienced' or 'believed'. As long as these are within the
zone of comfort physically and long as these are giving
happiness, good health (physical, mental and social wellbeing) and path
of achievement...nothing in wrong in following i always say
every one of past, present and future will always have some percentage
of these in their science will never be able to prove
everything in the universe...
i am only against those who spread superstitions, fear
(fear of god...e.g 'if you don't do this or do not follow then god will punish you!') etc in the soft hearted poor people...
thousands of gods...
thousands of stories about them...
lakhs of temples...
have created gods with human looks, scary looks and given human like
characteristics...'if you give offering then god will give you what you
want'...'if you don't do this god will punish you'...obviously all of us
are scared about god!...
my opinion god should be depicted as 'love...a bundle of love...full of
love...that god is nature who will accept all loves even
the cruel, to change them...etc...
of god...fear of parents...fear of teachers...fear of every one and
everything!...i think it is not the right way...fear, though is a
natural emotion...even an infant gets scared and cries if we produce
alarming sound...i think should not be cultivated...but to be much as possible...
scary movies...
scary gods...
scary parents...
scary teachers...
why should we get scared?
fear...does it give any advantage?
does it add to our
does it give us happiness, good health and put us in achievement path?
does it in anyway help us?
it only spoils our sleep!
it only spoils our day!
it only spoils our
it only spoils our progress!
so, why should we get scared!
why should we watch scary movies?
we will see more about fear in future...
maha kavi bharathi says 'achham achham illai...ini adimai yendrum illai!' (no fear! no slavery!)
yes...let us not be slaves of gods!
slaves of parents!
slaves of teachers!
everywhere and anywhere!!!
what a
stupidity!!!...we are all born free, to live free and enjoy the freedom!
why fear and slavery!
of fear...we should see god, parents and teachers as a form of
love...then we will not have fear...we will only love...we will like
them...we will try to go more closer to them...we would like to be with
them always...we will try to emulate them...we will follow
them...we will love to go to temples, home and schools!...if we groom
children this way then they will like all these three places...three
people...or else they will only run for a child, god is
like 'kaali devi'...scary!!!...parents are like lions...teachers are
like tigers!
we will discuss about this issue in the days to come...fear, god, spirituality, god men can not be covered in one mail...
bye...keep rocking...
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