Tuesday, 15 January 2013

the best way to solve conflicts and adaptability problems!

hai friends*:) happy....how are you?*:D big
sorry for *I-) sleepy for many days!*:) happy

hope the festival seasons are over...!

our ancestors are sooooo nice!...they have made many festivals at regular intervals that once you finish one and feel bored the other one knocks you to rock!...so 'pongal' is on its way to rock the people here!!

ok...the issue of the day!...

every day from morning to evening we interact with many...at home...at office...in the society...in the cyberspace...soooo many of them!

with some we are emotionally involved...with some no emotions!

with almost all of them we have some adaptability problem or the other some time or the other...or others have problems with us!

as there is nothing wrong or right...good or bad...as long as it gives happiness, good health and success in a long run...adaptability problem involves not only you or he or she or the environment, it involves both the parties concerned!...adaptability problem is never with just one individual!

'adaptability' and 'expectations' are lovers...they are together always!*:) happy
more the expectations, more the adaptability problems...less the expectations, less the problems, more the happiness...

when we have adaptability problem with a person what we normally do?

we hate them
we fight with them
we shout at them
we abuse them
we join with others and show all the cruelty to them
we make them feel 'rejected'
we make them feel isolated
we make them cry
we make them feel lonely (not 'alone')
we make them feel unhappy
we make them feel unhealthy
we spoil their mood
we spoil their success
we spoil their day
we spoil their life
in worst conditions we even push them to self pity and

what is the end result?

we lose a relationship
we might lose our job
we might kill a person
we become hindrance on the life of others
we lose a 'human resource'
though there are several social websites,
it is difficult to get a good relationship that will remain life long
so, why to lose the one you got?

so what is to be done?

instead of hating, start loving the individual more!
consider the person as a 'cute baby'!

if the individual is not 'important' for you, you will say 'bye bye'. But if the individual is important, then you would not like to leave. If we are emotionally involved, if we love the other person truly, then only the problem comes...the adaptability problem...due to the differences...so, once we like them and love them, why to hate them?...they are babies...small children...not matured enough...in fact it could be other way too...the problem may be with us...in general the problem is with both!

so, the first medicine to be given to the individual(s) or the lubricating oil to be administered is 'LOVE'...i.e making the other person to feel 'i am there with you! you are important to me!'...most of the time, this medicine itself makes the social machinery to run fine...love, the constructive weapon, makes the people united...brings in happiness and good health between the two...if not sufficient, then they can approach for the help of a counselor...psychiatrist...psychologist...as, where there are expectations, the individuals will not listen to each other...they need a third person from whom there is no emotional or life expectations...a person who knows the behaviour modification methods...a professional who can remove the adaptability problems...who can remove the perception problems.

so, let us not fight or hate people whom we love...husband or wife or children or friends or boss or peer or subordinate or lover or any other reltionship...LET US LOVE THEM!...LET US LOOK AFTER THEM...SO WHAT, IF THEY FIND FAULT WITH US...LET US TREAT THEM AS CHILDREN...LET US PAMPER THEM...BECAUSE WE WANT THEM...WE WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY...HEALTHY...SUCCESSFUL..CONTENTED...so, cuddle, kiss and hug them!...let us show the right way of treatment for adaptability problems...

imagine the situation or what will happen if both of them involved in adaptability problems read this mail and treat each other as small child?...how nice it will be?...they will only love each other. They will only cuddle, kiss and hug each other. They will make the other person feel 'i am there with you! you are important to me!'...then where is the adaptability problem?...it is gone...போ யே  போச்சு !... போயிந்தி!*:)) laughing

even if they have minor differences they can be ironed out by the counselor!

so, let us start loving every one...the best way at office is 1. have always a smiling face 2. help as much as possible 3. never shout 4. be cool 5. but make the person feel 'how could you do this to me?' when ever required...once in a while you can indicate 'i mean business!'...'i look after you, you look after the organisation!'...it works!

the crux is
1. 'love is the first and best medicine for all social problems!'
2. in most of the situations, do not do what you or others normally do...do the opposite...it works!...here no hatredness...only love!

keep rocking guys and gals...bye...*:-h wave


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